I got one from Mariska Hargitay 9 days before my birthday that said "Jenna, God Bless, Mariska". I want to send Jorja a letter and ask for one but I wanted to see if anyone has ever recieved one from her, or any other celeb for that matter...
OMG! Mariska Hargitay? <3 ::is jealous::
I have an autographed Star Wars book from Timothy Zahn. (Yes, I know, dorky.. :lol: ) But I love it. And it *is* an autograpgh...
Star Wars? Took me minute to figure out what it was. My Mariska Pic
It looks SO much better, but my scanner is a P.O.S. so that'll have to do. I love and adore it, but cannot find the perfect frame so it sits on my desk...
Yeah. It's kind of hard to figure out what Star Wars is, huh? Thanks for posting a picture of that Mariska picture! It's so pretty. I should really write and ask for an autograph. She kicks so much ass.