Fanfic: A Grissom/Sara/Greg Triangle


Alright, I have had this idea run around my head for a while. This is what you would call a “plot bunny”. I used to like bunnies - back when they didn’t drive me crazy! :rolleyes: Well, anyway, I haven’t seen too many love triangles between the serious Grissom and the joking Greg. (If you know of any good ones, please let me know! :))
My thinking is that they both have their eye on Sara... but here’s the thing - in this particular setting Sara is about to marry Grissom.
Anyone who has seen the season six finale will agree when I say that Sara and Grissom are “together”. I know: WOW! :eek:

But even if they do get married, it doesn’t mean it will last.... Or will it?
Here is my break off from my “ficlets thread” where I take requests and write little stories. Sometimes one-shots, sometimes sequels. (<-- shameless plug alert).

*Sigh* Well, I hope people don’t send too many flames... or worse - don’t bother to read this! Here goes something - with chapters!

Chapter 1: The Engagement

She entered the lab with a spring in her step. Everything around her was so beautiful. The birds were chirping, the sun was shining, nothing could knock her off her cloud.
Even when she drove to work, the radio station played nothing but romantic ballads and chipper songs of love. It seemed like the planets were perfectly aligned and everything was going her way.

It had to be a positive sign.

When she stepped inside the building, people immediately took notice. Lab techs turned around and saw the smile on her face. People whispered about the cause of her all-around cheerful attitude. She just dismissed them. And why not?

Sara Sidle had a lot to be happy about.

It was many years since she finally bagged the man she was chasing for so long. Despite the fact that it was a painfully slow courtship, she was patient and firm, and he eventually he came around. Their friendship and lingering looks became a serious relationship that tested their personalities and sense of commitment.

She recalled his nervous phone call; he invited her over for a special dinner at his house. She remembered how nervous she felt when he called, wondering if yesterday was the day that he would call off the whole thing. She felt so silly now - she was completely wrong about her negative feelings.

He invited her over to celebrate their two year anniversary yesterday, something she almost forgot herself. It was a delicious vegetarian casserole, but that was not as memorable as what followed.
He completely blew her away with his proposal. After dessert, he got down on one knee and presented her a beautiful, gold ring.
“It was my grandmother’s ring. I want you to have it.”
She was taken by surprise - practically speechless.
But she found her voice, soft and loaded with emotion.
After so many years, from their first meeting in Harvard to their first date, she was ready to marry Gil Grissom.

“Hey, Sara. Aren’t you in a good mood.”
Catherine’s voice shook her out of her daydreaming. She made it to the break room and didn’t even realize it.
“I’m in more than a great mood,” Sara informed the blonde.
“Pray tell. What’s got you smiling so much?”
Instead of telling her, Sara decided to show her. She pulled out her left hand, the gold heirloom shining brightly on her ring finger.
“You got married!?” Catherine’s eyes seemed to bug out.
“Engaged,” She corrected.
“I didn’t even know you were dating!”
She was smiling. “I like to keep my private life to myself.”
Catherine strode over to her and eyed the ring.
“Wow. It’s gorgeous. Who’s the lucky guy?”
Nick and Warrick walked in.
“What guy?” Nick grabbed a chair and saw the two women smiling.
“Sara’s getting married!”
That caught their attention. Warrick and Nick ambled over to Sara, trying to get a look at the engagement ring.
“Congratulations Sara. I hope this wasn’t some spur of the moment thing,” Warrick alluded to his own ‘marriage.’
“Yeah. I gotta see the cynic get married,” Nick joked. He couldn’t imagine the brooding Sara looking so excited about doing the whole matrimony thing.
“So who are you getting married too?” Catherine wouldn’t drop the subject.
“Who’s getting married?” Greg joined in the conversation, walking inside.
“I am,” Sara showed off her ring.
Sufficed to say Greg was more than a little surprised. He cleared his head and pasted on a congratulatory smile.
“I didn’t know you even had a boyfriend.” He mumbled.
“That’s what I said,” Catherine changed the subject, “Sara, who’s you’re fiancé?”
The guys chuckled at her. Everyone was dying to know, but Catherine was just a bit more impatient.

