Greetings good people! Holy smokes! It has been quite some time since I have posted on anything on this site. Since we seem to be discussing your favorite character and mine, Natalia, it seems befitting that I chime in.
There's a lot of talk of a "revelatory" season for Nat. I like the idea of a child being involved here but not in another way.
Some might remember a scene a few seasons back when Nick appeared at the lab with a piece of evidence that the CSIs had missed. You may remember that he said that he remembered the day she "walked out" and he also offered her wedding ring back if she wanted it. This kind of stuck with me because it seemed to allude to something more. Well, what if Natalia was in early stages of pregnancy at the time she walked out? Would she have wanted to raise a child in such a crazy marriage? Somehow, I think no. Perhaps she left to somehow figure out what to do next.
We know very next to nothing about the period after she left Nick and prior to working at the Miami lab, except for the fact she worked for the FBI. Beyond that we know nothing at all. We also know that she is the only member, besides Frank Tripp, that was ever married.
I have always like the idea that Nat had the child but gave it up for adoption. Likely her life was in shambles and thought it a better choice to give the child up rather than try to raise it alone.
Here's where things could get really interesting. Let's just say that a case comes up where circumstances have Natalia and the child she gave up crossing paths by pure coincidence. You could play around with this a great deal. You could have other CSIs like Delko or Ryan meet the child for whatever reason, and notice the striking resemblance to the labs DNA specialist. Would they think its just pure coincidence or would they actually start to wonder if Natalia had a child by Nick? Or it could be Nat herself. One way to find out if the child she is seeing was hers would be by doing an "off the books" DNA match. You could use any number of variations here. Would Nat confess to someone that she bore a child but gave it up for adoption? Or would she forever keep the secret?
This is an idea I have always liked even though it sounds like something out of a soap opera. How this turns out would be determined by how the script it written. Done right it could be quite believable and a great chance to Eva to stretch her acting range some. I still think she did great in "Miami Confidential". It would be great to somehow bring back Agent Mike. Done wrong and it could be an absolute disaster.
Chime in if you so like! Tell me the pros and cons. Approve? Disapprove?
Think I'm nuts?
Though I L.O.V.E your idea doublehelix, I doubt TPTB will make it happen, it would involve giving alot of screentime and juciy plots to Nat, which seems to only be able to happen for EC :scream:*grumble*:scream:
No offense EC lovers but EC makes me go :censored:eck!
Anyway, I beleive some of what you said is pausable.
Perhaps when Nat found out she was pregnant, it was during the "good times" (i.e before Nick was abusive) And then he turned into a monster shortly after the baby's birth, so she had to give the baby up, either to adoption or through the railroad (I doubt the latter, if Nat was part of the rail-road at this stage, I doubt they'd leave her behind with Nick)
Or, as I've already suggested before, perhaps Nick killed the baby/child in his rage. It could be how Nat finally got the courage to leave him.
Again, this is all just my gut feeling.
It would be intresting if the child was alive and some how found his/her way back into Nat's life. I remember Calleigh and Eric having a conversation about kids once, where Calleigh said "Could you imagine raising a child with no help, I mean, with the hours we work?"
Ryan could swoop in and help?? Lol, once again it's my wishfull thinking acting up. ;D