Fanfic Request/Ideas, Recommendation & Showcase

Merry Christmas, you all :) I've published a Nick Stokes Christmas fic over on I thought I would share ;)

Title: The Truth About Santa
Author: NickyFan
Rating: K
Characters: Nick Stokes
Summary: "Do you believe in Santa?" Everyone knows this question… and answering isn't always easy. So what do you think Nick's answer will be? A little Nick Christmas fic.

I would like to know what you think :)

Here's an idea...a scenario where Grissom comes home for a visit, and he and Sara are targeted by Haskell. He's primarily after Ray, I know, but he might seize on it just to annoy Ray more. "See, I can go after your friends".
Hey guys I'm here to shamelessly promote my own story. It's on ongoing DannyOC, following Aiden's dismissal from the lab. Hope you guys will give it a chance, I'm really excited about this story and I've already had great feedback on

Definitley Maybe
DannysGirl (aka chrisxgirlx on
M from chapter 5 onwards
"It could happen to you one day" Danny Messer had no idea just how right Mac was until the NYPD's newest criminalist walked into his life.
Warnings: Some sexual situations.
I posted this over at the "I have an episode-question"-thread over at the LV forum but it turned out that it wasn't an episode after I'm moving over my question here.

I'm (maybe...) looking for a fic where the story is evolving around a narcotic lab of some sorts, I think in an old factory/warehouse. In the end, they find the lab and a room full of drugs, which Catherine and someone else investigates. When they get the stuff back to the lab, one or two bags of drugs are missing and Catherine and this mysterious someone (I think it was Warric, but I'm not sure) gets suspected of stealing them... seems familiar, anyone?

Thing is, I normally have very weird/clear dreams and when I'm in an intense period of writing fanfiction I could dream kind of like a story, but this seems way too logical to be a dream, but I'm not sure... I can't stop thinking about it though. Please, tell me if it seems even the smallest bit familiar, I have to know where I got it from! Thanks :cool:
OK the Haskell would be AU now but...*shrug*

Here's one that would be cool if anyone writes DL fic...Yellowstone Park and the volcano within is really close to Bozeman, Montana. Several choices could work there.
Didn't originally intend to, but I added a second chapter to my fanfic "Hey Mambo!" Feel free to read!

Title: Hey Mambo!
Genre: Comedy
Rating: K+
Characters: Ryan W. & Natalia B.
Summary: First it was a make-up compact and a set of sneaky eyes. This time it's up close and personal...

Author: Gooniegirl3333

Also, for those who followed my story "Stupid Cupid," I am in the process of finally writing the sequel. Stay tuned!
Hi my name is Madeline. Im looking for a story i read a while back on It was a calleigh eric story called Because We're Family. Its not on fanfiction anymore. I was just wondering if anyone knew the author so i can ask them to send it to me or if it is posted anywhere else. The story is about calleigh having a long lost daughter and the daughter falls for Horatios son.
Hi my name is Madeline. Im looking for a story i read a while back on It was a calleigh eric story called Because We're Family. Its not on fanfiction anymore. I was just wondering if anyone knew the author so i can ask them to send it to me or if it is posted anywhere else. The story is about calleigh having a long lost daughter and the daughter falls for Horatios son.
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"Stupid Cupid" sequel... yup.

Title: A Cupid's Quarrel
Genre: Drama, Romance
Rating: T
Characters: Ryan W. & Natalia B. (duh...)
Summary: One determined CSI, two new lab techs, and... Jesse's ghost? Anything is possible in this dramatic sequel to "Stupid Cupid." You thought the games were over, but they've only just begun.

Author: Gooniegirl3333
Hi, I'm hoping someone might be able to help me. :)

I'm looking for two fanfictions. The first one used to be on but it seems to have disappeared and I'm hoping someone else may be able to point me in another direction to where it might be posted? The fic is called Branded and the author is called Happenstobeme.

The second story is actually one I'm trying to track down. I read it on almost two years ago. I can't remember the name (or the author, sorry!) but it was about Nick and Greg on their way to a crimescene (its a slash fic) and they'd had an arguement (can't remember what it was about). Anyway, they get to a house where a family was murdered and the daughter is missing. They split up (still mad at each other) to process the scene with Nick inside the house and Greg outside. Greg has a look inside the garden shed at the back of the garden and finds the killer with the little girl. I think he had abused her and slit her throat in front of Greg (it was a horrible scene actually). He and Greg fought and the killer gained the upper hand and tried to strangle Greg. Greg was on the verge of passing out when the killer stopped and then the story switches to Nick's perspective and Nick is babbling to himself that Greg is alive because you don't keep strangling a dead person. Nick kills/arrests the killer and Greg during all the excitement leaves the crimescene and walks four hours back to the lab in a daze (he was upset by the little girl's death). Back at the lab, he's greeted by a frantic Nick and they resolve their fight.

That's as much detail as I can remember on the second story. I really hope someone can help me and would very much appreciate it. Sending cookies and good vibes to anyone who can help! :)
Dark CSI Seems like interesting story. Will try to find it cause you got me truly curious (and now I wanna find it myself)
EDIT: seems that the author has deleted everything from their profile and the story too (the first one)
I'll be looking for the second right now
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