Flack/Lindsay #1- Shipping FM Radio

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"thingy" I want it! :lol: I'm glad I'm not the only one who sees you as Nutty.

Congrats screamingpoet You deserve it :D Your fics are amazing. Truly.
Saw the thread name not sure why your debating? Each person is going to say their own is the best. And I guess its for all the CSI shows? ok I will go check it out.
csicat said:
Ya I did, sorry I never responded. My comp restarted itself before I had a chance to. :) The "thing" is almost done. It's using one of the songs I'm going to post in the next thread. Which will hopefully open soon . . . I'm in the mood for a little party. :D

No worries. I just wasn't sure it went through. And I can't wait for the "thing"! Post, people! Post! :D
I personally never go in that Great Ship Debate.. Why? Eh cause somehow or another either somehow my ships get dished, or someone says something that pisses me off.. So I never go in them...And if yall make one on my board, I'll haunt you.

I haven't written any drabbles for NY, I did for Catherine/Nick, but none of Flack/Lindsay... Thats your way of telling me to write one, isn't it?
i hated that. i love a good debate as much as the next girl, but debating ships is something else entirely.

everyone sees chemistry differently there are no facts involved. sorry everyone, but moments while they actually happened, are viewed differently by different people and the only things you can say actually happened are the physical aspects, not the emotional. i know i'm totally stealing this from someone but [/rant]

and of course, i disappear for a while and you people, as tuesday so aptly put it, start "posting like the devil." why can't you guys ever do that when i'm here?

and IHNC, you want to add more fics to your plate? knock yourself out, hun.
Hey Iluvrr your not off the hook either for writing. And all I ask of you IHNC is to finish the basketball fic. Everyone esle is ok for now. But not for to long. ;) (so wish I could write) so sucks to be me. I can't help at all other than ides. Those I got.

I was thinking the same thing about that thread. It's opinion and that's ok. But you really can't debate that. Maybe it should be "the great ship discussion thread". No offense to those who post on it.
I agree, we all see chemistry different, -- But I'm glad we all agree on this one :D

why can't we when your here? Hmm cause we don't want to.

Em -- My plate is pretty huge ain't it? :lol:

^Somehow I knew you'd bring that up. Which is why I have it almost typed up. Yup that me do. I'm excited, Finally finished with this fic.
i know, i know...the fluffy summer fic is coming, promise.

and :eek:, you're almost done? wow. i'm excited. :D

and as to the 'we don't want to' comment. :p PPPBBBBTTTTHHHH!
Yup, I'm almost done. I finished some little touches on it in my notepad, took out some parts, added some new ones, and now I'm taking my sweet time at typing, making sure it all fits, and then its yours. :D

pbth! to you too :lol:
a belated Fourth of July present for you all...


it's FourthofJuly!fluff. which is almost as good as Christmas!fluff. which is the one i have to finish.

because honestly, people, what's fluffier than christmas?
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