Eva/Natalia #3: More of the Beautiful Compassionate Bionic Woman!

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That is pretty much what I meant, although I also think that she might not have "discovered" the blood until then. Isn't it blood after her when she turns around there at that point?

Now they've brought up that crime scene twice, so I hope they're going to go through with it, even if they don't have to make a big deal about it at all.
I was finally able to watch the episode! I loved it and her! She's is absolutely A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!! The screaming scene was just unreal! The hospital scene was amazing too! I loved the way when Horatio said good job or good thinking she turned to Ryan or Eric and gave them that face of "see I'm good for something here". I wonder if the hearing aid thing is gonna start being mentioned more now. I think I would be afraid to wear that thing anymore after the woman found out she was "wired". I really want to see more Nick scenes with her too! I loved when she cried last night cause she was totally scared of him. I'm gonna have to watch this episode over and over again! I just loved it that much! I can't wait for upcoming episodes. I'm really looking forward to them! MJ thanks for requesting screencaps! I haven't seen any from any episode yet, so that made my day! :) I'm not gonna lie though, I was a little confused throughout the episode. The whole blood thing with her. I want to know what that had to do with her? That was the part I was confused on the most. Other than that I was ok. Al in all I give the episode a 9/10! :) Can someone make some icons and wallpapers from the screencaps from last night?
About the blood thing (why do I have a feeling we're going to discuss this for a few days? ;) ); I think I also read somewhere that Datura usually strikes you with the things you're most afraid of, so maybe the thought of getting killed by Nick still haunts her? I'm confident that she thinks Nick has killed her when she first see him in her dream sequence, it feels like it.

Great caps, thanks!
Now that I had a good rest, I have re-watched it - many many times! Esp the part where she was tackled and being held down. THE BEST SCENE and MY FAVE SCENE EVER!!!!!!! Eva was beyond convincing, my heart was thumping so fast for her there. It was bloody brilliant! :thumbsup:

Somehow no-eyes Nick wasn't scary to me. Nat was more scary to me going nuts. Definitely should have MORE because I thought some of the other scenes were redundant and could have used more on Natalia. They also found her way too easily.

I love all of her scenes, from being more aggressive than usual. Her telling Eric how this was similar to her own case. Her trying to pin down Jason. Her little conversation with Travers ' 'Thank you Sir' - LOL!! The scene with the psychic where she really conveyed that Nick was still bothering her. That EPIC scene! The hospital scene where she panic again, her so concerned that she wronged Eric & Jason. Then the scene with her and Jason. It was so in Natalia's character. The expressions and emotions are all very well done. I had high expectations and I was impress!

I think Natalia will find out something missing. Clearly she remembered what she had done, i.e. firing a gun. She said she was at the lab but was told she was found at a warehouse. She knew she saw Nick. There wasn't much after that, so there are a lot we have to assume!

Also why would they emphasis that no one was to tell her what happened? I mean she was under the influence so there is a reason. Maybe knowing Natalia's character she would be extremely upset.

Yes, yes what about the dream crime scene? Was it hers? I am still confused about her hearing. I did saw her hearing aid lying on the table. I just want to know if she STILL has her hearing problem. :confused:

I am going to have withdrawal symptoms now!!! I am sad this has ended (maybe NOT! shouldn't put it this way)!!! :( But friends, lets hope we don't have to wait long for more Natalia!!!
I got the sense that she wasn't as "ok" as she said she was at the end with Ryan when he asked if she was alright. She plays it off so well in front of everyone else, but there was something in her expression after he left that said she was not ok.

