Flack #8 - Flack, Don Flack

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Too bad. S4 and we still don't have a solid answer to a S1 question. :(

Yes, Stella had to fill him in about sins and now he's been to a Catholic school? Someone only went to school to wear the X-rays. :p

And if the first thing he bough disappointed his innocent eyes, why did he kept on buying? :lol:
And if the first thing he bough disappointed his innocent eyes, why did he kept on buying? :lol:

I attribute it to his faith in the good in people...maybe he thought that eventually he'd get his money's worth...that or he wasn't the brightest bulb in the lamp throughout his childhood... But he's pretty, so he can get away with a little idiocy now and then ;)...he's so pretty :)
I agree with Elsie...Flack may have gone to Catholic school but that doesn't necessarily mean it was an expensive private school. He may have attended a parochial school, which is run by the local parish, which means tuition is so much lower. Flack, not knowing much about being Catholic because he was too busy looking at girls, that one's just too funny. :lol: :lol: I could just see it in my mind how Flack was describing a nun flying at him because of the x-ray glasses. :lol:
Lorelai said:
. So, maybe dad wanted his sons to be doctors, lawyers, senators.. etc. Donnie is a cop! A homicide detective. May this be the reason things are not all good with dad? He's disappointed by him, and doesn't appreciate that the son is loving the same job he did. Was dad a det. too? And what if the brother did what dad wanted. Aka he is a white collar, doctor or whatever. That would also explain the "insults". What do you think?

You know, I kind of wondered that too when Flack talked about his brother's "insults." It made me think the brother might be a snob, working in some profession where he looks down on Flack. Again, that's what made me think he was younger than Flack...the younger brother who took a different path than dad and Flack and is a little arrogant about it.
Top41 said:
Lorelai said:
. So, maybe dad wanted his sons to be doctors, lawyers, senators.. etc. Donnie is a cop! A homicide detective. May this be the reason things are not all good with dad? He's disappointed by him, and doesn't appreciate that the son is loving the same job he did. Was dad a det. too? And what if the brother did what dad wanted. Aka he is a white collar, doctor or whatever. That would also explain the "insults". What do you think?

You know, I kind of wondered that too when Flack talked about his brother's "insults." It made me think the brother might be a snob, working in some profession where he looks down on Flack. Again, that's what made me think he was younger than Flack...the younger brother who took a different path than dad and Flack and is a little arrogant about it.
Maybe that has something to do with the good relationship with the CSI. IF he grew up with a brother bothering him because he wasn't going to be a genious, a doctor or a lawyer, maybe he had something against the geeks. Meeting the CSI and getting closer to them maybe made him believe not all the smart guys were aginst smart cops :)
OMG... no ties and in jeans? *salivates*

[tangent]Speaking of Ninja's, in the DVD commentary with PV and EC on "Consequences," Eddie makes some crack about wishing Flack would jump up and pull a ninja move on Mac during some point in the episode. [/tangent]
:lol: I would like to see that haha. And Mac would be, "What the hell just happened?"

And if the first thing he bough disappointed his innocent eyes, why did he kept on buying?
Maybe he thought he just bought the defective one and the others in the batch worked fine. :lol: Persistent little guy haha. LOL, Imagine a little boy!Flack tapping Mommy Flack's knee asking for a dollar or two to buy a toy. *squees*
mandy9578 said:
*thud* OMG. Look at that ass! :devil: :D Heeheehee.

When Flack went chasing after the Chinese guy amid all the fireworks, I was going, "So that's the whole my-stunt double-made-me-look-like-a-ninja scene!" :lol: Seriously, they gotta work on those camera angles a little more. The guy jumping the ladder was so not Eddie. :rolleyes: Great delivery of the "Stop, drop and roll, you sonofabitch!" *drool*

I also loved his ad lib with the temporarily deaf suspect and the handcuffs. :lol: Man's a genius.

I kinda hate that they didn't have a shot of Flack's face when he was going "Hehehehehe" when Laughing Larry squirted water at his tie.
oooh :eek:...thanks for the pics!!! :D loves me the casual flack! wish they showed him dressed down a bit more...i sometimes wonder if he sleeps in his suits... :lol:...well, actually in my head he sleeps neked... :devil:
:lol: :lol: :lol: I love the expression on his face when he's holding up the handcuffs. "See these? They go on you."

Thanks again for the caps, Lorelai!
^ The name that episode is 'Charge of this Post'

And those are great pics. Laughing Larry doesn't know what he's talking about, Flack is way better looking.
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