Flack/Lindsay #1- Shipping FM Radio

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Flack/Lindsay #2 - Supply Closets Are Love
Flack/Lindsay #2 - City Boy, Country Girl
Flack/Lindsay #2 - It's A Block Party Thing
Personally I like 'Flack/Lindsay #2 - It's A Block Party Thing ' as it's a reference to one of the best episodes ever which had a cute Flack/Lindsay moment to start it off.
I loved "Charge of This Post." I was literally trembling the entire episode, waiting to see what happened with Flack. The suspense was great, not to mention the unity that came together with the team amidst tragedy. The friendship that showed through between Mac and Don was great. Total love there for the final scene.

I guess I'm a little sore that nobody chose my suggestions. I like "It's A Block Party Thing." Cute. I loved the scene at the beginning -- can't even imagine how much I was squeeing. I screamed when the building blew, though.
Welcome new members! Always happy to have more people on the Radio. :D I like the Block Party suggestion, too. And I say stay in NY for undercover work. It's a lot of work trying to figure out a feasible scenario for them going elsewhere undercover. And I have bunnies hopping around in my head, so there may be fic soon, if I can get my muses to cooperate. :D
Of course your special!... Now what would you like them to do. A) Flack "lets" Lindsay score. B) Lindsay "lets" Flack score. C) They do a different score ;) :devil: ...
I would like to think Lindsay could score on her own. And I don't think it would be a matter or letting Flack score he probably can stand back behind the line and put it in for three points all day. And of course in the end the different kind of scoring would be going on. Your multiple choice is just made to tease me. ;)

Ok how do I turn the poll option on? I looked in the FAQ and it didn't help at all.
Are we talking about Lindsay and Flack playing a game? Because I totally think Flack would try to let Lindsay win at first, but Lindsay would be all, "Hey...don't be gentle with me. I'm gonna beat you down, Don." And then they'd really get into it, and she'd win, somehow knock him down to the ground and help him up. Flack would pull her close and there would be much kissage.

I have no idea how to put up a poll. I'm going to look around, yes indeed.
Re Poll: When you click Reply, you can type like you normally would, then they'll be a little option underneath it says poll - questions. Keep the one there since your only asking one question. then click continue, and it'll ask you what you want the question to be you can put like Flack/Lindsay #2, Take one (or something thats what Cyko put and thats what we put when we made C/N's, you don't even have to put take one or anything.) then on that same thing (on the bottom) it'll ask how many things you want. You type in however many the suggestions we had, then you'll continue to that the part where you can put in all of the suggestions and make a open and close on the poll. :D Sorry if my directions completly suck.


Yeah, its for my fic that Em getting me to write, I have half of it on paper, I just have to type it up.

*gasps* It is not made to tease you...well yeah, it kinda is.
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