CSI Files
The 5th season premiere of CSI: Miami is taking Horatio Caine to Rio de Janeiro to find the man responsible for his wife's death.
According to CSI Files sources, "Rio" starts where "One Of Our Own" left off. Horatio arrives in Rio de Janeiro determined to find Antonio Riaz, the man responsible for Marisol's death. This isn't easy for Horatio, however, both emotionally and technically: Horatio can't stop seeing images of Marisol wherever he goes, and the Brazilian authorities aren't cooperative. Riaz has been detained in Brazil, but Brazilian law requires an extensive list of witnesses and their contact information in order to prosecute. Delko is furious, claiming the information was sent to Brazil weeks before, but because eye witnesses were affiliated to the Mala Noche, and those men ended up under witness protection program, their names were omitted and the information null. Riaz is set free.
This doesn't stop Delko and Horatio, however. The two men are determined to see Riaz behind bars. They find Riaz is as elusive in Brazil as he was in Miami and just as deviant, as Riaz is also involved in the drug world in this country. Delko and Horatio may be able to operate under the radar in Miami, but in Brazil they're walking targets, and though incarcerating Riaz is their main goal, they soon find Riaz might be a guppy compared to the sharks he works for.
While in Brazil, Horatio visits his sister-in-law Yelina to learn his brother Raymond has been missing. Ray Jr., now 14 years old, has joined the local law enforcement to find his father, and he's determined to do whatever it takes, even if it means infiltrating into the underbelly of Rio and putting his life at risk to bring his father home safely. Horatio tries to dissuade Ray Jr., but the young boy knows things don't work in Rio the way they do in the United States. Ray sets out to find his father, not knowing that Raymond has already met his fate. Horatio now has to find Ray Jr. before his nephew ends up dead trying to bring back a ghost.
Meanwhile, back in Miami, Calleigh is in charge of the lab while Wolfe works on the first case of the season. Hilary Silvers has been found in her home, beaten to death. Her husband, Carl Silvers, stands by, and he claims she was dead when he came home. Further evidence, however, indicates Carl was lying – there is blood spatter on his shirt, which means he was standing by while Hilary chocked on her own blood. Carl now admits she was alive when he came home, and he tried to do CPR, but it was too late. The fact that the couple was getting a divorce doesn't make Carl look good, either. Is it a case of spousal abuse or was Hilary killed by someone else?
Things aren't easy for Natalia Boa Vista during "Rio." The episode will introduce the character into the field, where she's under the tutelage of Ryan Wolfe. But Wolfe doesn't trust Natalia after she betrayed the lab, and he's not shy of bringing up her treachery, either, much to her dismay. But Natalia is determined to redeem herself to the lab. Her first case, however, doesn't go smoothly. Natalia continues to let her emotions get in the way, so much so that they end up clouding her judgment and costing an innocent man his life. With the entire lab against her and her abilities as a CSI so poor, it might not be such a good year for Boa Vista.
Please note that the above plot details have not been confirmed by CBS, Alliance Atlantis or Bruckheimer Films, and until such time you should treat this information as you would any other rumour. The above information comes from early script drafts and the details of the episodes are liable to change before the episodes are shown.
"Rio" is expected to air in late September of 2006.<center></center>
According to CSI Files sources, "Rio" starts where "One Of Our Own" left off. Horatio arrives in Rio de Janeiro determined to find Antonio Riaz, the man responsible for Marisol's death. This isn't easy for Horatio, however, both emotionally and technically: Horatio can't stop seeing images of Marisol wherever he goes, and the Brazilian authorities aren't cooperative. Riaz has been detained in Brazil, but Brazilian law requires an extensive list of witnesses and their contact information in order to prosecute. Delko is furious, claiming the information was sent to Brazil weeks before, but because eye witnesses were affiliated to the Mala Noche, and those men ended up under witness protection program, their names were omitted and the information null. Riaz is set free.
This doesn't stop Delko and Horatio, however. The two men are determined to see Riaz behind bars. They find Riaz is as elusive in Brazil as he was in Miami and just as deviant, as Riaz is also involved in the drug world in this country. Delko and Horatio may be able to operate under the radar in Miami, but in Brazil they're walking targets, and though incarcerating Riaz is their main goal, they soon find Riaz might be a guppy compared to the sharks he works for.
While in Brazil, Horatio visits his sister-in-law Yelina to learn his brother Raymond has been missing. Ray Jr., now 14 years old, has joined the local law enforcement to find his father, and he's determined to do whatever it takes, even if it means infiltrating into the underbelly of Rio and putting his life at risk to bring his father home safely. Horatio tries to dissuade Ray Jr., but the young boy knows things don't work in Rio the way they do in the United States. Ray sets out to find his father, not knowing that Raymond has already met his fate. Horatio now has to find Ray Jr. before his nephew ends up dead trying to bring back a ghost.
Meanwhile, back in Miami, Calleigh is in charge of the lab while Wolfe works on the first case of the season. Hilary Silvers has been found in her home, beaten to death. Her husband, Carl Silvers, stands by, and he claims she was dead when he came home. Further evidence, however, indicates Carl was lying – there is blood spatter on his shirt, which means he was standing by while Hilary chocked on her own blood. Carl now admits she was alive when he came home, and he tried to do CPR, but it was too late. The fact that the couple was getting a divorce doesn't make Carl look good, either. Is it a case of spousal abuse or was Hilary killed by someone else?
Things aren't easy for Natalia Boa Vista during "Rio." The episode will introduce the character into the field, where she's under the tutelage of Ryan Wolfe. But Wolfe doesn't trust Natalia after she betrayed the lab, and he's not shy of bringing up her treachery, either, much to her dismay. But Natalia is determined to redeem herself to the lab. Her first case, however, doesn't go smoothly. Natalia continues to let her emotions get in the way, so much so that they end up clouding her judgment and costing an innocent man his life. With the entire lab against her and her abilities as a CSI so poor, it might not be such a good year for Boa Vista.
Please note that the above plot details have not been confirmed by CBS, Alliance Atlantis or Bruckheimer Films, and until such time you should treat this information as you would any other rumour. The above information comes from early script drafts and the details of the episodes are liable to change before the episodes are shown.
"Rio" is expected to air in late September of 2006.<center></center>