First ‘Fallen Idols’ Plot Details Revealed

CSI Files

According to CSI Files sources, “Fallen Idols” begins with the disappearance of Liberace High School star basketball player, Ryan Franco, and his cheerleader girlfriend, Megan Cooper. No one has seen them since the game the night before.

The parents of the missing kids convince Detective Brass that foul play is to blame. Megan comes from a close, loving family. Ryan had a scholarship to Duke. Neither of them would run away. Jane Cooper, Megan’s mother didn’t report Megan missing until the morning following the game because she thought Megan was sleeping over at her friend Sheila’s house.

The investigation begins at the last place Ryan and Megan were seen – the high school. The parking space assigned to Ryan’s 1982 Chevy van is empty. Grissom and Nick go to the field house, where it’s clear some post-game action was planned. Equipment and boxes were pushed aside to clear a space in the middle of the shack. A couple blankets lie on the floor. A cheerleader’s sweater and letterman’s jacket are cast to the side.

Sofia interviews Sheila Latham, Megan’s best friend. Sheila explains that Megan was supposed to spend the night with her, but was going to hook up with Ryan first and then call. Megan never called. Sheila assumed the make-out session went into overtime and fell asleep.

Warrick meets with Diane Kenter, the high school photography teacher. Ryan and Megan were both in her sixth period class. She tells Nick that they were good, high profile kids. Warrick notices some pictures of Ryan and Megan. Ms. Kenter says they were taken by classmate Charlie Keller, a student with talent and an unrequited crush on Megan.

A major break in the case comes when Megan is discovered broken and bloody in a ravine off a road near campus. When Grissom and Nick arrive at the scene, Nick finds a pulse. Megan is severely injured as a result of being hit by a car, but still clinging to life.

Megan is taken to Desert Palm Hospital. Her parents and Charlie Keller are there. Charlie is the one who found Megan’s body. He says they’re very close. They live next door to each other and he gives Megan rides to and from school everyday, except for Fridays when she gets ride from Ryan. Charlie is a male member of Megan’s cheerleading squad.

Ryan’s van is found on a small side street, but there’s still no sign of Ryan. A pink cell phone discovered in the front seat of the van is determined to belong not to Ryan’s girlfriend Megan, but to her best friend Sheila.

Fans of the Grissom / Sara romance will want to stay tuned for the final scene.

Please note that the above plot details have not been confirmed by CBS, Alliance Atlantis or Bruckheimer Films, and until such time you should treat this information as you would any other rumour. The above information comes from early script drafts and the details of the episodes are liable to change before the episodes are shown.

“Fallen Idols” is expected to air on the 22st of February, 2007.<center></center>
I have many desires of seeing this episode. For Warrick's topic and the final scene of Grissom and Sara. :D
more GSR???

fucking hell give us a break dammit, im going to hurl if i see any trying to be cute moments, GRISSOM IS TOO DAMN OLD AND UGLY!!! (hurls)
CSI_Files said:
Fans of the Grissom / Sara romance will want to stay tuned for the final scene.

You could always turn the TV over at that part if you feel that strongly about it heartagram. And we are getting a break, he's on sabbatical. ;)

I'll be interested to see them finally kiss (I hope that is what happens) and see how that goes. I think tptb have handled GSR very well, and it hasn't affected the storylines at all. I don't think it will be too 'soap opera' to actually see them vaguely intimate, after all they are meant to be a couple.

I'm quite looking forward to this episode, it sounds good to me. :)
heartgram I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one who feels like that about GSR. If they continue with it too much, they've lost a viewer.
I, personally, think the GSR has been more subtle this season than in years past! I still remember them discussing/flirting/digging at each other with the Mile High Club in "Unfriendly Skies." In "Nesting Dolls" they dedicated a whole four minutes to the two of them talking about Sara's backstory. I mean, Grissom took Sara's hand in "Blood Lines" and "Nesting Dolls." Since we found out they were a couple, they haven't even touched.

I've recently gone through the old eps, and we're really getting less GSR than in past seasons. I guess it just feels like more because we know they're canon. *shrugs* To each his/her own.

I'm curious about this episode, and very happy to see Warrick getting some more screentime!
I can't wait to see this episode when it air. I'm for one waiting for Nick and Grissom to work together again.

I don't know nothing about Grissom and Sara romance final scene, I guess I will have to wait. I don't think it kiss or anything.
The TPTBGods spoiling us with GSR!!! Blessing us with this mighty gift, how wonderful.

No really, not looking forward to it. And I don't think I can watch the ending.
Oh God...Lemme get my portable tv ready for the bathroom, because I swear...I'll vomit if I see that scene. I thought this sabbatical would be the end of GSR. God, I know I hoped it would, but of course not. I'm 100% with you heartagram. ;)

**gets prepared**
To be fair, it doesn't say we'll be seeing them doing the nasty or anything (sorry for the mental picture). It could very well be a simple scene together and he gives her a gift or something.

I have no plans to watch the end scene, Im just saying.
"Fans of the Grissom / Sara romance will want to stay tuned for the final scene."

Man, I'm glad I read this because now I'll be prepared to turn the channel.

I miss Greg. Show some more Greg, and please dispense with this infernal GSR!