G.A.S. is as Great As S..

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Hi sweeties!

Now I would just love to lick and nip my way up that neck....

It is nice (and reassuring) to know there are more people like me out there :devil: Thank you honey.
About the lick thing...well, maybe we all should make the "Let us lick Sinise foundation" or something similar (of course the name is capable of change) :D
Now I have importants things to do (like play with my kitten and maybe study :cool: ) but latter I will be here again

Lots of kisses
please god tell me that "the stand" is based on the book by stephen king??if thats true then my life is actually complete....my favourite book and favourtie actor.... (",)
Hello honey!

Yes "The stand" is based on the great, great Stephen King book, :D is my favourite book too and Stu Redman never look more hot to me :eek: :devil: .
If you are going to search on Emule or similar be careful, the complete movie have 4 cd`s.

Lots of kisses and "hello" again.

Here you go a piccie of Stu


isnt he just yummy :devil:
*melting* wow i really really really have to get that dvd.this is a great week for me - i find out gary is in the stand and my favourite band are coming to ireland.yay!!!
Thought I would post some nice Gary pics for my birthday


Sexy in Black


Sexy in practicaly nothing


In fact just downright sexy.
Happy birtday honey!

Your pics are just a present for all of us too :D, I love Gary in all, but the first one is going to pursue me in my dreams :cool: Thank you!
I`m going to search you more Gary photos, just because it is your birthday, I`m far from beeing obssesed (ejem) :D

Did anyone ever wonder what it says on the dog tag he's wearing during concerts? He had recived it and it says "America Supports You". The tag is related to thinking about the troops in Iraq. It only seems fitting that he wears it to each concert now hn?

There where you can see the site -> Tis the first couple pictures. http://www.amillionthanks.org/Photo_Album.asp
OMG! *faint* too much hottness in this thread. :eek:
BlueGirl, Thank you for those amazing Gary's pics. They make me wanna ....:devil: err forget 'bout it :lol:
BlueGirl thanks for the great pics.

And I thought the LR and the Danny/Carmine threads were dirty! How foolish of me!

We just have a healthy interest in Garys lovely body. Which I may add he seems to have no problem showing in public.

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