Eva/Natalia #3: More of the Beautiful Compassionate Bionic Woman!

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^^^^ exactly! I just don't understand why we had to wait 4 seasons to start seeing everything that went on with he life in the past! It's aggravating!!! So TPTB better pull through on this one and give us what we want cause I would love to see it! I can see them totally going around the bend instead of going through it and not showing us anything. I'll be pissed if that happens! And the thought of her having a baby makes me smile. I wish she woukd have one and that be her secret or she lost one even though that would be sad. And I agree on the pregnancy test thing. She wouldve had to have done one to know they don't work on her. I really hope all this secret stuff is coming soon and not next year!!! I can see them leaving us with a cliff hanger and having to wait till next year to see it!!! Hopefully next episode will be just as full of Natalia as the last one!!! *crosses fingers*
And my idea of Nat's secret, which is just my speculation but....even consider Nat had a kid with Nick.

Oh wow, you don't know how many times many of us Natalia fans discussed this here. :lol:
Basically, I think anything is possible when it comes to this show. I've always thought that maybe she had a child too -- I'm not even sure why, just a wierd vibe I guess.

I would LOVE to see Natalia's story include a child. She's a natural for something like that with the warmth and love she that just flows from her. I don't think it's a stretch that she would have sent a son or daughter to be cared for by the underground to hide/protect them from Nick.

They'd have to explain why, after Nick's death, she didn't bring them to be with her 24/7, but I can think of any number of plausible reasons for that.

I'm crossing my fingers that TPTB have finally figured out what a freaking goldmine they have with Eva and they capitalize on it this season.

Did anyone notice the closeness between Ryan and Natalia?
Lol, that was a very cute scene. Though for me, I felt the scene of them actually playing ball was more the actors than it was the characters....if that makes any sense. And I love Eva & Jon's closeness, so of course I loved him swinging her around on the court. But yeah, sorry shippers - I do love Ryan & Nat's friendship, but the scene really felt more like Jon & Eva to me.

I agree that whole think felt more like the actor playing around. It was adorable to watch Jon and Eva. I'm another one who just can't stand the thought of another relationship on this show. It would break my heart to see Ryan and Natalia messed with to get them to conform to some trumped up romance. These writers just don't have the talent to pull it off.

Eva did look look fantastic playing basketball. Again, a natural. ;)
I would LOVE to see Natalia's story include a child. She's a natural for something like that with the warmth and love she that just flows from her. I don't think it's a stretch that she would have sent a son or daughter to be cared for by the underground to hide/protect them from Nick.

They'd have to explain why, after Nick's death, she didn't bring them to be with her 24/7, but I can think of any number of plausible reasons for that.

Agree on everything. I think it would be interesting to see a CSI raise a child on thier own. I realize Horatio has Kyle, but if Natalia had one he/she would likely be around 5 years old, so the age difference would allow for different types of parental storylines.
I'd love for it to happen. Rehashing the Nick situation is nice because I do want to see more of what happened, but when that's over they're going to need to go somewhere else with her....what better way to move her forward from the Nick/abuse angle than to make her a working single mother?!

I guess we'll just have to wait & see what tptb are up to with this Natalia business. I hope we aren't disappointed.

In the link below - some new cover pics & the photographer's words on working with Eva.

Gorgeous, as always. :p
Greetings good people! Holy smokes! It has been quite some time since I have posted on anything on this site. Since we seem to be discussing your favorite character and mine, Natalia, it seems befitting that I chime in.

There's a lot of talk of a "revelatory" season for Nat. I like the idea of a child being involved here but not in another way.

Some might remember a scene a few seasons back when Nick appeared at the lab with a piece of evidence that the CSIs had missed. You may remember that he said that he remembered the day she "walked out" and he also offered her wedding ring back if she wanted it. This kind of stuck with me because it seemed to allude to something more. Well, what if Natalia was in early stages of pregnancy at the time she walked out? Would she have wanted to raise a child in such a crazy marriage? Somehow, I think no. Perhaps she left to somehow figure out what to do next.

We know very next to nothing about the period after she left Nick and prior to working at the Miami lab, except for the fact she worked for the FBI. Beyond that we know nothing at all. We also know that she is the only member, besides Frank Tripp, that was ever married.

I have always like the idea that Nat had the child but gave it up for adoption. Likely her life was in shambles and thought it a better choice to give the child up rather than try to raise it alone.

