Eye Candy: Marg/Catherine Pic Thread #6.0

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kaylyne said:
So adorable. I hadn't seen that one before. Thanks for posting it here.

Your very welcome.. the little one has his smile :D

the awesome foursome :p
man.. i haven´t seen this one... what a great, awesome picture!!!! uhuuuu

so... did you guys see that CBS uploaded another Keppler video?
is great...

[URL Removed]

*Edited: This post has been quoted in to the "Spoiler lab" along with the link to the video. Spoilers should not be placed in a Non-spoiler thread.*
Amen to that. Go Cath!

I love the photo of Billy and Marg with Gary and his daughter, but why has Marg got such a huge bag? Did she bring a change of clothes or is that all the goodies?

And KayLyne....That is one MARGASMIC icon
I believe that was her gift bag. Award shows give both winners and presenters gift bags with gifts by sponsors of the show. I remember seeing Paul with a bag like that in another photo from last year's PCA.
I actually heard on the morning show in Australia (Nelson on Sunrise, Syd), that this year the goodie bags are limited to 600 because Edward Norton made a stink and the IRS threatened to tax them! LOL
Oh my! im always late, but yay!! Congratz on the New thread!! Lots of Marg good stuffs! lovin all the pics, and the new from Tv Guide... cute!! i love Hyperactive Marg lol
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