Eye Candy: Marg/Catherine Picture Thread #5.0

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^ Um no thanks. :lol: I have my own Marg site with a domain name I consider quite cool, although the site isn't complete yet. There's really no need for me to take over mh.com, not to mention that I don't think I can afford it. :p
Love the first one.
The hair's perfect, the scarf's perfect...

And after all, in both there's the Marg/Sunglasses pairing, which is REALLY one of the best :D
Thanks so much for the caps Sofie! :D Hmm the Cath and Sofia tush duo.. you're making me watch the episode. :lol: I hope you could post more screencaps. :D
Love the pics.

I loved the green blouse that Catherine wore in that episode:

Love that top.. She's wearing a different top when she was with Sofia right? And she was wearing a blazer in the Greg/Catherine scene.. I hope we could see more screencaps, hehe. :D
^ Ain't that just true! Marg said it herself, right? She said her favorite color was green and that redheads looked good in green. :)
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