Here's where things could get really interesting. Let's just say that a case comes up where circumstances have Natalia and the child she gave up crossing paths by pure coincidence. You could play around with this a great deal. You could have other CSIs like Delko or Ryan meet the child for whatever reason, and notice the striking resemblance to the labs DNA specialist. Would they think its just pure coincidence or would they actually start to wonder if Natalia had a child by Nick? Or it could be Nat herself. One way to find out if the child she is seeing was hers would be by doing an "off the books" DNA match. You could use any number of variations here. Would Nat confess to someone that she bore a child but gave it up for adoption? Or would she forever keep the secret?

This is an idea I have always liked even though it sounds like something out of a soap opera. How this turns out would be determined by how the script it written. Done right it could be quite believable and a great chance to Eva to stretch her acting range some. I still think she did great in "Miami Confidential". It would be great to somehow bring back Agent Mike. Done wrong and it could be an absolute disaster.

Chime in if you so like! Tell me the pros and cons. Approve? Disapprove?
Think I'm nuts?
Well, I can't see Natalia giving up her child for adoption at all. Not only it doesn't seem like her (though given the situation she was in), she also could have let her parents/siblings take care of her child. Besides, she did got back with him temporarily so it wasn't like she was ultra scared of him and didn't know how to fight back. I don't know. Anyways, that does seem more of soap opera. But the idea of her just having a child is good for me.

It will be good if they can bring Nick back for flashbacks. I am also really curious about her job with the FBI. What exactly was her role there, a DNA analyst or something else?

I hope for more news/spoilers about Natalia! Keeps me going!
The talks about the child get me excited! But in "Dead Air" I know when she was talking to Eric she said I had a couple of friends over. Wouldnt that mean they wouldve seen him/her if she had a child? Just curious. Maybe she took him/her over to her parents or sisters house before the party began. There's so many stories they could use with her if they would only open up there eyes and see how amazing she really is!!! I really do wish they would bring back Nick though and show us how it was. I also would like to see her having headaches and like having flashbacks then too and then her having nightmares would be good. Just something different than what they've done!!! Its so aggravating with the same stories being used over and over again!!! Hopefully Sunday will be promising for upcoming episodes!!! :)
Greetings good people! Holy smokes! It has been quite some time since I have posted on anything on this site. Since we seem to be discussing your favorite character and mine, Natalia, it seems befitting that I chime in.

There's a lot of talk of a "revelatory" season for Nat. I like the idea of a child being involved here but not in another way.

Some might remember a scene a few seasons back when Nick appeared at the lab with a piece of evidence that the CSIs had missed. You may remember that he said that he remembered the day she "walked out" and he also offered her wedding ring back if she wanted it. This kind of stuck with me because it seemed to allude to something more. Well, what if Natalia was in early stages of pregnancy at the time she walked out? Would she have wanted to raise a child in such a crazy marriage? Somehow, I think no. Perhaps she left to somehow figure out what to do next.

We know very next to nothing about the period after she left Nick and prior to working at the Miami lab, except for the fact she worked for the FBI. Beyond that we know nothing at all. We also know that she is the only member, besides Frank Tripp, that was ever married.

I have always like the idea that Nat had the child but gave it up for adoption. Likely her life was in shambles and thought it a better choice to give the child up rather than try to raise it alone.

Here's where things could get really interesting. Let's just say that a case comes up where circumstances have Natalia and the child she gave up crossing paths by pure coincidence. You could play around with this a great deal. You could have other CSIs like Delko or Ryan meet the child for whatever reason, and notice the striking resemblance to the labs DNA specialist. Would they think its just pure coincidence or would they actually start to wonder if Natalia had a child by Nick? Or it could be Nat herself. One way to find out if the child she is seeing was hers would be by doing an "off the books" DNA match. You could use any number of variations here. Would Nat confess to someone that she bore a child but gave it up for adoption? Or would she forever keep the secret?

This is an idea I have always liked even though it sounds like something out of a soap opera. How this turns out would be determined by how the script it written. Done right it could be quite believable and a great chance to Eva to stretch her acting range some. I still think she did great in "Miami Confidential". It would be great to somehow bring back Agent Mike. Done wrong and it could be an absolute disaster.

Chime in if you so like! Tell me the pros and cons. Approve? Disapprove?
Think I'm nuts?

Though I L.O.V.E your idea doublehelix, I doubt TPTB will make it happen, it would involve giving alot of screentime and juciy plots to Nat, which seems to only be able to happen for EC :scream:*grumble*:scream:

No offense EC lovers but EC makes me go :censored:eck!

Anyway, I beleive some of what you said is pausable.

