The mod arrives, and is put in an odd position because you want to techinqually ship two real-life married people. When actually you are not suppost to be allowed to ship real-life actors according to the board rules. *notes the insanity makes me understand that*.
So we compromise, you all can keep talking about them as a RLC "Real Life Couple" (sub word RLC for SHIP)
without mentioning the term ship because thats for fictional characters and wouldn't be allowed here nor would it pertain here.
Summery, Yes you may continue to discuss MH & AR as the rules of the board allow without being crude, rude or out of line, so basically discussing as you have been.
Extra Note: Anyone carrying the "Tom & Bob" logo/title, ect, located in their Sigs, Banners, Avatars, Location, ect basically in open area of display are being asked to remove it please, and Nice try. Thank you.
*Mod walks out*