Flack & Aiden #2 - Benzosothyazolonal Lovin'

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How about Flackies and... er... something which we call Aiden fans. Cos Flackies are Flack fans and I'm trying to come up with a name for Aiden fans. How about Aidenites as in to dynamites? OK that was lame but I was desperate! And Benzo isn't a nice name.

I have no idea. None. At. All.

What do the two of them really have in common? I was thinking something along the lines of the thought of them holding hands thanks to the Montasery but I can't come up with anything funny or smart to fit with it.
Okay, let's just name what we have so far:

Ducks - Quacks
Hunted Houses
Snark (they're both snarky as hell)

What else?

Aiden mentioning about the Montasery being a perfect placed to get laid. So, that can lead to something about them being dirty or something. :lol:
Aiden mentioning about the Montasery being a perfect placed to get laid. So, that can lead to something about them being dirty or something.

How about Montasery Lovin'?

BTW, there's no rush guys - its just you were all saying how much you hated the Benzos, I thought you might like a new name to wash away the old one ASAP. But it'll take as long as it takes - there's no clock running ;)
I was thinking too, but I can't come up with something that doesn't sound silly.
Maybe "Burning Flacklovers" or "the holding hand Bond? *hides herself*
You know, Flack was burning rubber in the finale, was a F/A scene, and it has the word burn in there. Burning rubber is also used as a sexual euphemism.

I don't know how to translate it into shipper terms, though. Rubber Burners doesn't flow at all. Burn Rubbers? Need help.
I think 'Burning Rubber' works really well as a ship name, without needing to tweak it - just my two cents ;)

ETA: Eddie Cahill is going to be participating in a live chat in the CSIFiles chat room! Check out the details Here
I like Burning Rubber. Seriously, I do. :lol:

I saw that and I'm so excited. Too bad I won't be able to be there when it's going on so I'll just have to read the transcript Wednesday.
When I was on here last night, I saw you guys were trying to come up with a new name for F/A and I tried to think of something last night, but nothing came to mind. (Not that surprises me at all.) 'Burning Rubber' sounds good to me too.

Doreen - I mentioned this in the fic section, but I loved your story.

kati - loved the new wallpaper.

That's awesome about the chat with Eddie. Maybe I can actually be there this time for this chat. I have that night off, unlike the other 2 chats.
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