Prime Suspect
Tinkerbell said:
I think it was The One With The Engagement Picture. It was really funny. :lol:
Ross (looking at a picture): I like this one. It seems to say, "I love you, and that's why I have to kill you." :lol:
Oh yeah, that was the one! Joey gave Chandler an antihistamine to loosen him up, and he still couldn't smile...so funny! :lol:
Alec Baldwin's character was a hoot!
Parker: I don't want to forget this moment! It's like I want to take a mental picture of you! Click!
Chandler: I don't think the flash went off.
I always liked the fact that the majority of Pheobe's boyf's were either total nutters or weirdos. I think out of all of them Mike was the most normal!