First Detailed Spoilers For 'Rio' Revealed

Has anybody seen the soap opera "Passions"?

Because now "Miami" is just as ridculous as that show!

Either Ray is dead or not, writers make up your mind as to which way you want the show to lean towards.

And letting Boa Vista become a CSI is letting a boa constrictor play with a small child. It's crazy!
Have we ever seen H in anything other than a suit? It must be hot in Brazil wearing a suit!! Poor dude.
Top41 said:
How can a 14-year-old join the police force? Or should I just not bother asking these questions? :lol:
I'm glad I'm not the only one who was thinking that. It does seem a little unrealistic, just a little. I know Brazil is totally different to the US but I'm not sure if it's that different.

It doesn't sound like the greatest episode to me though. The only reason I watch Miami anymore is because of Ryan.
His father managed to play dead for years so maybe little Ray is as clever as his now really dead father and skipped a few years in his education

Or I'm completly wrong and the Brazilians are just too stupid to notice and St. Horatio has to show them proper police work
I guess I'll give it one more try. I don't know why. The show has just gotten so, so, what's the word? oh, yeah. stupid. The cast acts like wooden statues. The storylines stink. The show has just gotten worse and worse. Now this? Kill Ray? I don't know about these writers.
*smacks forehead* Now I know why I started weening myself free of this show last season. So I wouldn't feel bad when I completely dumped it this season. OMFG. What is wrong with these people?

If I lived in Miami, I'd be moving to NY. *cough* Or Vegas. Anywhere to get away from Horatio and his hallucinations and Boa Vista and her dumbness. *sigh*

Why'd they have to kill off speed? *sob* He could have saved this show!

Hey! Maybe they could bring him back only to kill him off again a season later! That's an original idea... *dances* and at least I'd have speed back.

*is crossing fingers that the spoilers for NY won't make me want to laugh outloud (Vegas) or Vomit (Miami).*

We need one decent CSI left.

Hey wait - I have an idea. Let's take:

Horatio and Boa Vista from Miami
Sofia and Ecklie from Vegas
oh wait, I don't hate anyone from NY yet...

And drop them in the middle of Alaska. CSI: Anchorage

What do you think? Not that I have anything against Alaska, but could you imagine them all shivering with their numb little fingers wrapped in latex trying to process a scene? Now THAT would be entertainment.
Turtlebaby I agree with you about Speed. The show just went down the crapper without him. Or you know, maybe it wasn't because of him but I don't care. I have my opinion and that's what it is.

I just think the writers need to redeem themselves by taking their 'vacation' to do some serious thinking and some serious planning. The entire show seems like such a farce. It's beginning to be stereotypical. A beautiful babe dying, not a mark on her. The man who murdered her was some jelous and arrogant model who wouldn't know his arse from a hole in the ground. And then we get a bunch of confusing dialogue between people who have nothing to do with anything, some useless banter from the cast that looked a little too forced, and then the classic cliché that is David Caruso and his shades.

After every episode, it seems to get quite monotonous. Perhaps they should ween themselves away from these plotlines and try something a little more tangible. How about reality? Have a regular person murdered. What happened to the 'geriatric dudes who dig the weather'? What happened to the old gritty streets? The inventive ways of seeing someone bite the dust. We've already gathered that Miami is a vibrant, cultural, and sexy place to be but come on...They're pushing it a little far. Not every night is Spring Break. Let it go and give us some normalicy for once.

Even if the bright lights make the show seem overly glistening and gleaming, it contrasts the actual darkness of the characters. No matter how many lights we see, it does not make up for or hide the fact that the characters need to lighten up. For pete's sake, it's like watching sleep-deprived robots. It couldn't kill them to crack a smile. Of course nowadays, anything could kill. In the case of CSI:Miami, it's just dull and uninventive.
OMG! so psyched! ryan is gonna give boa a piece of his mind! and maybe he'll give me a piece of his...


but, psyched for season 5!
speed_cochrane said:
Turtlebaby I agree with you about Speed. The show just went down the crapper without him. Or you know, maybe it wasn't because of him but I don't care. I have my opinion and that's what it is.

I just think the writers need to redeem themselves by taking their 'vacation' to do some serious thinking and some serious planning. The entire show seems like such a farce. It's beginning to be stereotypical. A beautiful babe dying, not a mark on her. The man who murdered her was some jelous and arrogant model who wouldn't know his arse from a hole in the ground. And then we get a bunch of confusing dialogue between people who have nothing to do with anything, some useless banter from the cast that looked a little too forced, and then the classic cliché that is David Caruso and his shades.

After every episode, it seems to get quite monotonous. Perhaps they should ween themselves away from these plotlines and try something a little more tangible. How about reality? Have a regular person murdered. What happened to the 'geriatric dudes who dig the weather'? What happened to the old gritty streets? The inventive ways of seeing someone bite the dust. We've already gathered that Miami is a vibrant, cultural, and sexy place to be but come on...They're pushing it a little far. Not every night is Spring Break. Let it go and give us some normalicy for once.

Even if the bright lights make the show seem overly glistening and gleaming, it contrasts the actual darkness of the characters. No matter how many lights we see, it does not make up for or hide the fact that the characters need to lighten up. For pete's sake, it's like watching sleep-deprived robots. It couldn't kill them to crack a smile. Of course nowadays, anything could kill. In the case of CSI:Miami, it's just dull and uninventive.

Agreed 100%. I also wish some of the crimes would happen at night. It seems now that every crime in Miami will happen around 8 or 9am and the case will be solved by dinner. It's getting real stupid.
Crimes at night? No not good

Horatio wouldn't be able to see a thing and without his incredible intelligence and crime solving abilities Miami is lost
I think a crime scene at night would be a good idea, but since the Miami team is the day shift, it wouldn't make sense to have a night scene. BUT as we've seen, in seasons 1 and 2, there have been scenes shot in complete dark...Well not complete because Horatio would have been walking into trees with his shades on.
WOW... on jul 14 I went to see the recording of this episode.. I had the chance to watch a scene where Delko hits some thiefs with a piece of wood... This scene was shoot on Cindelandea's Square( that's a place downtown)... I didn't like it so much cause the thiefs kind of looked like indians LOL