Grissom took the moment to walk in, assignments in hand.
“Alright everyone I have your assignments.” He looked up and noticed the CSIs crowded around Sara.

“Let me guess. Sara showed you her ring?”
They looked up, Catherine realized it first.
“Grissom, you know? Wait… are you and Sara getting married?”
The graveyard supervisor merely smiled and subtly showed his own engagement ring.
“Oh my God!”
“No way!”
“I cannot believe you!”
The whole room erupted into a chorus of shock quickly followed by congratulations.

Grissom had to wait a while until he could calm them down.
Sara was leaning against the counter, she caught his eye and smiled.
Marriage. Who would have thought? She felt excited, giddy, nervous and a whole slew of emotions she couldn’t put her finger on. The rest of the day she happily flaunted her ring to everyone. Brass and Doc Robbins were very happy for her and the other lab techs wished her the best, hoping to get a wedding invite.

She was definitely on cloud nine.

This started out GSR positive, I know. But I had to set it up. As I mentioned before, this will become a triangle, so things will get very confusing for Sara soon enough. But not in this chapter, or next chapter as a matter of fact. Hope you don’t lose interest already! :lol:
GSR fans and sandle fans... please back me up. :D
Ooh I like this, so this is a GSR and Sandle fic? It's not a SuGGar?

Anyway I like it! Well written and good idea! Keep writing!
Don't shoot me for making this still look like a GSR fic! :lol: And I'm glad for the reviews - that's two more than I thought I would get! :D

Chapter 2: The Wedding

Planning weddings was very stressful, although it shouldn’t have to be - especially when they live in the city of the drive-by weddings. Catherine managed to convince Sara not to do the whole cheesy Vegas wedding, so now he had to wait, occasionally getting dragged along to pick out a flower arrangement or a china pattern.

After two weeks of tense and overall stressful planning the two agreed to abandon it all and just get married. They waited long enough as it is.

They weren’t planning on having too many guests anyway, so they chose a small chapel and informed their colleagues when the wedding date was.

It took them no more than a day to get everything ready. Keeping some semblance of tradition, Sara spent the night in her apartment, so he wouldn’t see her before the wedding day.
For a brief moment, Grissom wondered why Sara still had her apartment. They pretty much lived together, and he felt that if they were serious enough to get married , they should be seriously looking for a nice house of their own.

Then he decided, he was shouldn’t push his luck. He wouldn’t do anything to ruin the last night before he becomes a married man.
As he surveyed his townhouse, taking care to notice the little touches that were so very Sara, he walked upstairs and laid out his tuxedo. The same tuxedo he wore when he was supposed to make a speech for Ecklie‘s promotion. The suit was a small reminder of that painfully uncomfortable night.
How odd, almost poignant, that a suit he planned to throw away so many years ago would bring a warm smile to his lips today.

Grissom sat down on his bed, his thoughts turning back to his bride-to-be.

Sara Sidle.

He loved everything about her: her looks, her intellect, her interests, but most of all her smile.
Grissom used to be intimidated by her beauty. The feelings he felt for her overwhelmed him and caused him to withdraw from his colleagues. He had dated before her. He had even been in a serious relationship before her. But this woman… Sara… what he shared with her seemed to be the real thing.
He was in love. And it hit him hard

When he first saw her, it was a mutual, physical attraction. Her intelligence impressed him and his attraction grew into a sort of admiration. She was a lot like himself when he was younger. Sara was intelligent, quiet, and determined.
He thought his feelings were just friendship mingled with admiration. That’s how he rationalized it.
That’s how he kept her from getting to his heart.

The one thing he should have never underestimated was her determination. He should’ve known it wouldn’t just apply to her work.
When Sara wanted something she did all she could to get it. She was unrelenting and slowly, over the years, his resolve weakened.

As Grissom looked around, he spotted a photograph of them on their first date.
He smiled at the picture.

Up until a few months ago, he had convinced himself that he was better off alone, and look at him now - he was going to get married tomorrow.
He took a deep breath, and settled into his mattress. Tomorrow was going to be a big day. Quite possibly the biggest day in his life.

He needed all the rest he could get.


