Flack # 7 - Everybody Loves A Hero

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btw, Lorelai I love your banner

Thanks! A pouting Flack is as good as a man can get! :p

I'm not done with fluffy Flack yet! :lol: His face during the interviews in Grand Murder At Central Station are priceless.

C... cat? :lol: :lol:


OMG...LORELAI I love your banner. Pouting Flack. I love Flack. ANd the pictures you posted are just yummy. Flack in general is just yummy.
Awwww, that was such a funny scene! No one does humor like Eddie. He just owns those scenes. Another great one was the naked neighbor...Flack didn't even want to question that guy! :lol:
^“Never mind… Carry on Sir.” :lol:


That whole scene from Bad Beat was brilliant. Beginning with the guy who thought hearing a gun shot down the hall wasn’t unusual and no reason to call 911. Followed by the woman asking if he would know what time it is and then the half naked guy with the beer bottle. :eek: :lol:

Poor Flack doesn’t seem to have a lot of luck with questioning witnesses. He always gets the rather strange people… And Eddie is always brilliant in these scenes.
The beginning from Hung Out to Dry is another favorite of mine. His facial expression when the fraternity guy calls him bro is priceless. I guess sometimes it must be really frustrating to be Flack… :D :lol:
The expression on Flack's face in that pic is priceless! :lol: His expression just communicates how sorry he is that he knocked on that door. :lol:
Ya know the best part about that Bad Beat scene?

That fat, balding dude with glasses kinda resembles Anthony Zuiker.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

*runs before she gets decapitated*
Hey! I just noticed hat those caps have some shirt/tie combos that are not completely offensive! And, he has such an expressive face!
Look Fay, the red tie! ;)

I don't think that there is out there an actor that can show contempt for smb. without saying one word, better than Eddie. I love that "you're as cheap & low as it gets" look on his face! It really gets to him, seeing how the Captain & Sinclair gonna "put on a nice little show for the media".

This man was born to act!


Thanks Lorelai!! I really loved him in Comes around. He had a good combination, and also he was the voice of reason when Mac fleed out of the cout room. Like he said in Supply and Demand, "If I'm the voice of reason, things are going bad" - i don't remember the exact quote, but it was something like that.
poison girl said:
Thanks Lorelai!! I really loved him in Comes around. He had a good combination, and also he was the voice of reason when Mac fleed out of the cout room. Like he said in Supply and Demand, "If I'm the voice of reason, things are going bad" - i don't remember the exact quote, but it was something like that.

To Stella : "When I'm the cooler head, you know you blew it!" . :lol: How could I ever forget this one! Love it! :lol: :lol:
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