Eye Candy: Catherine/Marg Picture Thread #4.0

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Re: Eye Candy: Catherine/Marg Picture Thread 4

kaylyne, you just made my day, thanks for sharing Margness! :D

I love the orange cloth Marg wore in the first pic, cute!
Re: Eye Candy: Catherine/Marg Picture Thread 4

Decided to add another one, because this episode was great!
Re: Eye Candy: Catherine/Marg Picture Thread 4


KC and McM! God you're killing me, Kay. :lol: BTW you're still up? I wonder when exactly do you go to bed, or do you ever do that. LOL.
Re: Eye Candy: Catherine/Marg Picture Thread 4

EricaSJ said:

KC and McM! God you're killing me, Kay. :lol: BTW you're still up? I wonder when exactly do you go to bed, or do you ever do that. LOL.
Sleep? what's that? All I know is I don't get enough of it - even though I normally sleep until noon (hey, I work afternoons & evenings, what do you expect!). I was up late last night doing those stupid icons that took four hours! UGH!

Anyway...KC & McM - now they were a pair!! I'd love to see Marg & Dana hook up again on something else. Bring back Ann Donahue to write for them again. That would be perfect! I need to quit procrastinating and get the few CB episodes I have on VHS transferred to dvd. Maybe if I stay off the computer one of these days, I'd get it done!
Re: Eye Candy: Catherine/Marg Picture Thread 4

^ LMAO! And bobo says that I never sleep! Seriously, I completely understand the feeling. Besides when I'm home, I go online as much as I can even when I'm at work. :D

I sure hope Marg and Dana would do something else together. I'd kill to see that. :) Ooooh what do you think if Dana guest-stars for CSI and play opposite Marg? You know, like Marcia Cross did? I think that would be very interesting. And it would be heaven if Ann Donahue wrote the script. :lol: Um a girl can dream, can't she? :p
Re: Eye Candy: Catherine/Marg Picture Thread 4

^^You know, I was SO bummed when Jeff Kober (Dodger) guest starred on CSI and he only worked with Jorja. I know Jeff & Marg also were in Gold Coast together, but his character was an ass. It'd be great to have a movie with the three of them (Marg/Dana/Jeff).

I think I've gone through all of my old scrapbook pics. *sniffle* I thought I had more CB promo pics (they might just be hiding from me. Think I need to do some house cleaning this weekend)

Anyone else have any old Marg pics that we haven't seen lately?
Re: Eye Candy: Catherine/Marg Picture Thread 4

I've got some old pics, but I'm at work right now. I'll look for them when I get home and see if I can post some of them. Argh I hate working Saturdays! :mad:
Re: Eye Candy: Catherine/Marg Picture Thread 4

Woohoo, thank you for the pics, Rissa; and everyone :) I didn't like the retro Marg until I saw 2 old movies of her. She was perfect in both :) I love these kind of pics since then :)
Re: Eye Candy: Catherine/Marg Picture Thread 4

retro marg? oh jeez, you make me feel old. *from the corner mumbles something about when did this happen*
Re: Eye Candy: Catherine/Marg Picture Thread 4

lmfao, poor Lisa. Its okay girl, as long as she stalks you, you shouldnt worry!
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