Everyone Read This! Re-start of Challenges! Upd. 03/08/08

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Head of the Graveyard Shift
It has come to the attention of both Vera and myself that the beginner/advanced categories are causing some more problems. I know some of you have been messaging us asking for a solution, but there are things you must understand before taking such measures.

First of all, Vera and I are very busy at the moment. She's in the middle of an internship, while I'm also starting an internship, have soccer, and monthly REBEL meetings and events, which is hard on both of us as mods.

Second of all, we're in a very sticky situation. Consider us the equivalent to the writers of CSI, CSIM, and CSINY. We want to please you, but it is impossible to please all of you. We understand that it's frustrating not to win a contest, but there isn't much we can do about it. We can't just force people to go into beginner or advanced, we can only suggest it. That is why we took the time to create the guideline thread with different suggestions as to how to go about determining if you are a beginner or advanced artist.

Vera suggested that we could slim down all the entries, so that you are only allowed 1 entry instead of the usual 3. I'm not sure how well this would work either, because first of all, we might get people against the idea, as well as there being a shortage of entires.

If y'all have concerns or questions, you guys can pm one or both of us, but it puts us in a position where we really can't do much about it. We want to, but until we can find an acceptable alternative, we're going to have to stick with what we've got.

Thanks for your cooperation,

Vera and Jess
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Re: Everyone Read This!

wasn't there once a rule that if someone wins three times in the Beginner Challenges, he automatically has to participate in the Advanced Level? i always thought it's a good idea considering that we have more and more newbies coming and there will always be enough people in the Beginner Level, while in the Advanced there is a lot less entries. besides, everybody would have a greater chance to win.
Re: Everyone Read This!

Wow,I didn't know there was such a controversy about this.

Well,I'd rather prefer no categories,but I know most of the people here prefer the b/a levels.

I have a big prob about what to consider myself,I think I'm a beginner but,maybe,not a beginner in the strict sense of the word as I already learnt some tricks, but I can't consider myself advanced as there are loads of things I haven't learnt yet.
So here's my lj,I upload my icons there,so if anyone could tell me which category I should enter,I'd be more than grateful.
Re: Everyone Read This!

I really don't think there would be enough entries with just one per person, although the number of entries is often quite high so I think two rather than three each would definately work. :) But I don't think that's the real issue here.

The guideline thread is really useful and I think people should perhaps go back and have a look at it and reevaluate where they are at. Also, Hormiga makes a good point, it's difficult to tell sometimes which category you should be in. It's not just how long you've been doing fan art stuff, it can be about what techniques and more complicated aspects of your software you know and use. (BTW, Hormiga, it's depends on your point of view, but I think you should try advanced (your colouring etc is great) and always move down if necessary, have a look at the previous challenge entries and try and see where you fit in. ;) I don't know that many techniques either but I enter advanced when I enter challenges and usually enter fairly simple stuff, because simple can be beautiful too, and I often find that I prefer simple, well made icons/banners).

Looking back at challenge entries and winners should apply to everyone, it's pretty easy if you do that to tell where your art would fit in.

Most importantly, this is just for fun. It shouldn't be taken too seriously, everyone should be here to enjoy themselves and, yes to challenge themselves, but it really shouldn't be about the votes or winning. Be honest with yourselves when you are entering challenges, and play fair. :D

*hugs Jess and Vera* :)
Re: Everyone Read This!

Ok, first off, I've always liked the idea of Beginner/Advanced spots. I thought it was fairer for everyone if we all get fair representation.

Obviously, some people don't know what to class themselves. For instance, I'm not even sure I could be classed as beginner, because compared to everyone's entries, mine always seem to stick out like a sore thumb! :lol:

Maybe we could ahve 3 catagories? I don't know if taht would work, but kinda like Beginner, Intermediete, Advanced? Would taht work? :confused: Just a sugesstion...

Also, i don't know if there would be a lot of entries with just 1 entry each, but 2 may be a better number. I think the only way we can resolve this is to try 'em out.

