
Bringing this thread out of retirement after last nite's excellent episode. :)
I've enjoyed the 'Olivia-over-there' storyline, but I'm glad they didn't drag it out too long. And a great performance by Lance Reddick; I was saddened to see his alt-character's fate.
Walter's 'vagenda' remark was hilarious! :lol:
Is it me, or is this show getting better?
I hope the move to Fridays doesn't kill it. It's one of the better dramas on tv right now.
Well, being honest, not my top list number something tv show.
Maybe because I'm picky about actors, because characters seemed interesting.
Maybe because concept reminded me of my beloved X-Files and anything steering similar way not always receives my best opinion.

But I'm only at the episode 3 by tonight and probably later on my thoughts will change.