G.A.S. is as Great As S..

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I find myself whipping out the book for random readings when I'm bored...I think it's because it's fun to picture Gary in the Stu shippy scenes. Mmmm...Especially this line in one scene that I've mentioned before. "He was wearing jockey shorts and nothing else, their whiteness almost dazzling against his tanned skin..." Now THAT'd be a scene! :drool:

Oh and MBGrissom...Can we forget the belly tickle and go straight to pulling the pants down....*g*
Mel23 said:Oh and MBGrissom...Can we forget the belly tickle and go straight to pulling the pants down....*g*

Pantsing the eccentric but oh-so-delectable Mr. Morgan...I could definitely go for that!! :D
Ahh, The Stand. First watched it when I was 9, a little too young to notice how HOT Stu was, but every time I've seen it since.....

One of the things I love about Gary's 'good guy' characters is that they have their heads on straight. I like to think that Gary is like that too (in addition to being too freakin' hot to possibly be 30 years older than me.... :D )

It really is a great miniseries, though I thought The Langoliers was good too.
I would love to watch it and I'm trying to get it from the library but every time it comes back and I go in, it's gone!! This last time it was taken out 2hrs max before I got there :mad:
I did manage to get A Midngight Clear and the Travels With Charley audiobook which I started last night. Sadly I fell asleep! No offense to Gary of course!
I just watched Gary in the made-for-TNT channel movie "George Wallace" that he did in 1997. He won an Emmy for it. It's hard to find, only out on VHS. He gave an absolutely mesmerizing, powerhouse performance in it. Has anyone seen it? (Anyone who frequents GSC knows I'm dying to discuss it with someone else who has seen it!) The role of George Wallace could have ended up being a stereotypical, one-dimensional Bad Guy in lesser hands, and therefore less impacting, but Gary gave true depth and heart to the character, even though Wallace was, for many years of his life, positively repugnant... anyway, Gary's performance literally took my breath away, in this one. Even though many of his roles are more famous and well liked, I think this was truly one of his best performances. He actually made me interested in watching a man I grew up hating, and made me cheer for his redemption, at the end. It was three hours, but I was riveted every minute of it.
I watched it when it aired but I can't recall why, unless even then it was just to see more Gary lol. I don't remember all of it now but I do recall watching it. I do remember liking the ending...
Kim, I haven't seen Truman either, and I would definitely like to. I saw it for sale online at Movies Unlimited and was tempted to order it, I read great reviews about it.
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