Flack #6 - Your Handcuffs or Mine??

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Welcome to the new Flack thread. We've made it to #6. throws confetti.

Here's a link to Flack #5

I'll post pictures later. I'm at work right now and can't do it. :rolleyes:
Yay new thread!! At least the colors in that tie kind of pick up the colors in the shirt... although paisley with stripes. :(
Not swooning, per se, but I've always wondered where Flack shops for clothes. His suits are well-cut, but I'm guessing he can't afford hand-tailored Armani. I just can't picture him puttering through Sears with a shopping cart, saying, "Oooh, look. Olive button-downs, three for twenty dollars. Now all I need to look really smokin' is a mauve and paisley tie." Then again, maybe he does, because wow, his shirt/tie combos are bad.

I wonder if he tries stuff on and primps in front of a mirror before buying. I can't see it, personally. He probably tosses it all into a cart and throws it into a closet when he gets home.
Well, a real detective couldn't afford Amani but a real CSI couldn't afford Gucci glasses either so they could be Amani
I think that we have to engage in suspension of disbelief for some of the clothes that they wear. Although they get paid more than the median income (double, if what Stella said in Tanglewood is anything to go by) they're also living in a city where the cost of living is pretty high.

Nice to see you posting, La_guera. I read one of your fics last night and it was awesome!
Oh, I'm willing to suspend disbelief in the name of the pretty that is Flack. I just can't see him going on a shopping spree in Sak's, you know? He strikes me as the kind of guy who wouldn't wear clothes if it weren't required by law.

Hee! And thanks for reading. I've got tons on my LJ, but some of it is extremely potent crack(HP/CSI:NY Crossover) or OFC fluff.
i'm not the only one who writes crack-tastic crossovers? nice! :lol:

i do that, but i have crack-tastic ships too. don't get me started.

and i don't see him going on a shopping spree either. he probably just grabs whatever he sees that fits.

...or his mama flack takes him. that would be so cute :D
By all means, PM me and get started if you want.

I don't think Mama Flack takes him shopping. No woman would buy half those ties. I'm betting he goes shopping every three years or when his boxers get so threadbare that they disintegrate off his body.
i'm not saying she's buying his ties. he probably does that on his own. i'm just thinking the suits probably come from his mother. because they match. mama doesn't dress him. she just shops for him.
i'll (un)dress him! i can totally see flack wondering around holding shirts up against himself and preening in the mirror.
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