Eva/Natalia #3: More of the Beautiful Compassionate Bionic Woman!

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And my idea of Nat's secret, which is just my speculation but....even consider Nat had a kid with Nick.

Oh wow, you don't know how many times many of us Natalia fans discussed this here. :lol:
Basically, I think anything is possible when it comes to this show. I've always thought that maybe she had a child too -- I'm not even sure why, just a wierd vibe I guess.

Did anyone notice the closeness between Ryan and Natalia?
Lol, that was a very cute scene. Though for me, I felt the scene of them actually playing ball was more the actors than it was the characters....if that makes any sense. And I love Eva & Jon's closeness, so of course I loved him swinging her around on the court. But yeah, sorry shippers - I do love Ryan & Nat's friendship, but the scene really felt more like Jon & Eva to me.


Dang you guys, I was so busy grinning at the ending scene that I didn't catch a detail in the dialogue about Natalia until I re-watched it.

Ryan: I pick Walter, 'cause frankly me & Calleigh bet money on who'd win so I wanna throw the game.
Eric: Ok, I got Natalia - let's go baby
Ryan: You're gonna take *pinkus over here?
Eric: That's right *laughs*
Natalia: Hey, 3 years of varsity I will hurt you.

Varsity! That's our girl.

* I'm not sure on the "pinkus" part, LOL. That's what it sounded like he called her, but it could've been something else as I really have no idea who or what 'pinkus' means. Someone might have to educate me on that one, lol.
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That was an amusing dialogue. :p Don't get what he meant though.

What I see is friendship but then again it is more of the actors than the characters. ;)

As for Natalia's secret, I am leaning towards something we should have already known, instead of something we don't know. Though I hope for the latter. Her having a kid is not entirely impossible but I don't think so.

It does scares me when these producers mentioned so many 'ideas' but they are not being put into action. *fingers crossed* for Natalia!!!
That was an amusing dialogue. :p Don't get what he meant though.
I know. I really wish tptb wouldn't throw stuff in there that I have to look up to 'get'. :lol: So yeah, I looked up 'pinkus' and came across a Pinkus Dermatopathology Labratory - my guess is that this is what he was referring to & that Natalia was basically "the brain" & he didn't know she was the sporty type? Apparently Eric did since he said "that's right" while laughing. Kinda funny when ya think about it....poor Ryan. Lol.
If Ryan thought Natalia was the brainy type instead of the sporty type, her response of 3 years varsity and "I will hurt you" make perfect sense.
And my idea of Nat's secret, which is just my speculation but....even consider Nat had a kid with Nick.

Oh wow, you don't know how many times many of us Natalia fans discussed this here. :lol:
Basically, I think anything is possible when it comes to this show. I've always thought that maybe she had a child too -- I'm not even sure why, just a wierd vibe I guess.

Did anyone notice the closeness between Ryan and Natalia?
Lol, that was a very cute scene. Though for me, I felt the scene of them actually playing ball was more the actors than it was the characters....if that makes any sense. And I love Eva & Jon's closeness, so of course I loved him swinging her around on the court. But yeah, sorry shippers - I do love Ryan & Nat's friendship, but the scene really felt more like Jon & Eva to me.


Dang you guys, I was so busy grinning at the ending scene that I didn't catch a detail in the dialogue about Natalia until I re-watched it.

Ryan: I pick Walter, 'cause frankly me & Calleigh bet money on who'd win so I wanna throw the game.
Eric: Ok, I got Natalia - let's go baby
Ryan: You're gonna take *pinkus over here?
Eric: That's right *laughs*
Natalia: Hey, 3 years of varsity I will hurt you.

Varsity! That's our girl.

* I'm not sure on the "pinkus" part, LOL. That's what it sounded like he called her, but it could've been something else as I really have no idea who or what 'pinkus' means. Someone might have to educate me on that one, lol.

Lol, thank God I'm not the only one who thought that, was starting to think I just had an off-synced brain (which I probably do anyways ;)

I was re-thinking it over and it could be a very-strong possibility. And as Michya said "I am leaning towards something we should have already known, instead of something we don't know"

That very statement has me thinking a possible lost baby is likely....

Nat stated she's been to a crime scene before, but the first was not voluntary.
Then when she had the pregnancy scare with Eric, she seemed really relieved when it was false.
And then on another case, she was working a baby stroller, I know I could be making something out of nothing but all these seem like signs to me....

And Nat just radiates a motherly protection, I hope it's the secret, I can imagine Nat being haunted by a child whilst drugged...lol

I'm dwelling WAY to much on FanFiction!!!!
I think her 'secret' is more just that she's very closed off.... It's probably connected to whatever her hearing loss/abuse connection is. Just something that she doesn't really talk about..

My only other thought...but I don't think CSI miami would delve into this kind of storyline with their CSI's..... would be that Nick's death was staged, and maybe not at first, but somewhere down the line, Natalia found out about it...Maybe he has her under his spell again... she's keeping the secret that he's still alive

I also just realized that my avitar has 'everyone's got a secret' ... I forget where I got that from , but it was a Natalia quote.
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That was an amusing dialogue. :p Don't get what he meant though.
I know. I really wish tptb wouldn't throw stuff in there that I have to look up to 'get'. :lol: So yeah, I looked up 'pinkus' and came across a Pinkus Dermatopathology Labratory - my guess is that this is what he was referring to & that Natalia was basically "the brain" & he didn't know she was the sporty type? Apparently Eric did since he said "that's right" while laughing. Kinda funny when ya think about it....poor Ryan. Lol.

I wonder if that's where the name for that cartoon "Pinky and the Brain" came from...
It was good to see Natalia get such a big part in the premiere. Lets hope this continues. Eva did really well with that opening scene, its terrible how she has been so under-used these past seasons.
Nat stated she's been to a crime scene before, but the first was not voluntary.
I believe that comment just tied into her marriage/abuse - it was unknown at the time that she was even married.

Then when she had the pregnancy scare with Eric, she seemed really relieved when it was false.
She still had a scary ex-husband in jail...one that, again, at that time we didn't know he was abusive. But from that episode, there was one thing she said that immediatly made me raise an eyebrow: "those home pregnancy tests don't work on me".
The only way to know that is if you've actually taken one. That said, it's very possible it was a throw-in line, or that she just at one time thought she was pregnant & had to see a doctor to find out for sure.
Still, I always thought it was odd and it made me wonder if there was more to it than we knew.

And then on another case, she was working a baby stroller, I know I could be making something out of nothing but all these seem like signs to me....
Lol, it's ok I do the same. That same season she'd analyzed a stroller, a binkie, & found a babies clothing in another episode -- I thought...hmmmmm.

Another thing to consider is that TPTB opted not to write in Procter's pregnancy - it would make alot of sense if they chose not to do so if the role of 'Mommy' had already been reserved for Natalia instead.

Just some thoughts.

My only other thought...but I don't think CSI miami would delve into this kind of storyline with their CSI's..... would be that Nick's death was staged, and maybe not at first, but somewhere down the line, Natalia found out about it...Maybe he has her under his spell again... she's keeping the secret that he's still alive
I kinda wondered that too (mainly because I still have a hard time buying that her cochlear concussion was from 5 years ago), but I don't know what good it would do bringing him "back from the dead". The outcome would be predictable - he'd try to kill her, & then he'd die...again.

My other guess would be that she took the wrap for something shady Nick did a long time ago (consequences that sent her to the lab as the mole).
I've always thought Natalia was a secretive person about her feelings, but at the same time it always seemed like she was carrying some guilt around with her too. I dunno. *shrug*
All this talk of more Natalia has got me interested in actually watching every episode of this season. :D

Speaking of Natalia's past though...has anyone else wondered why Nick told Eric to run as fast as he could from Natalia because he had no idea who she was? Forgive me if that has already been asked/talked about, I'm new and I haven't managed to read through the other two threads yet. :D
All this talk of more Natalia has got me interested in actually watching every episode of this season. :D

Speaking of Natalia's past though...has anyone else wondered why Nick told Eric to run as fast as he could from Natalia because he had no idea who she was? Forgive me if that has already been asked/talked about, I'm new and I haven't managed to read through the other two threads yet. :D

I think that was just an abusive personality [Nick] victimizing a non-abusive personality [Natalia]... it's typical for an abusive person to be oblivious to his problem and to think it's everyone else who has the problem... Abusive husbands always blame the wife...or mentally manipulate the wife into thinking she deserves it or that she really is the one 'misbehaving'... it's part of the sickness.

I wouldn't look too much into it, more than it just being what abusive people do. They [try to] pry on the weak.
I also do get the vibe from Natalia of her being secretive of her feelings or 'being closed off'. Nick def played a huge factor in her life.

The pregnancy test thing left a big hole for us.

All I know I can't wait to find out!
Wow, after just reading everyones thoughts on the "secret" I'm super syked to find out what it is!

CBS better deliver! Nat/Eva has shown already what a hell of an character/actress she is! Both character and actress are amazing and need some juciy plots!

All in all, whether it's a baby or something else, my gut is screaming Nick is involved, which I can't wait to see. Tptb made a mess of him in season 5, now I hope we get to see some of Nat's past to see why she married Nick, was the mole, etc...
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