Eva/Natalia #3: More of the Beautiful Compassionate Bionic Woman!

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Also, I think H left them there to explain to Nat when she wakes up what happened.
I don't think Horatio would want anyone telling her what she'd done if she doesn't remember....why make her go through it a second time? Most likely she'll remember bits & pieces but not be able to put it all together - that's my guess based on the fact that it appears the other "drugged victim" is able to recall a few things.
And I'm hoping Horatio, Ryan & Walter are all present in that hospital room as well as Eric and Calleigh.

Well, as you said Most likely she'll remember bits & pieces but not be able to put it all together. If she does remember bits and pieces, I'm sure she's going to ask someone (Mostly likely Eric or Calleigh) what the hell happened to her. Maybe whoever she asks will soften it up or leave some out but Nat will still find out she went a lil looper :evil:
Also, I think H left them there to explain to Nat when she wakes up what happened.
I don't think Horatio would want anyone telling her what she'd done if she doesn't remember....why make her go through it a second time? Most likely she'll remember bits & pieces but not be able to put it all together - that's my guess based on the fact that it appears the other "drugged victim" is able to recall a few things.
And I'm hoping Horatio, Ryan & Walter are all present in that hospital room as well as Eric and Calleigh.

Well, as you said Most likely she'll remember bits & pieces but not be able to put it all together. If she does remember bits and pieces, I'm sure she's going to ask someone (Mostly likely Eric or Calleigh) what the hell happened to her. Maybe whoever she asks will soften it up or leave some out but Nat will still find out she went a lil looper :evil:

Ohhh...I'm not sure there's any way to soften that blow. I'm not even sure any of them could find it in thier hearts to TELL her - I wouldn't!
Ohhh...I'm not sure there's any way to soften that blow. I'm not even sure any of them could find it in thier hearts to TELL her - I wouldn't!
I do think Natalia will eventually know what happened......
i.e. that she shot H & Ryan. In that scene where she woke up, looks like she just woke up from her nightmare and is still having some after effects. Wouldn't the warehouse be like her 'second crime scene' now? How would she explain that her weapon had been fired, assuming she did used her own gun? She hijacked a car. When it was mentioned that Horatio would keep it quiet, I thought this applies to the higher ups but not Natalia. Oh my...bad days ahead for Natalia and yeah no promotion. :(

Well we will find out very soon! One day to go people!!
Ohhh...I'm not sure there's any way to soften that blow. I'm not even sure any of them could find it in thier hearts to TELL her - I wouldn't!
I do think Natalia will eventually know what happened......
i.e. that she shot H & Ryan. In that scene where she woke up, looks like she just woke up from her nightmare and is still having some after effects. Wouldn't the warehouse be like her 'second crime scene' now? How would she explain that her weapon had been fired, assuming she did used her own gun? She hijacked a car. When it was mentioned that Horatio would keep it quiet, I thought this applies to the higher ups but not Natalia. Oh my...bad days ahead for Natalia and yeah no promotion. :(

Well we will find out very soon! One day to go people!!

I think she'll remember seeing Nick & shooting, but probably won't understand just yet that she was actually firing at Horatio & Ryan....in her mind they were Nick, so she might not have any recollection of them even being there.

On Horatio keeping quiet - probably from the higher-ups, I assume. I guess it's possible he hides from her the fact that she's shot at him & Ryan...but in that article, I do believe Eva was referring to him keeping it mum from anyone who might investigate.
Less than 24 hours away! :D

I am going to stay away from this board (trying very hard!!) until I have seen the episode because I won't be able to watch it like you guys. :scream:

I am getting lil nervous too!! :lol:

Are you guys all geared up for the episode? :D :beer:
Less than 24 hours away! :D

I am going to stay away from this board (trying very hard!!) until I have seen the episode because I won't be able to watch it like you guys. :scream:

I am getting lil nervous too!! :lol:

Are you guys all geared up for the episode? :D :beer:

I am totally pumped for this episode!:lol: (grumbles bout not seeing it till Monday)

So, for today, I am stopping myself from reading this thread....God it will be hard!

Till tommorrow guys....Happy CSI-filled Halloween :devil:
Eva at the 17th annual Dream Halloween event

(and happy halloween too)

Another photo of Eva's Halloween costume
Okay my friends! My cheerleading competition is over (our team's advancing to Regionals - YAY!) and I'm ready for tonight's episode! Bring on our talented Eva!

Edit: Half way through the episode and Eva is ROCKING it! So much Natalia, so many answers... LOVING this episode. THANK YOU, writers! THANK YOU!
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I just wanted to come by and say how AMAZING Eva was tonight! She conveyed such great emotions throughout this episode, and my heart broke for her on more than one occasion.

