Eva/Natalia #3: More of the Beautiful Compassionate Bionic Woman!

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Speaking of "her" crime scene --
I wonder if it happened in that garage/warehouse that we see in the promo pics? I'm having a hard time understanding why she'd end up in such a seemingly random place.....does she somehow manage to return to her old crime scene, or does "ghost Nick" chase her there? :confused:
And in that one promo pic, Ryan's standing next to a black car outside this place -- is it Nat's car? I'm scared if she actually drives while tripping. :cardie:

Damn...TPTB have thier hooks in me with this one. :p

And when H and Ryan find her on the ground, maybe its not a "restraining her" thing but a "checking if shes ALIVE thing!":eek: :eek::eek: H does look like he's just found a pulse ands trying to wake her up or talk to her:eek::cardie:

to me it just looks like she's flippin' out & Horatio's trying to get her to look at him & realize that Nick isn't there. The scenario that's playing out in my head is that she draws her gun on either Eric or Ryan -- H is there & they're all trying to talk her down, she's freaking out, maybe screaming at them, then Ryan manages to knock the gun out of her hands & they both wind up on the ground. Just a guess.

I don't think she's going to wind up in the hospital or anything though, it just doesn't appear that way to me -- I'm anxious to see what they do with her from the time they find her 'til the end of the episode. PLEASE don't make her up & working the rest of the case!! :scream:
I read a bit more about this Zombie drug, it seems that person under the influence will sort of behave like a zombie and it last at least one day! I wonder how she will portray. I have this thought that after she unsuccessfully tried to shoot her coworkers (Ghost!Nick), she might try to kill herself or something! Yikes! This is where Horatio will come to the rescue.

About her crime scene, I was just wondering what TPTB really meant when they wrote that in and if it still held any significance till today.

I still really hope to know about any secret about Natalia, it is not the first time the producer seem to think Natalia is someone with a secret. I hope they put this down on the script!
I read a bit more about this Zombie drug, it seems that person under the influence will sort of behave like a zombie and it last at least one day! I wonder how she will portray. I have this thought that after she unsuccessfully tried to shoot her coworkers (Ghost!Nick), she might try to kill herself or something! Yikes! This is where Horatio will come to the rescue.

About her crime scene, I was just wondering what TPTB really meant when they wrote that in and if it still held any significance till today.

I still really hope to know about any secret about Natalia, it is not the first time the producer seem to think Natalia is someone with a secret. I hope they put this down on the script!

Oh Michya! Thats an idea I haven't thought of. Ohhh, this episode seems to gonna be so tense for us Nat fans!

And about the "crime scene", I hope it's featured, since the guy who plays Ghost!Nick said he was in alot of shots in the episode, I hope that means alot of flashbacks showing Nat's past ;)

PS: Is anyone else CONSTANTLY flicking back to the promo pics trying to figure out whats going on?:p
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Hehe yeah, you're not alone! So far I think they make great inspiration! ;) Tomorrow we'll hopefully have the promo, wiiihooo!

I'm also hoping for the crime scene and some more explanation...hope it's nothing really weird. It seems to be a quite different episode and they're usually very good I think.
Hehe yeah, you're not alone! So far I think they make great inspiration! ;) Tomorrow we'll hopefully have the promo, wiiihooo!

I'm also hoping for the crime scene and some more explanation...hope it's nothing really weird. It seems to be a quite different episode and they're usually very good I think.

I agree, every Miami Halloween episode always has a twist of some sort (wolf-men, "dead-guys" coming back to life etc):wtf::devil::devil:

I'm just worried about the episode, though I know Nat will survive I'm worried what side-effect could be present in future episodes for her.

