Eva/Natalia #3: More of the Beautiful Compassionate Bionic Woman!

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This is also posted in the spoiler thread, but here's the good part about Natalia:

They are far stronger as a team than they are as individuals. They each bring unique pieces of the puzzle together, which makes the whole better than the sum of its parts. As we put them into high-octane situations, they need each other to survive."

So, expect some of those team members to become more important. O'Brien says DNA analyst Natalia Boa Vista (Eva La Rue) will be personally connected to several of this season's cases. "You're going to see revelatory glimpses into her past and into who she truly is," he says. "I think Natalia is a character with a secret. She's got a stormy ex-marriage that was abusive. So we're going to use her more in the field, in the line of fire."

Awesome!! I can't wait to see these glimpses into her past. :p

But ..."secret"? What secret could be bigger than her abusive marriage & her being an FBI Informant? :wtf:

"In the line of fire"..... cool, but don't kill her! ;)


I can't wait for the new season, damn it! I have to wait till tommorow (the 4th) to watch the premire...after a day of school ;(

But enough about me, more about Nat...which seems to be a lot this season! I agree about season 5, Nick was like a magic act, one minute he's here, next minute he's dead! No chance for some stir-up drama or action, or even flashbacks.....

they (writers) ruined a great oprotunity....hopefully they use it this time round!

But I shouldn't be complaining, all this talk about Nat centrics and looks into her past and "secrets bigger than the FBI days and marriage"
:wtf: I'm completely excited and curious! What other secrets does Nat have and......

I have a possible idea....hmmmm....I'll have to think it through before posting......:confused::confused::confused::confused::evil:

Thanks for the link MJ! I love her dresses! I want them so bad!!!! And that room was absolutely incredible!! MelxxWhoLuvsYa please send me your "possible idea"!!! It might be what I'm thinking....Can't wait for the premiere!!! And I'm so excited for this whole season! Possibly seeing back into Nat's past with abusiveness and stuff, I know Eva will pull that off amazingly and I can't wait to see it!!! :thumbsup:
Mind if I join in with you guys to freak out over the TV Guide article? As soon as I read it (contrary to popular belief, I do still follow Miami... though I follow it very loosely), I came right over here!

Sounds like TPTB are kind of/sort of finally listening to what the fans have been bitching about for the last gazillion seasons. (Although it doesn't sound like they've listened to me at all, as there's no mention of any Ryan or Frank storylines... and the mention of the relationshit-that-must-not-be-named makes it sound like it's not exactly going in the direction I want it to.) But, hey - there will be some Natalia moments and that's good enough for me!

With the announcement of Emily's pregnancy, I had kind of assumed that there'd be a lot more Natalia on screen this season anyway. We're going to need someone to continue to balance out all that testosterone when Emily goes on maternity leave, after all!

This is also posted in the spoiler thread, but here's the good part about Natalia:

They are far stronger as a team than they are as individuals. They each bring unique pieces of the puzzle together, which makes the whole better than the sum of its parts. As we put them into high-octane situations, they need each other to survive."

So, expect some of those team members to become more important. O'Brien says DNA analyst Natalia Boa Vista (Eva La Rue) will be personally connected to several of this season's cases. "You're going to see revelatory glimpses into her past and into who she truly is," he says. "I think Natalia is a character with a secret. She's got a stormy ex-marriage that was abusive. So we're going to use her more in the field, in the line of fire."
Awesome!! I can't wait to see these glimpses into her past. :p

But ..."secret"? What secret could be bigger than her abusive marriage & her being an FBI Informant? :wtf:

"In the line of fire"..... cool, but don't kill her! ;)

I admire your curiosity and your never-ending drive to always pick apart and analyze every single word that comes out of TPTB's mouth, MJ. :p You certainly got more out of the latest article than I did. From what I gathered reading O'Brien's comment about Natalia being someone with a secret, it sounded like he was just giving us his own personal take on the character. And his take on Natalia is pretty close to mine; who wouldn't be secretive and hold their cards so close to the table with a background like Nat's?

It sounds like (and this is purely speculation on my part, so I don't think this needs to go in a spoiler; correct me if I'm wrong) they're going to possibly touch on Natalia's relationship with Nick. (Has there been any mention of Rob Estes coming back at all? For maybe some flashbacks or something?) While this worries me a little, it would definitely give Eva a chance to really shine with a potentially emotional and meaty plot.
I am wary of these interviews with these producers. Nonetheless, it is good to hear something positive to us Natalia fans! He forgets to mention her hearing though. :p And ha, she is still our dear DNA analyst. I really want those glimpses of her past. Bring them on!! Do share all your ideas Mel. :)

I love her dresses! I want them so bad!!!! And that room was absolutely incredible!!