Even in a hospital bed, Eva looked stunning!
Oooooh, I should be avoiding this thread

Stupid perents taking away my laptop till Friday! And this stupid old ass computer doesn't have Flash Player!

Oooooh, cruel, cruel, cruel!
Argh so frustrated at work.......finally got to watch it after such a freaking long wait from work till home. :scream: :censored:

I am tired.

Well, imo I thought there wasn't much of Natalia at all. I wished it was much longer, esp her drugged part because Eva was so awesome there!!! Not much of a Natalia centric episode imo. Really wished there was more mentioned about her past and all. Glad her hearing was mentioned but I am a little confused, so is her hearing aid really a hearing aid or a wire? :confused:

Nonetheless I am sooooooo happy with Eva's performance :thumbsup:, she was amazing but again wished there was more of her. I mean how long next do we have to wait for something similar for Natalia? :(

Let me rest and then I will watch it again and raise some more questions. ;)

PS. Love Eva's Halloween costume. She's funny. Lol!
This is easily one of the best episodes I've seen in a while, I think it hits my top ten straight away! The case was both solid and interesting and I liked that we got to see some feelings, great. The first dream sequence were frightening enough to get me on my toes straight away, and I also think it was way over the average Miami episode in tempo, which never really fell back down again.

All the supporting characters did a fantastic job and was a part of why I liked this episode so much. I also thought that the motives were fitting and felt real, unlike some other episodes where your are like "Wtf?" - thank you CBS.

I absolutley loved the team interactions like I said before, and also that the other lab rats participated more and were a great addition today. Tom! I love that he and Calleigh are bonding, she's like the M.E-whisperer, LOL! They are such a weird pair but that's why it's interesting :). It could have been a little bit more of Calleigh in this episode though, I start to miss her for real now. A minute more would be great.

Eva...I don't really know what to say. She was brilliant! It was nice and much needed to get some more background info. I instantly thought that Natalia thought Nick had killed her when she stepped in the blood in her dream sequence (boy, did he look scary or what? I would have freaked!), but I haven't seen anyone else picking up on that so now I am a bit unsure of what to think.

Haha, Ryan was good and funny in this, it suited him well. All RaiNers out there must be happy ;), but I personally hoping they'll stay friends. What they have is too important to be screwed up by the writers.

Sooo...now I've unloaded enough to be able to work one my new fic ;). All in all, it gets 9/10 from me! :bolian:

I've made a few caps from the episode in not that high quality, which you can find here:

My God...tonight I dreamt some Canadian dude on this forum didn't like my avatar and was totally bugging me about it...time to spend some time away from my computer maybe? Lol
I really think Eva's acting last night was really good, better than usual. I'm off to watch it again...or maybe I should wait and see if Tomas hits town first:(
Well, I absolutely loved it.....though I too wish there had been more "looney Natalia" (she was so perfect!).

Kinda sad now that it's over....I was hoping they'd have left a little something for us to chew on, but there was enough there to keep me questioning. Like - Nick's dream defence when he was on trial for attacking her. How in the world do you dream that you've beat the shit out of your wife?! I mean, obviously he was awake....but I don't understand how that would even have worked in a case like that. I so badly want to know what exactly happened that night - they need to revisit this case! Far too many things missing about that storyline.

The other thing that left me with a raised eyebrow was the fact that Horatio & Ryan have not told her what she'd done -- does anyone else feel that that isn't quite over?
I re-watched the hospital scene & noticed that when Ryan said "that's where Horatio & I found you", Natalia kept looking directly at him even though Calleigh was talking...she just stared at him, almost like something was triggering her memory there.

I am a little confused, so is her hearing aid really a hearing aid or a wire? :confused:

It was confusing, but I do think it was her "real" hearing aid (anyone notice it sitting on the table next to the recorder when Horatio & Ryan searched the home?). Ryan was overhearing everything that went on in that room, & he had to have heard Elena point out Natalia's hearing aid -- if there was no hearing aid, then Ryan would have known that Elena spotted the wire/ear piece & he'd have gone in immediatly knowing she was onto Natalia. That's my conclusion anyway.

I instantly thought that Natalia thought Nick had killed her when she stepped in the blood in her dream sequence (boy, did he look scary or what? I would have freaked!), but I haven't seen anyone else picking up on that so now I am a bit unsure of what to think.
That scene was quite creepy. The blood she stepped in was already a footprint, there was a bloody handprint on the wall - Nick was mopping up loads of blood....scary. I'm probably looking into it too much, but maybe that's what her original crime scene looked like, or maybe some foreshadowing perhaps?
I want to see so much more come from this -- I just feel like we're missing all kinds of pieces to the puzzle here!!
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