Favorite Sara quotes.

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"Dead body. Bonus..."
"Wow, someone likes their job."
-- Catherine Willows and Sara Sidle (I-15 Murders)
i like her "mile-high club" line, it surprised me.. and also her reply to Nick when Nick asked:
Nick: You like leather or lace?
Sara: I'm not even going there. Lace.

and her "im going to kiss you" and "i saw everything" line to Greg. Greg-Sara lines are usually funny, so i like all of them.

this is my fave season 5 sara quote from Committed:

Hodges: What, you, uh, think I'm crazy?
Sara Sidle: Crazy is as crazy does. :D
Actually, you have the Nick and Sara lines backward. Sara asked Nick, "You like leather or lace?" and Nick replied, "I'm not even going there." He got up and began to leave to room but paused at the door to say, "Lace" before leaving. That is a really cute scene, though.
omg, got mixed up from the sara leather or lace avatar. sheesh, i so gotta watch season 1 and review I-15 murders again. :) so that must be put in the fave nick quote thread, not in here.. lol. thanks! :D
Re: Oh Yeah!!

I can totally relate to Sara (the catalog order and having take-out on speed-dial). She is a good role model because she is kick-ass and does not take any crap from anybody. So, with this said, can anybody help me with this quote (well, dialogue)? I think it is from season one. She said this to Greg Sanders.

Sara: Greg, I can just kiss you. (She leans in and pats him on the chest)

Thank you in advance.
Re: Oh Yeah!!

Sure it´s one of my fav scenes! It´s from Organ Grinder (211). Greg asked her (sort of) to dinner but she had a hot case so Greg does extra research for her.

Scene #39
(SARA walks by the offices. She looks and sees GREG will working on the computer. She walks into the office.)
SARA: Greg?
GREG: (smiles) Hey. I was just printing something out for you ... on your hot case.
(SARA steps inside and looks at the monitor.)
SARA: From the internet?
GREG: Yeah, I ... I was... on break, had some time ... thought ... hey ...
(GREG gives SARA the print out of his finds. SARA looks at it.)
GREG: Sorry, I drew a blank on the wife.
(SARA leans in toward GREG.)
SARA: (thrilled) I could really, really just kiss you right now. (Smiling, GREG bashfully turns his head away from SARA. SARA leaves the office. He sighs. When he turns back, SARA'S gone.)
Re: Oh Yeah!!

"I know this isn't news to you but sometimes science isn't enough."
"What are we doing? Digging up graves, chasing prints -- if it's no good in court ... if the killers win ..."
"It isn't a competition. We don't win. The courts are like dice. They have no memory. What works one week doesn't work the next."
"I know that. I do. I know that. That's why I'm mad."
"But, see, if you get mad, then they do win."
"You just said ... This is one of your riddles isn't it?"
"One of life's riddles ... But, hey ... the good news? There's no statute of limitation on murder."
-- Gil Grissom and Sara Sidle (Organ Grinder)

Heh. you reminded me of this quote since it's from the same episode.
Re: Oh Yeah!!

That is such a fabulous scene.....I love the look on Greg's face after Sara says she could kiss him :)!!! Everytime I see it, I can't stop smiling.
Re: I love Sara

This whole scene is great!

Primum Non Nocere

SCENE #15:

(SARA stands in the middle of the lab looking at the jerseys and hockey gear. GREG walks in.)
GREG: Any blood?
SARA: Take your pick. Testing for blood on a hockey jersey it's like handing out jaywalking tickets at a marathon.
GREG: Well, speaking on a meta-level...isn't it obvious? The overbearing patriarchal structure of modern organised sports represents a socially palatable sublimation of what Jung refers to as the "Shadow of the Unconscious."
SARA: You sucked at team sports, huh?
GREG: I was captain of the high school chess squad.
(SARA turns to look at GREG.)
SARA: Chess is not a sport, Greg.
(SARA walks to the first set of shoes and starts spraying them with luminol. GREG follows.)
GREG: Then why is there a World Chess Champion?
SARA: I think sports are physical by definition.
GREG: Well, sex is physical. Is that a sport?
SARA: Not to me.
(She continues to luminol the skates.)
Re: I love Sara

That whole conversation is great. I can't think of one that hasn't been said. There must be one as Sara says the best things.
Re: I love Sara


Sara: Entomology text book. Grissom gave it to me last Christmas. When I can't sleep, I read.

lol...I just love her geeky nature here.
Re: I love Sara

Oh, good one.......reminds me so much of me when I am in insomniac mode!!! Well, except for the bugs.....no bugs for me late at night *shudders*
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