Everyone Read This! Re-start of Challenges! Upd. 03/08/08

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Re: Everyone Read This! *New Challenge Break!*

Thanks for the link to the news Laura! :)
Megan and I talked about the break "long" before the exact date for the move has been posted, so we couldn't know. It's definitely better to wait 'till after the move, as you suggested. We'll let you all know. :)
Re: Everyone Read This! *New Challenge Break!*

Vera - just so you know I will make sure all challenges I run have voting completed and results up before that date. Obviously I will keep my eyes opened in case the date changes for any reason.
Re: Everyone Read This! *New Challenge Break!*

Elsie said:
DragonflyDreamer said:
All challenges will be allowed to resume on March 1st 2008

I'm sure you'll have thought of this, but if not, I would like to make a suggestion (following the news about the impending move)... Maybe it would be better if all challenges took a break soon to resume after March 9th, the move to vBulletin. I think it's possible that things may get lost in the move or not transfer properly and it would be a shame for that to happen mid way through a challenge... :)

Yeah, I had thought of that. We don't want to loose any entries or votes.
Re: Everyone Read This! *New Challenge Break!*

The plan to move to a new system has been around for a long time, and now it's happening! Here is the link to the info: Get ready for vBulletin.
oh boy, am i reading that this board will be completely removed, and a new blank-slate one will be set? i can't find a discussion thread about it anywhere, and i was just wondering how is this going to look like.
Re: Everyone Read This! *New Challenge Break!*

No, most threads and posts etc. are being moved, but no one can guarantee that 100% of the info will make it through the transfer. Elsie posted a link to the info a few posts up. It can also be found at the top right of any page of talkcsi.
Re: Everyone Read This! *New Challenge Break!*

ILuvJonathanTogo said:
Just to clarify, the challenges that are on a break cant resume now until March 9th?

Correct. :)
We don't want to tease you with this long break, we just got the information about the board move too late, and we don't want to re-start the challenges now because it could be - probably won't be, but could - that some threads go missing or icons etc. and we don't want anyone to loose their icons for a challenge. *reads through answer* I hope this wasn't too confusing :p
Re: Everyone Read This! *Re-Start of Challenges*

Well, here we are in the new Talk CSI. The transitions seems to have gone fairly smoothly.

Now, I know your all eager to get back to the challenges, but we can't start them all back up at once. So, please bare with us here.

vBulletin runs differently than our previous host, so we'd like you to take a few days to explore and figure things out before getting back into it.

The following challenges may re-open starting Monday March 10th:
Signature Banner Challenge
General (3) CSI Challenge
CSI: New York Icon Challenge
Las Vegas CSI Icon Challenge

Thanks to everyone for being so patient with this, I know it's been a long wait.
Re: Everyone Read This! *Re-Start of Challenges*

Well - I will be sitting back and letting the challenges happen that were on hiatus and take a small break from mine for this week I think. I am glad the challenge break is over! :thumbsup:
This thread is being locked and unstickied. Any future challenge issues will be discussed here.

Thanks for your cooperation :)
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