Has anyone else seen the new promo, the fourth one I've seen..it has Grissom narration, it's basically the one they showed with on the CSI site, but with the narration, it makes it evenmore painful.
I'm looking forward to just see Greg/Eric get a really great storyline, and one that will carry over more than a few epi's, but maybe it's just me, but I'd rather not see him all bruised, it's just you don't want to see him get hurt..it's not the angst, because I love angst, and you all know that Greg is going to show some emotion in this, he may not want to infront of the other CSI's but he will show something, but still, it's seeing those bruises, the fact that he was injured so badly, though not in a coma or dead, that will also be difficult to watch, probably just as painful as the beating, which, I do kind of hope they limit it to just a little bit more than the promo. It just makes me cringe when I see it.
But yet, I still can't wait.