Favorite Sara quotes.

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Re: Oh Yeah!!

lol...no you're not...but we all have ability to be so more often than not...hehe

From 'Crash and Burn'
Sara: Grandma was high....
(I donno why this line always cracks me up)

From: 'Homebodies'
Sara (to Warrick): I heard about your mummy in the closet. Very cool.

(lol..she's so cute..hehe)
Re: Sara quotes

BULLY FOR YOU 204 (scene 18)

SARA: God, it reeks! Q.D. Should be able to, uh... to bring something up.
(SARA turns around and empties her stomach in the trash can. She's embarrassed it happened in front of NICK. She gives him a sheepish look.)
SARA: Don't tell anyone.
NICK: About what? (Nick smiles sympathetically)

(The door to the room opens and L.V.P.D. Emergency Services HANK PEDDIGREW looks in.)
HANK: Sara?
SARA: (smiles) Hi.
HANK: They told me out front I could find you ... here.(All of a sudden, HANK realizes what SARA is working on and looks shocked.)
SARA: Yeah. Um ... I'll be right out. (The door closes as Hank leaves the room.)
SARA: Give me a mint.
NICK: (laughs) You're going to need more than one.
SARA: Just give me.

Then the scene goes on with Hank asking Sara out in the hallway, but then he bolts because of the death smell on Sara. (A real man wouldn´t mind as Greg so correctly pointed out).
Re: Sara quotes

Ok, this one is from Anatomy of a Lye.

Sara: I hate Lawyers!

(I just laughted when she said this.)
Re: Sara quotes

I haven't seen this one up yet.
Sara says, "What's the rule? How long do I have to be here before I have to start kicking in for gifts?" and Cath replies, "When the spirit moves you. Sara, so, in your case, I guess never."
From "Crate 'n Burial" LOL major breakdown when I first heard that one.
Re: Sara quotes

Or in "I-15 Murders" when a verysteamed Sara finds Grissom and practially yells, "You weren't in your office." To which Grissom calmly reples, "And good morning to you too, Miss Sidle."...Griss...sigh...I'll never truely get you...like DJK or somethin'.Whatever I'll never get DJK either.
Re: Sara quotes

How about in "Too Tough to Die when Nick asks "Hey, Sara, did any one ever tell you, you have a pretty good singing voice?" and Sara says, "If you like chalk on a board."
But I found this quote on the 'net so if anyone could give me the backstory on why Nick would be commenting on Sara's singing I would be so extremely happy.
Re: Sara quotes

araSgerG: there´s a sandle thread in the shipper section :D *lures with cookies*

Iced was funny.
Their expressions cracked me up in this scene.

SARA: Why was confidentiality so important?
ZACK CAPOLA: Ask him. You look like you were a jock in college.
SARA: Him?
ZACK CAPOLA: Whatever. Look, if it had gotten around that I had ratted out Trip, the whole basketball team would have come down on me.
Re: Sara quotes

It was Too Tough to Die 1.15

Backstory: Sara and Nick were very flirty S1 and Grissom was kind of annoyed with it. Nick was also annoyed with Grissom and hinted favouritism towards Sara. I guess there was some jealousy involved. In this particular ep Sara got emotionally involved since the victim (of rape and attempted murder) was still alive though in a coma. The coma made the perp get off easy while the victim was a in a vegetative state for life. The injustice really got to Sara.

Nick and Grissom were helping her as best they could and both were worried about her. Grissom tried to talk Sara out of caring too much about the victim but didn´t do a very good job.

This ep had lots of great quotes actually.

(SARA and NICK work in the lab. SARA sings quietly to herself.)
(NICK stops working on the jeans to look up and listen to SARA.)
NICK: Hey, Sara, did anyone ever tell you, you have a pretty good singing voice?
SARA: (retorts) If you like chalk on a board.
NICK: Come on. I've heard you around here. People never tell you that?
(SARA turns around and looks at NICK.)
SARA: It's a-a habit. I don't even realize I'm doing it. Did you get that belt loop from the crime scene lined up yet?

NICK: Great, great. Why'd you even suggest it?
GRISSOM: You're a grown man, Nick. Stop whining.

NICK: I spoke to Brass. He said we can't get a warrant on anything we need from the suspect's house- gun, jeans, nothing.
GRISSOM: That's if we find him inside his house. In which case, we'll figure out another way to get a warrant.
NICK: You're rushing this for Sara.
GRISSOM: My priority is the case, Nick. Release the hounds.

SARA: What kind of system rewards the suspect when the victim is too tough to die?
GRISSOM: "Sara ... you got to learn to let this go or you're going to spend all your time in hospitals trying to help the people you couldn't save."
SARA:"I wish I was like you, Grissom. I wish I didn't feel anything."
Re: Sara quotes

How about her first line. Actually I´m hoping someone can explain this one (Mrs Roper) to me. I thought it was an Agatha Christie reference but then I thought of Three´s a company.

GIL GRISSOM: Norman "pushed".
(He takes pictures of the dummy. He turns to snap photos of the second dummy.)
GIL GRISSOM: Norman "jumped".
(GRISSOM takes pictures of the third dummy.)
GIL GRISSOM: Norman "fell".
SARA SIDLE: (o.s.) Wouldn't you if you were married to Mrs. Roper?
(At the sound of her voice, GRISSOM puts the camera down. Behind him, SARA puts her bag down on the ground, a huge grin on her face.)
GIL GRISSOM: I don't even have to turn around. Sara Sidle.
SARA SIDLE: That's me. Still tossing simulation dummies? There are other ways to tell, you know?
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