^^Aww, but Flack didn't put up with crazy fangirls in LA this summer, so I think that's a point in
MrElsie's favor.
Wow, thread number 8--that means more than seven
thousand posts about our favorite homicide detective. I love the graphic in the opening post, too. He's so pretty. :lol:
I wonder how many threads are full of us wishing they'd bring up Flack Sr? :lol: Because that's what I just thought: 'Let's see, what do I want to say about Flack? Hmm, what do I want to see...Flack Sr, of course.'
I'd also love to see Gavin Moran make another appearance. And, of course, the mysterious brother Flack mentioned in "Time's Up".
This might be random, but maybe the reason Flack is the Jr instead of his (possibly, not definitely) older brother is that they have different fathers. You know, like their mom was married before or just had a kid before she married Flack Sr, and even though Flack Sr raised the boy as his own, he's still not technically a Flack--might have caused some tension in the Flack household...
Anywho, moving on... :lol:
CSINYMIA000 said:
I really liked the bar scene with Danny & Flack.
Oh yeah, that was a great scene. It was nice to see them acknowledge that these two are friends outside of work, and show that Don is the one Danny turns to when he is having doubts--and that Don is there for him. It's a great friendship, I love it.

*glances at signature banner and winks*