I love Eddie's blog, even if I have no idea about hockey.
About the next episodes and Flack, I think we're going to see some aspects from Flack we've never seen. When it was revelated Truby was responsable of the guy's death in Consequences, even after the talk in prison whith the man he arrested, he was doubtful and reticent about arresting one of his men, because, in part, Truby break the confidence he has in the people that work with him. What most worried him was the consequences in the cases Truby worked, getting guilty people back in the streets. Or at least, that is what it seems.
As it has been said before, Flack has to have everything under control. When Mac told him one of his men was responsable of that murder, for him that was impossible, because that means he did't have the control over the situation; someone did some underground work and he did't even realised until it was too late. Maybe what hurts more for Flack is the fact that Mac, who he considered his friend, broke his control because he was aware of that problem before he really noticed there was one.
I think in the next episodes, after the real consequences come, we're going to see a different Flack, cause he have to mend his confidence not just with Mac (I don't think their relationship have been the same since then), and also have to rebuilt his own control.