Grissom glanced at the mirror in the little room. He straightened his tie and ran his fingers through his hair.
“You ready to do this?”
Brass popped his head in. As best man he was practically shadowing the entomologist. Perhaps Brass was making sure that Grissom didn’t have second thoughts. It was understandable.

“Yes. I’m ready.”

The organ was being played by the minister’s wife, and he walked to the front of the alter.
She started the wedding march and everyone turned to see the blushing bride walk in.
For a minute, he thought she would not show up. His heart must have skipped a beat, and everyone seemed to wait with bated breath.

She finally emerged, face flushed and clutching her bouquet tightly.
“Sorry. I broke a heel,” She apologized with a red face.
The guests burst out in soft laughter.
Sara looked breathtaking in her simple, yet elegant white gown. She didn’t have a long train or veil, but it was this simplicity that he loved about her.
That would be yet another thing to add to his list.

Everyone was there, even Catherine who was a little irked that they moved up the wedding without giving her enough time to find a decent dress.
It seemed like the whole lab was there, but at the moment, Grissom was looking at his bride.

Everything went by so fast.

He remembered saying “I do.” And then he kissed her with all the passion he had denied himself when he first laid eyes on her.

Yes, this is still GSR in tone - but wait! We had Sara’s POV, then Grissom’s POV. Guess who’s POV is next? Yup, Greg! Now I hope we can get to some interesting angst from Greg. This won't end up a SuGGar Fic... tough luck for Sara. ;)
The reasons why Grissom loves her, very cute!

Can't wait for the angsty Greg, should be interesting, since he can't keep his mouth shut or hide his feelings! Great chapter!
SuGGar is a 3-some ship between Grissom, Greg and Sara!! There is ship on it somewhere over in Shipper Central!
Thanks jenakept. I feel like I'm writing just for you! *sniff* This is for you.

Chapter 3: The Heartbreak

He went to the wedding, despite his heart, his head, and his stomach telling him otherwise. Greg Sanders was physically ill. He didn’t realize how much it would hurt to lose Sara.
Really lose her.

When he saw the ring, shining in it’s brilliance - mocking him - he felt his heart break.
It was an odd sensation that he thought would pass. But it didn’t.

He was heart broken that the woman he carried a torch for all those years just went and got engaged to another man. His boss no less. It was like a slap in the face, but he wished her good luck, like everyone else.

On the day of the wedding he had a head ache and a stomach ache. He could’ve easily stayed home and spared himself the sight of her in another man’s arms, but that’s what a coward would do.

He braved the impending stares. Some of the lab techs were surprised, but it was the pitying looks that upset him the most.
Everyone clapped when the couple said their “I do’s”


They all gathered at a beautiful, small wedding hall to drink, dance, and rejoice.
As the couple danced their first dance, he sat back and watched.
He didn’t consider himself a heavy drinker, but a few drinks to “celebrate the occasion” turned into quite a few glasses and shots.

Catherine walked over to him and ordered a drink.
“Hey Greg. How are you holding up?”
Greg looked at her through bleary eyes. Was his crush on the brunette so obvious?
“What do you mean?”
Catherine smiled sympathetically, “You’ve had fantasies about Sara, I know that.”
He tried to deny it, but she continued, paying him no heed.
“Greg, I was there when she announced she was getting married. You took it kind of hard. I know what it’s like to watch someone you care about get married.”
Greg followed her wistful gaze over to the couple who was giving Grissom and Sara a run for their money.

Warrick and Tina were grinning and pulling out all their moves on a jazz number. Everyone just clapped and made a small circle around the pair.

“I’m sorry,” Greg managed to utter.
She grabbed her drink and turned to him, “It’s okay. I’m okay. And you will be too. I know right now you feel hurt and a little betrayed, but every day it will hurt less and less. Your crush on her will slowly fade away, until you realize you’re ready to move on.” She took a long sip, “Trust me Greg, you’ll move on.”
He looked over at Catherine. She spoke with a sense of wisdom and experience that he just couldn’t argue with.
“Alright. Thanks.”
“Wanna dance?”
“I don’t think I can stand very well, let alone dance,” his voice was beginning to slur but he tried to keep himself in check.
Catherine nodded and left, grabbing Nick’s hand and joining the dance floor.