Perhaps when Nat found out she was pregnant, it was during the "good times" (i.e before Nick was abusive) And then he turned into a monster shortly after the baby's birth, so she had to give the baby up, either to adoption or through the railroad (I doubt the latter, if Nat was part of the rail-road at this stage, I doubt they'd leave her behind with Nick)

Or, as I've already suggested before, perhaps Nick killed the baby/child in his rage. It could be how Nat finally got the courage to leave him. :confused: Again, this is all just my gut feeling.

It would be intresting if the child was alive and some how found his/her way back into Nat's life. I remember Calleigh and Eric having a conversation about kids once, where Calleigh said "Could you imagine raising a child with no help, I mean, with the hours we work?"

Perhaps Ryan could swoop in and help?? Lol, once again it's my wishfull thinking acting up. ;D
It's so funny we're discussing this when it isn't even true, lol, but I have to say a few words regardless. :p

My thoughts are close to Doublehelix's post (BTW, welcome back buddy!!). Though, my theory is that she'd have found out she was pregnant around the time Nick broke her arm - he went to jail, she never told him she was pregnant.
As far as adoption - in her situation I could see her doing it, but maybe not actually giving the child up completely. Say she sent her/him to be with a gaurdian/foster parents (somewhere distant so that Nick wouldn't find out about the baby) & still kept in touch visiting as often as she could, but since Nick's death has had a hard time gaining full custody of the child (TV shows can come up with all kinds of reasons why).
If this were to happen, I'd like to see that the child knows who Natalia is & that there's some kind of relationship already established.

Anyhoo, that's my 2 cents on the subject.

We really need more spoilers, speculation is killing me.
Ahh, yeah it is killing me for sure! TPTB better put all these to good use and yes I want it to be something different! The next promo pics better feature our gal! Coz its Ep 9.6!!!
Maybe she WAS pregnant, but Nick hit her or pushed her...or something... and she lost the baby. ... Just a thought.

I do think that we're all thinking a little too far into this...and while I'd love there to be something heavy going on with Natalia...knowing the show and writers..etc.. a little too well, I don't think we're going to have anything too deep or too character-developmenty.
Anyone can give a brief recap on Natalia in this episode?

Anyways, I saw the promo for next week, I am surprise Natalia is not in the promo since she was suppose to connect somewhat with this case. Why? :confused:
Anyone can give a brief recap on Natalia in this episode?

Anyways, I saw the promo for next week, I am surprise Natalia is not in the promo since she was suppose to connect somewhat with this case. Why?

Off the top of my head, she had a scene in the beginning with the new ME.
-Funny scene with her and Walter in a ladies washroom. She was using the dryer to get a waterlogged cellphone to work.
-Another one with Calleigh at the AV desk.
-I think there was another scene with her, Cal, Eric and Ryan at the AV table

I hope the above helps. I didn't like the ep which is probably why I don't remember too much of it. She wasn't in the Cdn promo either which gave me a SAW'esque vibe.
Natalia had some pretty decent scenes -- business as usual, nothing telling.

Looks like we're going to get our Natalia episode EARLY!!
Episode description & airtime:
"Sleepless in Miami" - When a man claims to have dreamed of a murder before it happened, Horatio must send Natalia undercover for the team to determine if he's crazy, psychic, or just plain guilty, on CSI: MIAMI, Sunday, Oct. 31 (10:00-11:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network.

I'm wondering why the switch -- not complaining, but wondering. Maybe tptb thought this is better suited for Halloween? I hope we get cool, creep, & scary - Natalia on top of that & I'm a happy fan. :p
Thanks guys.

Why did they change the slot for that episode? Is it still considered the 'sweeps' period? Sorry, I get a little paranoid. Hmm so Horatio actually puts her undercover? I pray that we won't be disappointed!!! And that there will be more good stuffs coming!
No offense EC lovers but EC makes me go :censored:eck!
E/C makes any rational person out there do that, darling. No worries. :)

Looks like we're going to get our Natalia episode EARLY!!
Episode description & airtime:
"Sleepless in Miami" - When a man claims to have dreamed of a murder before it happened, Horatio must send Natalia undercover for the team to determine if he's crazy, psychic, or just plain guilty, on CSI: MIAMI, Sunday, Oct. 31 (10:00-11:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network.
I'm wondering why the switch -- not complaining, but wondering. Maybe tptb thought this is better suited for Halloween? I hope we get cool, creep, & scary - Natalia on top of that & I'm a happy fan. :p
I can always count on you to keep us up to date with the latest Natalia/Eva news, mjszud! Is there a pocket version of you I can have? :p

I'm so super excited for the episode and am thrilled they're airing it earlier than they originally intended to. Color me somewhat shocked to see her story is actually listed as the description for the episode; usually any Natalia stories in the episodes aren't mentioned in the descriptions at all.
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