Favorite and Least Favorite Episodes of Season 2?


Premium Member
Vote for your favorite and least favorite and tell us why!
Favorite Episode: "Run Silent, Run Deep"

It was a tough call between this and "Trapped," but I went for RSRD because of the fantastic performances of Gary and Carmine. Even if it wasn't perfect, the "Tanglewood" follow-up delivered. Good story, great Danny drama, and fantastic interaction between Danny and Mac. Definitely the strongest episode of the season in my book.

Least Favorite Episode: "All Access"

Though I thought "Jamalot" was all kinds of lame, I chose "All Access" because it was downright offensive and exploitive and played for cheap thrills. If I want to watch a woman get terrorized, I'll pick up a cheap horror flick. I don't need to see that done to one of the strongest characters on TV. The character assassination alone--Stella not getting out of there immediately after finding Frankie in her apartment when she's so cautious she's never even had him over--is enough to take it far beyond the terrible and into the offensive.
My favorite episode was "Live or Let Die" mainly for the A case and intense beginning.

I can't pick just one episode for my least favorite.

Favorite episode: Trapped
This one was a tossup between Trapped and Dancing With the Fishes. I love the Danny/Hawkes dynamic there. This is the only episode of the season I could watch 100 times and never tire of it. There's just something about a dramatic grown male having a little freakout in a panic room that intrigues me. That, and I just love the line, "You could open the door this whole time." That's Danny for ya, not worried about the gun in his face but he's pissed as hell that he spent that time in a room with a DB and the guy on the other side knew the code this whole time.

Least Favorite Episode: Corporate Warriors
Damn. I just LOATHE this episode. Just thinking about it is pissing me off. I don't know why I dislike it so much though. I just remember being really mad after watching it and the feeling hasn't gone away since.
Favorite: Live or Let Die - Loved the writing, the acting, the cases, etc.

Least Favorite: Youngblood - Can we say yawn?

Truthfully, I disliked a lot more episodes than I liked. o.o That should not be a good sign. :lol:
Favorite: Stuck on You
I liked the use of the cross bow in this one. They always manage to come up with interesting ways to kill people on CSI. The A case was great. Flack was hilarious and the killer wasn't immediately obvious. I enjoyed the chemistry between Danny/Lindsay on the B case. My favorite part was the ending with Mac in the Jazz club. Great character development.

Least favorite: Youngblood
I spent the whole time yelling 'oh come ON!' at the tv during this episode. The girl cast as the teenager really irked me. And a gun made out of a 'Club'? Sigh. They only scene I liked was the father's hipocracy in marrying a much younger woman and not seeing the parallel in his own daughter's relationship with a much older man.
My favorite was Trapped .

My least favorite was Charge of This Post . Actually it was a great season finale and episode but Flack getting hurt and maybe dying is what made it my least favorite.
Why am I not surprised that the two emerging favorites are also the two Danny-whumping episodes? *sigh*

I voted for Corporate Warriors as my fav, dunno why, I just really liked that one.
Least fav. was Trapped, I'm really surprised that someone else also didn't like this one.
Since I'm Danny fan, I really, really liked Trapped, RSRD and even the finale but... I voted for Corporate Warriors


Mac + black t-shirt + samurai sword

Do I need to say more?

Least favourite
Vote went to Necrophilia Americana. It was just lame some how. Other lame ones were YoungBlood and City of the Dolls because those dolls still scare the shit out of me.
I have three favorite episodes:

Favorites: Charge of this Post, Live or Let Die and Super Men.

Least Favorites: All Access , Stuck on You and Jamalot.

This season had a real problem with 'B' storylines. Either they were under the radar, or were too boring. Anyways, those are my opinions. :)
I know everyone is going to vote for the Danny ones, but I went with City of the Dolls. It was creepy and wonderful at the same time. And it had Maka. Double props.

(Sorry DaWacko, but I'm a doll artist!)

I also want to say, the opening of Summer and the City was classic Danny/Aiden - the guy with a bra. That scene had me in stitches, purely for the way Danny kept saying "bra" like it was some amazing alien object. Live or Let Die is also wonderful. (Gary, write more often!) I also want to give a mention to Necrophilia Americana... purely because I loved the manga theme running through it, and Mac with the little boy.

Big "blehs" to All Access, Stealing Home and Jamalot, even though I loved the Danny/Hawks interaction.
My Favorites were a tossup between "Run Silent, Run Deep" and "Stuck on You" for character development and "Live or Let Die" and "Charge of this Post" for cases.

My Least favorite was "Summer in the City" it was very boring, at least to me.
My favorite was "Live and Let Die". Loved it. I also wanted to give "Summer in the City" and "Murder at Grand Central Station" a mention because Hawkes actually had screen time in those eps (and him patching up that bear was adorable). I also liked RSRD and "Charge of This Post".

"Jamalot" was my least favorite hands down. The writing was really subpar.
Favorite - Corporate Warriors because of the fight scenes and the weapons and Mac holding a katana. I could totally related to him when he was explaining to Lindsay how a katana works. It was like watching my sensei on TV, hahaha.

Other favorites - RSRD, Trapped, and Bad Beat (because of Flack) :D

Least favorite - Youngblood. It was lame. And that girl in the elevator...I wanted to shove her iPod up her nose, the spoiled brat.

Other least favorites - Jamalot, All Access, and Summer in the City
I chose RSRD as my fave - Danny/Mac interaction was stellar. This eppy blew me away, and yes, I teared up big time at the end.

Honorable Mentions go to: In Charge of This Post, Super Men, Trapped, and Corporate Warriors (Extra Special Honorable Mention goes to the scene with Mac in the T-shirt with the Katana/sword. Yes, I'm shallow. Sue me. :D)

Least Favorite: All Access. Even though Melina knocked it out of the park performance-wise, I just found it deeply disturbing on too many levels, for the same reasons someone else already mentioned.
Dishonorable Mentions: Jamalot. 'Nuff said, LOL.

Other than that, no big complaints!