Favorite Sara quotes.

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Re: I love Sara

This scene from Compulsion made me smile :)


(Sara walks into the lab and stands next to the Neil Jansen, the print tech.)

SARA: Hey.

NEIL: Hey. Call me a geek, but background subtraction application software is the bomb.

SARA: Only geeks still say "the bomb." But it you ask me, geeks should be revered.

NEIL: Okay. Um, the technology's pretty new. You'll get hammered on cross, but it definitely works. (He hits a key on the keyboard.) Okay, check it out. So the fingerprint is blood-red--that's the shade we use for the color identifier--and now the preprogrammed algorithm is just removing all the other colors from the fabric, and we're left with just the print. It's ...

SARA: Mind if I watch?

NEIL: Voyeur, huh? I like that.

SARA: Geek.
Re: I love Sara

It´s from the recent ET interview at the set of Iced.
Links to DL the interview and a similar gif av.made by Fieldmouse are available in the Sandle thread (page 25 or 26). :)
Re: Oh Yeah!!

From Farenheit 932:

After Grissom receives a package from an inmate who needs his assistance. Sara says this to Grissom:

How did he find you? 1-800-GRISSOM

I thought that was really cute!!!!
Re: Oh Yeah!!

Hehe good one Elizabeth.


(Greg is going through the blood on the floor when Sara walks up to him.)
SARA: Anyone for pizza?
GREG: Very funny.
(Greg finds and picks up the bullet amidst the puddle of blood and pieces of brain.)
GREG: Got it.
(Sara kneels down next to Greg to look at the bullet.)
SARA: Ooh. BFB. Big freakin' bullet.
Re: Sara Quotes

Oh...I swear i don't remember it....this is nuts...

Also, from 'Iced.'

SARA: Well, all due respect to "the nose," I would still like to send a sample of blood to tox.

She was kinda teasing Hodges...still being serious....
awhhh that lady's dry humor rocks!!!
Re: Oh Yeah!!

I love all the mojority of things that come outta sara's mouth!-one kick-ass mode of hers no one has mentioned was..."I AM A WOMAN..AND I HAVE A GUN..AND LOOK AT HOW HE TREATED ME."-i like that one!

That's one of my favorites too. ;)
Re: Oh Yeah!!

you guys prolly already said this but i love the bucket brigade one in my siggy lol i laugh everytime i hear it i like rewind it to listen to it!! hahahahaha i love it.
Re: Oh Yeah!!

I love this thread I was laughing so hard my mom came in to my room to see what was wrong!
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