Greg sat down, and watched Sara dance with her husband; she was looking a radiant as ever. After getting hurt so many times, Greg just hoped she got the happiness she deserved. Even if it wasn’t with him.

He closed his eyes, telling himself it wasn’t the end of the world. The drink in his hand helped.

At the end of the night, he found himself talking with Wendy, complimenting her mauve dress and feeling his confidence return.

“I love weddings, don’t you?”
“I can’t say I hate them.” He was shamelessly flirting and he knew it.
Wendy smiled at him and her hand darted out to grab his shoulder.
“You were swaying,” she explained when he looked at her hand. But she didn’t let go. “Do you want to go out sometime? I vaguely remember that you promised me a date.”
Greg smiled at her trying not to slip, “Sure? When?”
“Here’s my number. I’ll make the plans. You can meet me at my house and we’ll see what happens.”
She slipped her phone number in his hand and winked. Everyone was getting ready to leave, so she went to get her coat.
Greg gulped slightly as he realized what she implied. He felt himself smile and he thought of Catherine’s words. He was going to get over this.

Even as he joined Wendy outside and offered to split a cab, his eyes darted to the dazzling vision in white. Through the rearview mirror he saw Sara climb into Grissom’s car. They drove off, cans tied to the back courtesy of Nick and Warrick.

He let out a sigh, and repeated Catherine’s words.
‘I’m ready to move on. I am so over her. I’m ready to move on.’

No matter how many times he kept repeating these words to himself, he still had a small nagging feeling. A small voice in his head - a voice he was sure he silenced with all that alcohol - spoke up.

If it wasn’t the end of the world, then why did it feel like it was?

So far so good... at least in terms of setting up the POVs and starting the triangle. In the next chapter, we will go back to Sara’s POV and see that ‘wedded bliss’ is not as great as she thought it would be. ;)
Please review! If you like it, if you hate it... I don't mind. And tell other people if you liked this story! I sound so desperate... :rolleyes: :lol:
Oooooh, I'm dying to see how you destroy such a perfect couple as Grissom and Sara!! :lol:

Hopefully there'll be more angst, cos you're good at that :D
Can I just say: GSR 4EVA!!!

Ah I've never had something written for me before, it's so beautiful *wipes tear* :lol:

Oooh I like that Chapter, poor Greggo, I hope he gets what he wants, I do like GSR but the way you wrote it made Greg seem like a puppy, bless him.

Great chapter! Please continue

Oh and btw loved the lil YoBling reference you slipped in!
You are such great writer! Plese o please right a chapter on Sara & Gils honeymoon!! That would be awsome!
First of all, thank you for all the sweet reviews! Cordelia, jenakept, Sandles21, hollie, and xo_paperdoll... I'm slowly gaining momentum. :) I didn't write about Grissom and Sara's honeymoon, in fact this chapter will reveal some of the cracks in their marriage. Still interested?

Chapter 4: The Doubts

It was almost one year since they got married.

She walked around the two story house. At last, everything was unpacked and the couple finally had a place of their own.

She remembered that after one month of marriage, he convinced her to sell her apartment while he looked for a nice house in the suburbs for their family.
That was when they had their first official argument as a married couple.

She was reluctant to sell her apartment, but she did it anyway. When he mentioned he was looking for a place with more than two bedrooms, she was surprised.
He told her about his desire to be his father. He took so long to get married, that he just wanted to jump into parenthood before it was too late.

She was a little overwhelmed at his insistence of having children before he grew too old to even have them. He wanted two children and this sparked their little argument. She remembered telling him that were barely newly-weds and it was crazy that he already wanted children. She tried to explain that she wanted to spend some more time alone with him, and they never really discussed the child issue. Truth be told she did want children, but no more than one child, and only after she felt she was ready.

Now that she passed by one of the spare bedrooms she sighed sadly.

Around three months ago she finally decided she was ready to have a child. She talked to Catherine and she even talked to the other girls in the lab. They got her psyched up, and ready to put her passion into raising a child that would be just like her and her husband.
After weeks of practicing - something she didn’t really mind at first - they got into another heated discussion.

