Former X-Philes, Unite!


CSI Level Two
I can't take it anymore.. so much X-Files lovin' leaks into the other threads I frequent, and evidently a lot of us used to watch it, so I'm opening this baby up.

Man, do I miss it. I started watching that show on day one. I was OB-SESS-ED. I had t-shirts, mousepads, posters, soundtracks, games, pillowcases, everything. I made (back in the days of VHS, so it was actually quite impressive) a cassette I called my "Mulder and Scully Romantic Compilation", which my partner makes fun of me for to this day. Plus, I live in Vancouver and scored a little role in the episode "Synergy". Man, those were the days. I can't believe it's been so many years.
You were in Synergy, Where? Thats like my favorite ep of The X-Files.

I accually got hooked when Doggett & Reyes where on for those last 2 years of it. I went out and bought the DVD's 1-9 and had myself an X-File marathon.

They're suppose to be doing another movie, I hope it comes out soon.
I meant Synchrony, not Synergy.. sorry.. it was the one where the dude travels back in time and kills people with this little freezing needle thingie? I never liked it so much. Anyway. I was about 12 at this point, and I'm in a scene that was filmed at the Vancouver Art Gallery. I'm a short red-headed girl sitting on the steps that Mulder smiles at as they walk by. I think it's at a point where they're interrogating the brunette woman, but it's been years since I saw it.

I could never stand Reyes. I didn't mind Doggett, because he's made of liquid metal and all (;)), but I loathed Mo(ro)nica. All with the whale sounds at little William's birth and all... *twitch*

I want that movie made.. I don't think it's been confirmed yet, but man do I hope so.
I am glad you opened this up ziggy (can I call you that?) I L-O-V-E, love the X-Files. And I must add, me having a gi-normous crush on DD, I am quite jealous of you. If I ever met DD I would be one of those shaking, crying, and mumbling fans saying "I love you David" :lol: Anyways LUCKY!
Hey, simple (Can I call you that? :)), everyone calls me Ziggy, so go ahead. Actually, you were my inspiration for opening this up. When you posted over on the GSR thread tonight and mentioned X-Files, it was like, the hundred millionth X-Files reference I've seen on here, and I couldn't bear NOT opening a Philes thread.

I can say honestly that David was a really, really, really nice guy. They both were. I got the tiny part that I got because my aunt was a makeup artist on the show, and my uncle was a lead carpenter, so they pulled strings. It was one of the greatest moments of like. EVER. :D
lol sure thats what people call me, and about mentioning X-Files I am always doing that. It isn't often that I am obsessed with a show before CSI it was X-Files. I still have my tapes when I would record them (before they came out on DVD) I can't bare to part with them. I have interviews recorded and DD on Who wants to be a millionaire, DD on SNL. That would have to be one of my favs. Seeing DD as a cheerleader was great. "Is it because I have nipples the size of dinner plates?" I still laugh at that. Okay now I am sounding crazy. :lol:
lol, I always liked the DD cheerleader skit. Him and Paula Abdul dancing together was classic. I had it on my harddrive for years. hee.
My X-Files obsession was really bad in high school. I just happen to have red hair, and my name IRL is Dayna. People I went to school with thought I dyed my hair and changed my name, and therefore thought I was crazy. It's tragic. Now, however, I am obsessed with CSI and STILL have red hair and STILL am named Dayna, so I think maybe they'd believe me now :)
lol....well I always wanted to dye my hair red but THAT would be tragic (with my skintone and all). But I know what you mean about being obsessed with X-Files and CSI...I got a cat in highschool and named it Mulder. And I just got a chihuahua and I named it Sara. So yeah. I am tragic. :p
Another veteran X-Phile here... :D Can't even remember how many cons I went to, including the very first one in San Diego back in...what, '93 or something? Had so much fun, especially getting together with my online X-Phile buddies from all over and having a huge party before (during and after :lol: ) the con...Also went to one of those little events they have at the DGA theatre where the cast and staff screen an episode and then take questions and do sort of a round-table thing. I met David after that, and a few weeks later again after a Leno taping. I agree, he's super nice!! I met most of the XF cast, between the DGA thing and various cons, and was blown away by how nice they all were! The writers were fun to talk to as well!

Oh, man...what fun days those were...when I moved up to Sacramento, I used to go to episode watching parties in the Bay Area with a bunch of online friends...I miss the cameraderie and the craziness!
Okay anyone here that hasn't met DD besides me?
and see they never came down here (I am in San Antonio,TX). No gatherings or anything. I use to go into the X-Files chatroom on yahoo though. That was always great. I even made a sn for the chat room. They_call_me_Spooky_Spooky_Mulder. I ended up not using it that much because girls would start hitting on me and I would be like "HEY I'm a CHICK! STOP IT" lol
Oh. My. God...

I LOVE that show!!! It was my life in High School!! I used to base school projects around it! I had all the videos and books and even the Scully ID badge! I was probably more obsessed with The X Files than CSI, just cause I was at a better age for it.

Zippy, I am soooooooooooooooo alarmingly jealous you got to be in it!! That was once my life goal, and I'm still slightly unwilling to accept that it's not going to happen now...

Mulder and Scully were the orignial ship (genuninly, they started the term) and I'll love them till my dying day! I recently started re watching from season 1 and they really did have chemistry right from the start!

Closest I came to meeting them was when Gillian Anderson came to my town last year to film Coneheads, but I never found her. Sad sad sad.
I've only just started watching the x-files about a month ago on the channel FX. I started wathing it from the 3rd season, and I'm thinking about buying the dvds.
Did somebody mention "spooky"? :D

I'm glad this thread is up. The one I made eons ago disappeared already. Gah.

I've never met any of the castmembers and probably never will (I live in Manila) but I sure was obssessed with the show some time back. I started in S6 and worked my way from there. I have all the ep guides, the novels and the dvds. Took me a quite a while to complete all nine seasons as it was pretty expensive but complete them I did. It was also thru this show that I found a lot of online friends. Chat-friends whom I eventually met and have somewhat bonded with over the years because of the XF-thons we've had whenever we have the time. These are the same friends who formed an XF club to be a part of our local Sci-Fi and Fantasy group. What can I say? I have geeks for friends. Hehe.

I'm not really a fan of Monica either but I could live with Doggett (hey, anyone who's half in love with Scully is okay by me). Most of my fave eps are in S4 to S7 with a smattering of them in S8. I remember how my friend texted me about the major MSR stuff in Essence/Existence coz she had internet access at home and I didn't. And the time and money I spent on DLing the very last scene! Ahh, good times.
I love this show. Sadly, I got addicted during the final three or so episodes.
I haven't watched it in a while though gotta start watching again.