Favorite Sara quotes.

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haha honestly...I love everything Sara says...so yeah I'm not surprise about it going for third page. heh.

I don't remember the episode...but there was when Grissom is making a bomb for an experiment..and
Sara says "oh! so you're making a sweet bomb."
^^ I think it was from S5 Crow's Feet. It was when Grissom, Sara and Greg was investing a murder on a tented house.
i dont know if anyones already done this but i like the line in the season 4 ep. "suckers"

grissom: do you have any duct tape in your kit.
Sara: yeah its what holds it together.
i dont know if anyones already done this but i like the line in the season 4 ep. "suckers"

grissom: do you have any duct tape in your kit.
Sara: yeah its what holds it together.

Yeah, I'd forgotten about that one! The way whe jokes around completely deadpan is hilarious. :lol: Remember the "I left the kid in the car...the window's cracked"? :lol: :lol:
I like in S2 "Chasing the Bus" when she tells Greg that he's really good at what he does. It's not a snippy quote, but I like the way she says it.
"What are you doing?"
"Working the case."
"What case?"
"The skinned gorilla torso forty miles outside of Baker. Remember?"
"I don't think that is a case."
"Well, it was at the start of shift. A crime has been committed."
"I hate to be the one to state the obvious, but, uh ... this isn't a human being we're dealing with -- it's an animal."
"And ..."
"And every time a dog gets run over you can't go to the vet to examine it."
"I can't believe you. You, with your pet tarantula your maggot farms, that komodo dragon on back order ... you should be more sympathetic to the senseless murder of an innocent gorilla."
"You're right. I apologize. I was just checking to see where your head was at."
-- Gil Grissom and Sara Sidle (Evaluation Day)
yeah that was sooo cool.

Another one of my abolute favorite.
From: No Humans Involved.

Sara: Starving someone to death is beyond me. Starving a child to death is unforgivable.

(there was so much anger and disgust when she said that to the suspect).
Also from "No Humans Involved"

"Go with the living, Jim. The dead can wait."

The way she said it was extremely touching. :( This has got to be one of my fav Sara episodes.
Oh you beat me, lemon_grass. Yeah I was really touched by that quote as well. That girl has such a great heart and thoughtfulness. The way Jorja says it..it was so instense it.
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