Flack # 7 - Everybody Loves A Hero

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That's true! We hate the fugly ties but still don't want them to dissapear! :lol:
Now, Flack in casual clothes would be really good!
CSIVegasMiamiNY said:
Am I the only one that absolutly love his fugly ties? :lol: Although, if he did ditch them for the more laidback look, I would NOT be complaining! :p Also, Rhonda those are gorgeous pics of Flack!!! :D


Nope, you're not the only one. It's a love/hate relationship with the shirt/tie combos. While I cringe at the horrible combos, I would miss them if they were gone and since some of them have been rather decent this season, I can live with the bad ones.
i think for a while now whenever there is flack, the first thing i look at is defnitely his tie/shirt combo, to see how "creative" the mix & match is.... :lol:
CathStokes After you said that the first thing I thought was why would be dropping his pants if we are talking about his shirts & ties. I don't think any of us would complain. I really like the shirt in 'Buried Bones'

Thanks for the pics, 1CSIMfan!
OMG i haven't been in here in freakin AGES!!!
*sniffs* new people? WOO. i've been gone too long i say. :D

i ust watched ep 3x08 Consequences. dear lord. the defenderofjustice!Flack. i swear he couldn't get any hotter. but i think i could be wrong there. **fans self** the scene at the end, where he looks so damn DAMAGED. :eek:

i shan't let him be *clings*
Faylinn said:
Ah, the fugly ties. We hate them, loathe them, detest them, and whine about them--but we'd all be sad little bunnies if they suddenly disappeared. :(

What's the fun in a hot guy wearing a suit if there isn't a quirky tie to go with the ensemble? Then he just looks like a bank manager. :lol:

I would not, however, protest the occasional use of Flack in casual clothes. Or nearly-naked, whichever. :D

Agreed - we need a casual Flack!! :)

BTW, according to my home page this is my 198th post, and still being on dial up I've had the phone bills to prove it :lol: The space under my name seems kinda empty :( - how do I get one of those little piccies everyone else seems to have? :confused:
Interrupting the tie talk momentarily, how do you think Flack is coping since "Consequences"? In "Sweet Sixteen", he mentioned getting heat from the uniforms and his fellow detectives for cooperating with Mac, and then there was no follow-up. Just another teeth-gnashingly sanctimonious lecture from Mac on Why He Was Right. The tension between them has been dropped. Do you think the other detectives have gotten the burr out of their saddle, or is the issue going to flare in time for May sweeps?
^I hope we see something about that again. I would have loved to see a little more tension in "Raising Shane" when Flack defended Mac to the captain, or even when the CSIs were getting upset about being booted from the crime scene. But, maybe that ep wasn't the place for it since there was so much going on. Maybe if the murder of that FBI woman comes up again? I don't know, but I'd love to see Flack clashing with some of his fellow officers, or at least find out if that's died down now.
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