Flack/Angell #2 - We Got Game.

Aw... bye Chaos!

...Budget cuts? Okay, forget the writers. I hate the company.

Getting away from the sadness part, I'll pose some questions to ya'll.

1) How much did the team know about F/A? Did the whole team know they were dating, only a few, or did they just assume that he was upset because Jess was his partner?
2) Did Angell's father know that Don was the one she was dating? He seemed to have figured it out.
1) How much did the team know about F/A? Did the whole team know they were dating, only a few, or did they just assume that he was upset because Jess was his partner?
2) Did Angell's father know that Don was the one she was dating? He seemed to have figured it out.

I'm not sure about the team, although I'm sure they had a few guesses. As for her father, I'm pretty sure, because he said something about 'her smile being different' (I didn't catch the whole thing, I was crying by that point), and he seemed to know that was because of Flack.
Yeah, her dad mentioned that her smile had been different. So he knew that she was seeing someone. I suppose that at that point he had figured that Don was the "someone". Why else would he have mentioned it?
*shuffles in* I threw the remote at the TV... I'm surprised I didn't break anything. *sighs* I miss Jess so much.

For all of you that want to know why Angell had to be the one to die, read the interview with Emmanuelle Vaugier here. Poppet posted it in the Emmanuelle/Angell thread.
*reads the article* Budget cuts?! Are you freakin' joking?! How much does it cost to have someone guess star on the show? If they want to have budget cuts, try being a little more creative. You could have injured Jess so she would have been on medical leave, let her have some scenes once in a while and fill the rest with phone calls to and from Don and mentions from the rest of the cast. That oughta last you for a season at least until the budget comes through. That didn't take long for me to think up! *pokes viciously*
You'll be missed around here Chaos.

Thanks for posting that link. Budget cuts stink! Why did they have to kill her. They could have transferred Jess to another precinct and when the economy picked up they could have brought her back. Of course, they wanted the drama for the ratings. I'm not sure I'll stick around next season. I'll probably tune in to see how Flack's coping. After that only time will tell.
Here's a little gift for all you devastated FA fans... Though not sure this video will make you feel any better but Jess deserves this: YouTube

It's hard for me to decided whether or not to keep watching. I mean I started out as a mere innocent little CSI NY fan and it gradually grew into FA so my love for CSI NY is still there but it will be hard to watch it without Angell... My worst fear right now, is character change in Don. I mean I understand his need to mourn for a few episodes but what if we never get back the bubbly sarcastic Don we all grew to love?
I'm still watching. I'm too addicted to this show (second to CM, of course). F/A was my first ever true ship, and the ship that brought me to TalkCSI. Even so, I'm not leaving as F/A leaves. I miss Angell, but I really do want to see how they do next season with the cliffhanger and Don's emotions.
what. the. heck. budget cuts? are you freaking kidding me? :| i guess they could adjust the budget stuffs without killing a character right? i mean, getting those hollywood guest stars must've caused them a lot. but, idk. aargh. so pissed. she better be back for the season 6 premiere, even just f/a flashbacks would salvage this whole thing a little bit.
I can't decide if I should stop watching. F/A was my favorite ship, and Angell was one of my favorite characters. I wouldn't mind if they had killed her because EV wanted off the show, but the fact that it was because of money really peeves me. There are so many other ways cut back. I'm definitely going to watch the season 6 opener, because I want to see if they continue with Flacks depression. If not, then I'm thoroughly done with NY. The lack of continuity on this show drives me crazy.
The lack of continuity on this show drives me crazy.

Seriously. Although, it's not just this show that has problems. If I didn't watch Criminal Minds, I probably wouldn't know that continuity existed. :lol:

F/A is my favorite ship. Angell was my Tied-For-First Favorite Character Ever On Television. I just like the show so much, but I'm worried that it'll go the road of CSI. They started making stupid moves, and then I couldn't really care that much about the show. That's how CM went from being my second-favorite show to Oh My God If I Miss An Episode I'll Die. I'll probably still watch NY, but I just won't like it if they throw out this fantastic opportunity for character development.
I've always thought I can carry on the last episode, but Angell's deathgot the best of me.

I've posted before that once it's confirmed that she will be killed in the finale, I'll post one last time and permanently leave Talk.

Guys, it's been a blast. These past seasons Angell was in and the transition of her relationship with Flack were truly priceless. I'm supposed to print a book right now, but FINALE just destroyed my anticipation for the next season.

I felt Flack's anger completely and I would absolutely do the same thing. I feel for him. He almost got the best year/s of his career. Worst that could happen is that he would bottle things up and would turn up ruthless. I hope I'm wrong on this.

That's it. My last post. Angell is a TRUE person and officer. Pretty much sums it up.

Hate to see you go Chaos. But I respect your decision. I kind of feel the same way. I have zero interest in the show anymore, I thought I would still be able to watch even after her death..... but always waiting for Angell's episodes made me excited about the show. That's all gone. I'm going to wait and see how the first month of season 6 is.

Now that we won't have Angell or F/A I just feel like crap. I completely cried, i've watched it both times and just teared up. I will always be a devoted fan though. Why TPTB why???? Budget cuts? Whatever!!! :censored::scream: you!!They are just cruel.

The only good thing: Don shot the SOB that did this. GOOD, GOOD JOB!! I would have done the same and not even hesitated once. F/A will always and forever be the best and cutest couple on television!
I agree with a lot of you guys when you say you don't know whether to keep watching or not. F/A was by far my favorite ship of all the series and will always be. As mad as I am, I still am curious to see Flack in season six.

They better not let him be perfectly fine like nothing happened, but at the same time, I don't want him to become too crazy and ruthless, you know.
In respect to Flack,I am not sure what I want.If he is fine,I would be mad becouse Angell didn't mean much to him.But I don't want him to lose his sarcastic,funny style.

I may give it a try but the problem is that is not only that there would be no more F/A,is that I also can't stand Lindsay or D/L and cases are getting weak.
Man I loved these two together! Eddie and Emmanuelle had amazing chemistry too bad they had to kill her off! Although it was great seeing Flack have a big emotional part in the season finale. Wish it didn't have to be for this reason though. I'm gonna miss Angell and seeing these two together. :(
Budget cuts? Seriously? I know one thing though, the budget isn't the only thing they will cut by killing her off!