Funny Faces/Caption This 2!!!!

Sara: Just admit it already, you've been back there haven't you?
Grissom: Okay, I admit it, I went for another session at Lady Heather's.
Warrick: Grissom, you are sooo bad
*Giggles at 1_LaDy_RoSe_1* Lady Heather...

Lady Heather Pic

Grissom: (Off camera) Don't look at me like that! I will not give you permission to crack people with whips in my lab!

Eh, the best I could come up with. I'm out of practice. :)
Lady Heather: Gil, I didn't know they made insect-picture underwear.

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Lady Heather: Jim, that's even too kinky for ME!

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Lady Heather: Mr. Zuiker, you can't imagine what I would do for you to become a regular on this series.
Dynamo1 said:

Lady Heather: Jim, that's even too kinky for ME!

LMFAO! there is no way I can top that, it'll keep me laughing for a long time, good work everybody!
Brass: Watch it, Lady Heather, you bring out the disciplinarian in me!

Lady Heather: (smiles and acts flirty) Why Captain, I didn't know you cared!
Catherine: ICK! Must... not... puke... in front of... Warrick.


Catherine: Now that would have to be the biggest rat I have ever seen. AAAHH! It's attacking me! Help! Oh, wait, it's plastic! Duh!
Catherine: Lindsay, I can't believe you did that. You are grounded until you are ready for senior discount menus at Dennys.

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Catherine: Greg pulled another prank on me today. How can I blow him up again if he is out in the field.

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Catherine: Is it just me or are Grissom's bugs getting much bigger?

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Catherine: Mr. McGee, don't make me angry. You won't like me when I'm angry.
I...wish...I hadn't...stepped on...that...bug! I's huge, just look at it - ICK. *Oh God, tonights session at Lady H's is gonna be unpleasant, she loves Grissom's bugs*