Flack & Aiden #2 - Benzosothyazolonal Lovin'

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Yeah. I don't think they fired her or anything. I can just see her wanting to do movies more.

I don't know, we'll see. Anything goes at this point. There's no official word yet. And maybe they won't even kill her, maybe she'll just leave.
Yeah. I love Aiden. I do. It says she works a hard case in the first episode, so my bet is that she either quits because of the case, or she gets killed during it.
Holy shit. A character killed? I don't want it to be Flack! I don't wanna go through what I went through with Speedy! I'm still not entirely over his death, just the S/C ship. Bleh.

I don't want it to be Aiden, either, she kicks to much ass. So that leaves Flack, but he's so... wonderfull! You know what? I'm going for Danny. Danny will die. Heh.

*Releaved sigh*

If I keep believing it, it'll help me not worry over F/A.

Whew. I just hope the Danny fans don't attack me. :D Please?
Yeah. I don't think they fired her or anything. I can just see her wanting to do movies more.

I don't know, we'll see. Anything goes at this point. There's no official word yet. And maybe they won't even kill her, maybe she'll just leave.

Well they did report this character dies, and won't make it. I guess Vanessa wants to strike into movies while she's fresh.
Whew. I just hope the Danny fans don't attack me. :D Please?

hmmm... i don't want danny to die. as sure as hell i don't wanna flack or aiden to die as well cos i love all the CSI:NY characters.

as for the attacking from dan-fans *sharpens knife* lol joking joking...
I'm on the edge between Danny or Aiden. I have my reasons but that's for a whole other thread.

Anyway, I think it will just break our hearts if Aiden or Flack leaves. There goes this ship. :(

But that's jumping ahead. ;)
:lol: I have a day off. And then on Sunday it's a parade.

More marching. Hooray.

See, not many people realize how hard Marching Band really is. We deserve more credit.
Yeah, marching bands do. There's a lot of coordination and team work involved.

It sound like you had yourself a little adventure, Jen. Tornadoes, log cabins, sun burn- it's like Nancy Drew in college. :lol: I bet you'll enjoy your day off, eh?

And the strangest feeling came over me, for the first time since winter, I am in an F/A mood! Whee!
:lol: Yes, I do enjoy my day off. Slept in as long as I could and laid down on the couch. But somehow, I can't relax much. :lol: Want to get up and do some things right now.

Anyway, F/A mood? Yey! I'm still trying to get there.
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