Flack # 7 - Everybody Loves A Hero

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ka990 said:
BTW, according to my home page this is my 198th post, and still being on dial up I've had the phone bills to prove it :lol:
Now that's devotion.

The space under my name seems kinda empty :( - how do I get one of those little piccies everyone else seems to have? :confused:
It's called an avatar and you can find out how to get one here.
MrsGiovinazzo said:
ka990 said:
BTW, according to my home page this is my 198th post, and still being on dial up I've had the phone bills to prove it :lol:
Now that's devotion.

Insane would be another word .... ;) Thanks for the info re the avatar *runs to find good piccie*
Ceindreadh said:
Hmm, I think I'd rather remove everything except the tie <vbeg>

hihi, totally agreed with you.. we are soooo twisted :devil: oehoeh, i could already imagine flack standing right before me, with that sexy tie on.. okay okay, i'm gonna stop right there, else i get a more twisted mind then i already had :p but just admit it, wouldn't that just be... too sexy?? i think i would drop dead if it would happen :lol:
I love Flack so much & he's essentialy(sp) the comic gold of the show. Seriously, he's the reason I laugh every episode. His snark & sense of humour makes the show for me. I think most woman love a funny man & if Flack was a real life person all I gotta say is...damn :devil:.
i found one that looked LIKE it, but now i see his facial expression is kinda different.. i'll post this one, and i'll continue my search for that exact same one for you ;)

detdonflackjr said:
greggoooo_fan said:
i found one that looked LIKE it, but now i see his facial expression is kinda different.. i'll post this one, and i'll continue my search for that exact same one for you ;)


Thank you so much! :D

From everyone! :D
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