Lab Technician
Now Imagine Flack/Eddie as a baby with all of these expressions -
he would one cute/fun kid..............
in a word - ADORABLE !
*can only think of the youtube video with the kid making all those fantastic Dr. Evil expressions without even realizing that he's doing it* :guffaw:
Flack would definately be one of those kids. I can only imagine that he probably STILL makes faces at himself just for giggle while brushing his teeth in the morning, just like he would when he was a kid.
Not only that, but those baby blue's would've made every mother in NYC envious that they didn't belong to her child.
I think people would probly record everything he does as a kid..........no need for TV........just let this kid roam the house.....and watch...better than any TV you'll ever see :guffaw::guffaw::guffaw::guffaw:
His expressions are hard to describe - its halarious....he knows what to say and when to say it - just on time. cracks me up.