"Fannysmackin" Discussion **SPOILERS**

I saw it on TV, I was changing the channels and it was on during a break in a football game..the narration has got to come from the episode, and it's about how people do things with no feeling, even kill. I wish I had the exact text, but that last line that narrated over the part with Greg on the ground..EVEN THOUGH WE KNOW HE DOESN'T DIE, still is haunting.

Plus it does show a little more of when Greg calls for back up, but other than that and the narration, not too much more, a little more Grissom as well.

It should be playing again, keep an eye on CBS.

Sorry that it took so long to reply, I just couldn't get this page to load.
I just recorded the new promo and this is what Grissom says:

"Our culture preaches, you shouldn't be ashamed of anything you do anymore.In a city that's built on the principle that theres no such thing as guilt.So without conscience there's nothing to stop you from killing someone, and evidently you don't even have to feel bad about it."

The last two lines are said during Greg's attack. No doubt making the viewer think Greg is going to be killed. Clever way to attract ratings! But we know better!!!
I think he says that at the scene of the other gang violence, or later, toward the end of the epi, but I don't think he says that to Greg.

But see what I meant, if you didn't know he doesn't die, with that narration placement, you just might think that..that really is clever.
Ahhhhhh I haven't been this excited about a CSI ep since I saw Greg's hat flip in the promo of KKBB... :D

OMG no I haven't seen the new promo yet! Hopefully I'll see it on CBS soon... Only 4 days left!!!!
^ me neither. I love any Greg centric episode, and this one looks so amazingly good. But I totally agree with all of you who have said it will be hard to watch. I can guarantee that I will be blubbering like a baby. :( Greg's stunning face gets roughed up. Stupid punks. But anywho, Im really looking forward to it, I think it will give Eric a chance to show how talented of an actor he really is. :)
It will totally allow Eric to show just what a great actor he is, just the span of emotions that will be shown, and I really am so happy they have sort of, let the role grow over the seasons, and this season, this arc, it's going to be so incredible. This and Post Mortem are totally Greg-centric episodes, which he will shine in!!