Lastly, we really appreciate everything you do Jess and Vera! We know how hard you work, and sometimes I don't think we give enough consideration for just how hard you both do work, and taht you both have RL's to deal with yourselves. *hugs* Personally, I think you two are doing a fantastic job, and it's the little touches like this that show us hat you two do care about how we all feel as well, and it's nice to know that you guys are always working at giving us a better forum! Thanks guys!!! *hugs*
Re: Everyone Read This!

^^ thanks hun. *hugs everyone*

2 entries is a good suggestion, and Vera and I have talked about the B/I/A categories before, but I forget why we nixed them. When I can get a hold of her next, I'll talk to her about all of this and hopefully in a few days/weeks we can get this all figured out, otherwise, it stays as is. We will try to find the best way to work this, and if this is the best way, then unfortunately there's nothing much we can do.
Re: Everyone Read This!

I like the idea of a B/I/A category more then taking it down to 2 entries. It seems like some challenges have a had time getting enough entries with the limit of 3. I know I am being torn with whether I should move up to advanced or not in the icon category. I feel an intermediate level would be the perfect place for me. Are specific wallpapers/icons/banners being questioned?
Re: Everyone Read This!

Somehow I get the feeling that with an intermediate category the advance category will get substantially less entires.

Perhaps there ought to be a thread to help people decide what category they belong in? Where they can showcase an icon or banner and get feedback from the other users.

A thread like that even, could be run like the challenges. Just have it run in cycles, and when, say... 20ish people submit their work, it gets posted and rather than voting for faves, like a challenge, users cast a vote of beginner, intermediate or advanced for EACH piece of work. When the voting closes your level is determined by how many votes at each level your work received.... just a thought anyway.
Re: Everyone Read This!

^^ Good thought, I'll talk to Vera about it, I'm not sure how any of this will go right now, but we'll consider any and all ideas :D So keep 'em comin!
Re: Everyone Read This!

I too like the beginner/intermidate/advanced idea. And if someone wins they could possibly move up in that specific art form so that someone else can have a shot. Then perhaps more people might enter because some have been quite intimated to wnter beginners because of seeing other challange entries.
Re: Everyone Read This!

Heya! :D

First thank you all for the nice words *group hug* and for your ideas and suggestions so far.
As Jess said, we'll collect them and try to work out the most valuable most democratic challenge plan - hopefully even by end of this year :p


Wyoming said:
[...] Consider us the equivalent to the writers of CSI, CSIM, and CSINY. [...]

Awesome comparison, Jess :lol:
Re: Everyone Read This!

im completely useless when it comes to banner and icon making, and to be honest been really,really luck coming 3rd twice in a wallpaper challenge, i enter though for the enjoyment and the fun of entering, :) i mean its not as if there is any prizes or such involved...i feel and im really sorry if i am stepping out of line by saying this, so i will apologise now, but i feel its a bit of poor sportmansship to grumble in such a way, because of not winning, on the other hand i do see the point that some of the enteries in the beginners are of an excellent standard, i think that whatever is decided, you wont make everyone happy :), i do think though that maybe having three stages is a good idea, as those who feel a bit intimitated by advanced, would probably feel a lot happier in the inbetween one....im sorry if i have spoken out of term, and offended anyone :(
Re: Everyone Read This!

I definitely agree I think there should be three category.Nevertheless, I also consider there should be like someone around here said..that maybe should be done a challenge to classify people..as far as I since most people that join challenge are the ones that are always around the forum so I don´t think there should be problem with that and could be something make each month so that new people could also get involve.
Re: Everyone Read This!

I have to admit, I have thought about having three categories before, but I never suggested it because I thought it was making things too complicated.

What if each of the challenges were to have a 'trial run' with three categories, just to see how it goes?
Re: Everyone Read This!

right now, Vera isn't here at all, I'll be calling the shots on this one until she comes back, but when she pmed me last, she wanted to try the 3 categories, and I'm open to it as well.

If you want to do the trial run for the 3 categories, PM me and we'll talk about rules.
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