"Fannysmackin" Discussion **SPOILERS**

I agree with you, pabzi. Tht's why I'm trying to not getting overly excited because TPTB have promised us great episodes or character developments in the past and not delivered. Still, at least we'll see Greg more than five mintues.
yup. i was excited for popping tags, and other than david's 30 second scene, i dont remember a thing about it, meaning...ehh.
the key is to look forward, but take the spoilers in proportion. remember that last year they said the it will be 'the season of grissom'? i was looking forward to that too, but then he wasnt really around all that much.
i hope that we will all be happy with this ep.
I will be happy with it no matter what. Well, unless they decided to cut out all the Gre stuff.. then I would not be too happy. But otherwize, I'm excited. And I'm not going to lie, my hopes are up whether they should be or shouldn't be. From te spoilers and the promo,, I'm pretty confident that they will have enough good qualities to make me love this episode.
the one thing I've learned about spoilers is they are sometimes un reliable and misleading. This past week with TT I was looking forward to finally seeing Nick & Greg work together and was let down...again. :(

However, from the promo and the clip I've seen this episode just might be what it lives up to. At least I hope it will. Greg get's his chance to be in the spotlight and that's something Greg fans have been dying to see for so long. :D
This should be a good recovery from last week where we saw Greggo, what, once? Toe Tags was good but I did not like that.

This definately seems like something new and different! Definately picking up the pieces they missed last season. It's going to be a good year. Hopefully I can get to see it... I hate having practice on CSI nights!

Just as long as Greggo isn't beaten up too much, I think I'll be good and it will build his character.
Can't wait till Thursday!
This mgiht be a little hard to watch but I'm
looking foreward to Greg finally being more than just comic relief
I doubt he's going to die Greg's one my favorite characters
I hope he's going to be okay
myfuturecsi said:
IS there anyone else who think it will be a riot to watch Kevin Federline getting socked? I mean I'm sure it will be more then just us Nick and Warrick fans cheering our boys on as they take Kevin to task?

Go Nick! Go Warrick!!!

I can't wait for that scene, i saw it on the CBS thing, but it was slow and a dodgy clip. But I'm soo happy Nick hits him.
Leftyguitar said:

I doubt he's going to die Greg's one my favorite characters
I hope he's going to be okay

Well since future spiolers for episode 7-9 have Greg in them he's not going to die (unless he comes back as a ghost and Jennifer Love Hewitt has to help him cross over -oops wrong show) He's going to be fine. Beaten up but fine.
^They won't kill off Greg. He's too popular.


I've learned a long time ago about the fickleness of Spoilers. They're usually just raw material that has been leaked out and not yet edited by the TPTB. But I think sometimes, that TPTB have great things in mind, but during the course of the season, plans needs to be changed because the actors don't like the way a script is written. For example, Eric Szamanda refused to make fat jokes in 'Big Middle' (good for him) and they turned the lines over to someone else.

Last season was going to be the 'season of Grissom', but it didn't fan out because Billy Petersen had a family crises to deal with. 'Gum Drops' was rumoured to have a scene that involved Grissom in Sara's hotel room. Personally, I liked the way it turned out better-a great Nick-Centric episode.

It was also rumoured that George Eads didn't want the 'Grave Danger' storyline to be fleshed out too much and that led to the abrupt ending it got with 'Daddy's Little Girl'.

So sometimes it's not always TPTB's fault, most of the time it is though.

Back on Topic

I think the preview of 'Fannysmackin', however, indicates it will be an intense show that has a strong probability of living up to the expectations that has been set for it. I can tell because when a preview leaves me a bit stirred my thinking is..'oh yeah this will be a good one.'

Not that I want to see poor Greggo beaten to a pulp, it just looks like one that is worth watching.

And there are some people who probably will want to see Kevin Federline punched..the irony of it will be too irresistible because we all kind of want to sock him beause he's kind of annoying.
Here's what my local Sunday paper's TV section has to say about "Fannysmackin'". The sarcasm over Federline is quite evident (and justified) in this little blurb:

"This the moment Kevin Federline fans--both of them, if you count Britney--have been waiting for. Mr. Spears has a cameo as an obnoxious teen (gee, that's a stretch) who harasses Warrick and Nick in the field. If you don't care for K-Fed, just enjoy the crime of the week: a series of attacks on tourists culminating in what could be a life-altering situation for Greg in the new episode "Fannysmackin'"."
hehe. i liked that!
is there anyone at all who actually likes brittney or her husband?????
Has anyone else seen the new promo, the fourth one I've seen..it has Grissom narration, it's basically the one they showed with on the CSI site, but with the narration, it makes it evenmore painful.

I'm looking forward to just see Greg/Eric get a really great storyline, and one that will carry over more than a few epi's, but maybe it's just me, but I'd rather not see him all bruised, it's just you don't want to see him get hurt..it's not the angst, because I love angst, and you all know that Greg is going to show some emotion in this, he may not want to infront of the other CSI's but he will show something, but still, it's seeing those bruises, the fact that he was injured so badly, though not in a coma or dead, that will also be difficult to watch, probably just as painful as the beating, which, I do kind of hope they limit it to just a little bit more than the promo. It just makes me cringe when I see it.

But yet, I still can't wait.
Griss talking over promo? ME WANT TO SEE!!!! *jumps up and down excitedly*

Okay, breathe... breathe..nope, can't! TOO EXCITED!!