I realized something that makes this ship work. Flack and Stella sorta get and kinda appreciate each other's sense of humor. Flack just laughs off Stella's lame jokes and kidding personality and she just smiles when he snarks at people. They have this cute banter going on when they're on a roll and pumped up. I'm not making any sense, sorry.
The Fiesta moments last night were so sweet. Flack was such a teddy bear with Stella in his briefing her of the attack from that psycho. Flack putting on Stella's coat. Stella calling him Don, and thankful that he's her friend. Then the hug to end it all. I thought they were going to kiss when their heads touched before the hug. swoon! They are so good together. I so desire them to become a couple. I'm inclined to write some Fanfiction soon.
Not me. And pastmyshoulder.com doesn't have the very recent caps up yet. It slipped my mind to tape it.
When they repeat that episode, I'm taping it. No doubt about that.
Wow, I totally loved last night's episode. She called him Don, not Flack and that really says something. I just adored the way he stood by her side when he was helping her but the ending sealed it when they hugged each other and she gave him that peck on the cheek. I can't wait for the caps!