G.A.S. is as Great As S..

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ShuriyuCSI said:
I always liked this one. Now basically whenever I see snow, I'm reminded of this pic.

Awww. He looks so sweet, there. Makes me wanna come over and brush the snow from his hair :)

Is that from a film or a photo shoot?
ranma said:
ShuriyuCSI said:
I always liked this one. Now basically whenever I see snow, I'm reminded of this pic.

Awww. He looks so sweet, there. Makes me wanna come over and brush the snow from his hair :)

Is that from a film or a photo shoot?

I love that photo too! It's from the film "The Human Stain".
OMG girls, all the pics are really... hot :devil: :devil: Maybe I`m a bit obssesed with this man but I don`t care :cool:
Thank you honeys.
:) Actually I already have the next chapter, but my patient beta have to do her magic and correct it,(I love you Jo) so Gaby honey, I think you have to wait a bit more, but I promise that this chapter is more spooky and long than others ;)
And because I don´t want to be completly OT (just a litlle :cool:) a new pic...


(sorry if I`m repeting a pic, but when I see it I forget about everything else...I wonder Why? :cool:

Kisses sweeties.
:D And I`m sure that you neither can explain why :devil:

Anyway honey, the first picture that you have post here is going to diminish my attencion today :eek: holly shit! the guy is really sexy on it! Thank you sweetie.

Actually I can. I'm seeing everything with a photographer's eye and that picture is everything a good pic needs: a nice looking 'object' and it's a simple set. Nothing else is needed. :)

That man could be my dad, but he still looks good infront of the camera. So we might have a little different take on things about that b/w picture. :lol:
Actually I can. I'm seeing everything with a photographer's eye and that picture is everything a good pic needs: a nice looking 'object' and it's a simple set. Nothing else is needed.

:lol: :lol:
You are so right honey, specially about the "nice looking object" :devil: ... now I`m going to search more pics, just to satisfy our "photographer eye".

Kisses sweeties.
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