Forensic Science Trivia Game!

Selina, yes the blow fly is one of the answers. =o) The second species is also a type of fly.

Note: I will be going away with my family and won't be able to access the internet until late Sunday afternoon/evening.
ok- sorry but looked diptera in dictionary- basically insect with two membraneous wings.... hmm... doesn't round it down that much (annoying thing is i know i've seen an episode where the answer was given)
bluebottle fly.....
Yes TallyHo, the second one is the flesh fly.

The two insects that arrive first are the blow flies (Calliphoridae) and the flesh flies (Sarcophagidae).

It's your turn to come up with a question.
Coup would be a hemmorage or bruise at source or point of impact. Contrecoup would be a bruise or hemmorage opposite the source or point of impact.
Coup would be a hemmorage or bruise at source or point of impact. Contrecoup would be a bruise or hemmorage opposite the source or point of impact.

That's basically correct. To which I would add the following detail:

"Blunt trauma to immobile head= contusion/hemorrhage of underlying brain (coup contusion/hemorrhage).

Mobile head impacts fixed mass = contusion/hemorrhage of underlying brain and brain parenchyma opposite to site of impact (contracoup contusion/hemorrhage)"

It's a subtle but important disintinction to note during the analysis.

Cheers. Your turn now. :)
Sorry about the delay. Lab work day. 24th anniversary there too. Okay, easy one:

What's "VACIS" used for?
It is really hard. *whispers to Khanada* I had no clue so I googled it and all I got was that is used by the Homeland Security Department or something. I couldn't get what it was used for though. *stops whispering* Yeah. I had no clue though. *winks at Khanada*