I also noticed that Natalia's still a bit stung about the defense attorney stuff -- she threw a little salt on that wound with Eric "this is such defense attorney psycho-babble". She followed with saying Nick tried the dream state on trial. Makes me wonder if something is tied together here & we just aren't seeing it yet? Natalia didn't like it when Ryan took that role, nor did she like it when Eric did it (I might add this episode was written by the same person who wrote Meltdown...way to go with continuity!)
It makes me think that maybe a defense attorney, namely Nick's, managed to weazle thier way around the system to where Nick didn't face as many charges as he should have when he attacked Natalia. Could be reaching on that one, but it would make alot of sense -- I mean, if he did what I'm IMAGINING he did - then he should have spent a helluvalot more time in jail. Wasn't it said he only served 2 years?
I do think she isn't as ok too. You can see she was nervous, fiddling with her necklace. She also tend to give a smile trying to convince others that she is ok. Same thing last season where she was denying her hearing loss. It was a rather horrific experience for her though we the audience didn't get to see it fully. I imagine H & Ryan really saw how terrified Natalia was, I assume she might be screaming & struggling her way to the hospital to get sedated. Which was why they are hiding the fact that she shot at them.

By now I am way convinced Natalia suffered way more than just a broken arm and the slaps. The look on her face when she was being held down was exactly when Nick was hitting her. My heart broke there. You made a good point about Nick not deserving the jail time he should because of his defense attorney. What BS was Nick throwing about some 'dream'.

ETA: How exactly did the psychic found out Natalia was wearing a wire and not really her hearing aid (hiding the wire)? I know Natalia was touching her aid/wire when the psychic said she wanted to record their conversation. Remember her ability to pick up transmissions? Natalia didn't try to hide it either and left it really exposed. How could the psychic have picked this up and how did Natalia let her guard down, though I think partially was due to the topic on Nick hurtng her.
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Right after the psychic informs Natalia that she's recording their conversation, Ryan tells Natalia "Funny, so are we", which makes her touch her wire in a quite unnatural way. I think the psychic picks up on that.
It was very obviously unnatural. She lost focus on this case but I still adore her. :p Hope she bounce back.

I found another Behind the Scene video (different from the previous on CBS): A nice watch http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jN0uR_Gje8E

ETA: I still haven't forgot about our secret speculation. I still believe there is some secret about Natalia yet to be revealed. Don't you all still think so?
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I think she did good, even if getting herself drugged maybe wasn't the best idea ;). And what was that with the egg really? Weird ;). I think we got our closure about this episode already so I'm not too worried about that thing anymore.

Since she hasn't had that much of a storyline in a while, I think it's probably going to come up something more. It should be a good chance for it, at least. I hope it's not going to be anything strange or desperate, though! But yeah, I'm sure there is some more secrets to be revealed... :cool:.

Thanks for the link, I had totally missed out on that one! Love the jacket!

Do we have any more Natalia-related spoilers for the next few episodes?

I love how she went all bananas over the poor guy in the beginning, LOL, it was nice to see that side of her.
Unfortunately no, the next few episodes spoilers all seemed very generic maybe no details are given out yet.

Seems like the excitment has died down now. Oh well, wonder when will the next time we will get this excited for an episode again.
I was browsing IMDB and was surprised to see that Eva was in Robocop 3. Darn that movie was awful and whenever I mention it to friends, I always used to say the only good thing about that film was Jill Hennessy.

However I will now say there were only two good things about that film: Jill and Eva
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I still haven't forgot about our secret speculation. I still believe there is some secret about Natalia yet to be revealed. Don't you all still think so?
I'm starting to think the "secret" has everything to do with what happened at that crime scene between her & Nick. TPTB have thrown us bits & pieces of what happened but still haven't let Natalia "tell" her story... surely there's a reason for that. Hmm....what could she be hiding?

Random thought: I wonder if she'll have to use her gun sometime in a later episode & start to have flashes of her "hallucinative nightmare"....what would she do if she remembers (on her own) that she shot at Horatio & Ryan? She could freeze up.....that wouldn't be good.
I think you might be right about that, they actually have brought it up a few times...and the fact that they did as late as the last episode probably mean something. That it has something to do with Nick feels like the most reasonable explanation, anyway.
Random thought: I wonder if she'll have to use her gun sometime in a later episode & start to have flashes of her "hallucinative nightmare"....what would she do if she remembers (on her own) that she shot at Horatio & Ryan? She could freeze up.....that wouldn't be good.

I really like all your thoughts, you always come up with things I can never thought of. :p
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