As I've said before and I'll say again, I'm just worried about Nat going MIA again,:( I bearly lasted last season when that happened! :(

Oh and Turbid, you should join the Irish plan to go to America every Sunday, bunk in a Miami loving house to watch the episode and then swim home the next day :guffaw::p:guffaw:
Hmm, yeah, but that hasn't really happened to anyone on the show yet apart from maybe Ryan for a couple of episodes when he got fired, but he came back again. I don't think it's going to be that bad, not for long anyway. I mean, Eric came back to work the next episode when he was first shot in the head, she practically will have to die to top that...and I think we would have heard something if that was going to happen ;).

Totally going with you next time, LOL!
For everyone who was worried about no Natalia in this episode, you don't have to worry! We didn't even get to the opening credits yet and not only has she made an appearance, but she's had several lines already!

So I'm content. Though to tell you the truth, I'd be content even if she was missing from this episode. Tonight, it's all about next week's promo!

Edit: The episode just ended! (Lots of Natalia!) So, you know what that means - HERE IT COMES! THE PROMO! (...After these commercials, ugh!)

Edit Again: Oh, poo; just the first five to eight seconds of the promo featured Natalia.
Natalia was walking barefoot through the lab, gun in hand. Another shot had her in the warehouse/parking garage with gun drawn and then taking a shot at Horatio.

So excited for next week!
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Thank god! Thanks for assuring Natalia is in the episode, I actually do mind a lot if she is MIA, I can take if she just appear for two scenes but not MIA anymore. So that's a relief.

Hmm doesn't seem like the promo showed much? Well I have to wait till I go home and watch it all!

Natalia does seem to be behaving strangely there....barefooted.
Barefoot??? Awesome :cool:.

Promo isn't up on youtube yet! Last week someone posted a youtube link for the promo of this week's episode 3.07 am, unfair! Especially since I'll go on a short trip and hopefully get some skiing with no internet ;).
Thank god she was in the episode! I hope this means no more missing episodes. :thumbsup:
Promo, promo, promo!! I sat up in my bed like a little kid & grinned ear to ear as soon as David said "stay tuned for scenes from our next episode" :lol:

To be honest I need to see it again 'cause I could barely make out what was going on. Natalia was barefoot walking through the lab? :confused: I don't think I saw that.
It opened with a direct shot on Natalia's eyes opening, then I saw some other freaky looking stuff...goldfish?:wtf:.....then I heard a creepy voice whisper 'Nataliaaa'. Heard a few screams, probably Nat.
Saw her shooting, looks like H takes the bullet but we know he won't.

This episode is gonna be soooooo awesome. :cool:


OOOOooooh sounds so good! Goldfish and barefoot? Sounds insane! Ooooh screaming and shooting at H!!! Oh!

Out of the hundreds of criminals to try kill H, Nat's the one to make him bleed eh? I think thats some form of honour or something, don't you?


OOOOooooh sounds so good! Goldfish and barefoot? Sounds insane! Ooooh screaming and shooting at H!!! Oh!

Out of the hundreds of criminals to try kill H, Nat's the one to make him bleed eh? I think thats some form of honour or something, don't you?
Ow I absolutly AGREE give us that promo I coudn't see it because i'm outside of USA and most of the time it is posted 3 hours later but now still no promo
give us that (....@!@#$%^) Promo xD:devil:
I need to see that promo too!!! :scream:

Anyways, I am so relief we have our Natalia back in the episodes and no more MIA!! *phew*!!! Never know how worried I was!

Bring on the 'freak'-ing anticipated episode! Halloween can't get any better! Lol!
I know how crazy I'd be going if there was a promo out featuring my favorite character that I couldn't see, so... I recorded and uploaded the promo! Keep in mind that it's not of the best quality (I recorded it off of the television through my digital camera), but it's better than nothing, right?

Here's the link, but it might take a few minutes to still process; I just uploaded it.
The promo isn't up yet but I'll check it out :)

In terms of last night's episode Manhunt, I thought the scene where she toughened at the Child care place was really good. She's done it before but it was good to see her tough side as all the "Tough Lady" scenes go to Calleigh
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