I don't think Horatio would want anyone telling her what she'd done if she doesn't remember....why make her go through it a second time? Most likely she'll remember bits & pieces but not be able to put it all together - that's my guess based on the fact that it appears the other "drugged victim" is able to recall a few things.Also, I think H left them there to explain to Nat when she wakes up what happened.
And I'm hoping Horatio, Ryan & Walter are all present in that hospital room as well as Eric and Calleigh.
Well, as you said Most likely she'll remember bits & pieces but not be able to put it all together. If she does remember bits and pieces, I'm sure she's going to ask someone (Mostly likely Eric or Calleigh) what the hell happened to her. Maybe whoever she asks will soften it up or leave some out but Nat will still find out she went a lil looper :evil: