Hit and Run
exactly. i think it was faylinn who did a tally in the rush to judgment review discussion (the article, not the grading here at the forum) of how many scenes flack and angell have individually with other people and together. and so far it has been even this season. 2 without (enough, forbidden fruit) and 3 with (dead inside, help, rush to judgement). so yeah, they're not together ALL the time, so when they have a small scene even without flirting or whatever, just like in help, it's really awesome. tptb is doing a great job in balancing them out.Flack and Angell are detectives they work separate cases with all the characters they're not always gonna be around each other. this is one of the many reasons why i like this ship so much, they're not always around each other so when they do get together for a small scene no matter what they're doing is just hot.
they are seriously the hottest ship on tv. :lol:
This is great in a way because CBS might be less inclined to destroy the relationship as much as they have with other major cast members of different shows.
I totally agree, i think they have them perfect at the moment, each epi showing another snippit of the witty banter they're so great at and as csimania19 said it keeps getting hotter no matter how or what they do.
This evident in the picture below hehe!