His words were still ringing in her head, “We need to go to a fertility clinic.”
She didn’t see a reason to go, but he was insistent. He really wanted to have a child with her.

At times she felt like she didn’t even recognize the man.

Gil Grissom was a loner who was hardly outgoing or even affectionate. He expressed his love in a quiet, serious way. Somehow, she doubted he could deal with a baby.

It took him nine years to work up the courage to propose and now he was jumping into this whole “perfect family” ideal.
His persistence and imploring got her to buy a pregnancy test.
Then after two weeks she bought another. Then another. Soon, the clerks at the pharmacy knew her and had the test ready before she even got there. They were always sympathetic and wished her luck.

Eventually he got her an ovulation monitor that resembled a thermometer.
Every month that she used it, she felt like turkey getting ready to be basted. Before she knew it, their love making had become a mechanical ritual - almost a chore. It had lost it’s appeal and she found herself unconsciously making excuses to avoid it.

The worse part was the disappointment in his eyes after that time of the month.
His sadness began to rub off on her and she was finding herself more and more confused and a little depressed.

Was she not good enough? Did Gil really need kids to feel like a family?
He wasn’t very paternal, and in the heat of a recent argument she told him that two workaholic scientists would not make good parents, and if he really wanted children, he shouldn’t have waited so long to pursue Sara.

It was a hard blow and she apologized a while after. Now that she found herself alone in the new house, she wondered how sorry she really was.

“I shouldn’t be sorry,” She spoke out loud, daring to voice her feelings.
“We’re moving so fast… and I don’t like it.”

Sara sat on her favorite sofa. It was one of the few things that had survived the trip from her apartment to the new house, and it always provided comfort. Now it just made her feel tired and depressed.

At the moment, Gil was teaching a seminar at UNLV, he had unofficially retired but still stopped by the lab and lent a hand for a bug case.

Sara missed the lab. She poured herself into her work, using it as a release from the pressure she felt at home. No one was ever disappointed in her when she couldn’t solve a case, and she missed the light banter of her co-workers.

She frowned as she lounged around the house. She hated taking a day off, but Grissom insisted.


Where did that come from?

She called him Gil when they were dating and when they were married - so, why did she just refer to him as Grissom?
As she thought about it, she realized when she was mad at him, she often thought of him as Grissom: the socially inept boss who aggravated her in so many ways. The man who seemed to switch from hot to cold in a second.

He was such a gentleman when they were dating. She thought he had become a new man and figured that their love had changed him. But then there were times that tested her tolerance.
She realized he was always going to be Gil Grissom.
Sometimes he was the sweet man she adored, Gil. And sometimes he was like her boss, the infuriating, Grissom.

That’s who he was acting like lately…

This thought disturbed her more than anything, So she shook her head and tried to think of work. Everything changed after she got married, everything except the lab... right?
No… something is not the same there either…


He changed in a way. It was subtle, but something about him was different.

She started to think about the silly lab tech, now ready to be a CSI level 2.
She thought he was happy enough. He dated Wendy for a while, occasionally bragging about a girl who asked for his number. But on more than one occasion, she caught him staring at her. He lost some kind of spark, that up until now she attributed to him becoming a more serious investigator.

Suddenly, something occurred to her. Something that she didn’t even realize.

There was that one day where she overheard him talking to Catherine. He sounded somber, and she barely recalled him mentioning some kind of feeling that wasn’t fading as fast as he wanted it to. Sara remembered that she interrupted the two, and she noted how flustered Greg looked.

Surely he wasn’t talking about her… was he?
Although it would make sense. It would explain a lot of things.

She looked around and frowned again. How did she not notice this before?

Sara was feeling hopeless and confused. She decided she would talk to Catherine when she went back to work tomorrow. One thing that didn’t change, was the older woman’s knack for giving advice. She just hoped that Catherine would be able to help her.

I know what you’re thinking, how out of character for Grissom! But next chapter I’ll focus on Grissom’s perspective, and I hope to make things a bit clear. And maybe interesting. Hope you like it so far...
Oooh I really like it! I'm very intrigued now with who will get together!!

Loved how you described the cracks, really well written. Your very talented!