What are you refering to here?
I am wary of these interviews with these producers. Nonetheless, it is good to hear something positive to us Natalia fans! He forgets to mention her hearing though. :p And ha, she is still our dear DNA analyst. I really want those glimpses of her past. Bring them on!! Do share all your ideas Mel. :)

I love her dresses! I want them so bad!!!! And that room was absolutely incredible!!

What are you refering to here?

The video MJ found of her wedding! It shows the room and some of her wedding and stuff. I really want a scene of her getting a hit to the head that brings on the ear problem. Surely they didn't bring that up for nothing. I'm hoping for that. I really want to know if she has a secret though too. I can't wait when all this startes happening! :)
For the first time in almost two years, I watched a full episode of CSI: Miami. Hoooooly.

Anyway, my Eva/Natalia-related thoughts:

Never mind my earlier post mentioning Eva maybe getting some emotional/meaty opportunities later on in the season; she had one even before the opening credits tonight! The look of panic on her face, the devastation... Eva gets an A+ already. (But then again, I didn't expect anything less!) And I loved Natalia too, doing everything in her power to save Jesse and breaking down when she realized he was gone and there was nothing she nor anyone else could do.

Almost halfway through the episode and Natalia's been in quite a bit of it. I hope this is a sign of what's to come this season!

Girl knows her hieroglyphics! I love how Horatio and Eric just stood there in awe watching her go. Her little exchange with that British guy was nice to see, too!

Loved her at the end playin' basketball with the boys. YOU GO GIRL.

Overall, a good start to what I'm hoping will be a Natalia-packed season!
Loved her at the end playin' basketball with the boys. YOU GO GIRL.
:p That scene was the best, I loved it. Between her & Ryan going back & forth on the court, and her & Eric high-fiving "I got Natalia - let's go baby".....just so nice to finally see a really good team moment & Natalia being very much included. I'm a very content fan at the moment.

And yes, the intro...though it could've lasted a bit longer imo (the grieving), it was a great scene for Natalia. Eva's voice sounded like it was about to go out when she was yelling for help.... It was a nice added touch given she'd just gained consciousness.
Natalia was great in tonight's episode. She was great from start to finish.She knows her stuff in the lab and on the b-ball court.
Eric high-fiving "I got Natalia - let's go baby"
;) ;) ;)

I'm glad I tuned in tonight; the episode wasn't bad. (Better than one of the last ones I saw in its entirety, though an episode would have to really suck in order to be worse than the last episode I saw.) And the amount of Natalia in it almost made up for the one or two things that sucked about it.

So, can we toast to what looks like will be a promising, Natalia-filled season?

Midori Melon, anyone?

Yeah, the intro should have been longer, esp the part where Natalia was trying to save Jesse. But Eva was awesome. I wonder how many times she had to scream, her voice did went out. Props to Eva even for that very short scene which was somewhat ruin by that silly intro music. I don't see why they couldn't use another music intro.

Loved her chasing around and playing basketball with the guys. Awesome!

Hopefully, she gets to shine this season! Go Natalia!
Eric high-fiving "I got Natalia - let's go baby"......

I know I shouldn't be saying this on here but being an EDeN shipper, I smiled so bright when he said that! I never would've thought that he would pick her and call her baby ever again! It brought a smile to my face! :) But I def give that episode an A+!!!! A great way to start off the season not to mention I'm already pleased with the amount of Natalia we got! Hopefully it'll stay that way! Eva did amazing with the opening scene! I like could feel her hurt and sorrow! I think she out did herself on this one. The screaming the crying and her voice did go I think one time. It was just amazing! But when is she ever not?! And also was that her stunt double that tried to do CPR and breathe into him or was it her?????
It was her all along, they don't need a stunt double for this.

One thing I noticed though, Natalia wasn't wearing her 'hearing aid'. Either it is a 'Oops' or I wonder if they will suddenly miraculously heal her hearing problem though. Hmmz. They should try to be more careful or consistent in this area.
Eva was beautifully amazing last night. I could feel her anguish dripping through the tv screen further proving this woman never ceases to astound me. She brought me to tears, so bravo!
I do not come here often but I wanted to tell you guys that Natalia was great in last night episode.She can go head to head with the guys playing a game but at the same time you can see her sensitive side like when she found Jesse.I liked Natalia a lot in season 4 but hated the Nick storyline and is nice to see her like this.
Wow, I've only got to watch half of the premire episode and wow...wait a go Eva, that opening scene had me in tears. I've read the comments above and am now even more eager to see the ending, thanks guys ;)

And my idea of Nat's secret, which is just my speculation but....even consider Nat had a kid with Nick. I mean, they were married for a few years and she did once say there was good times. And in season 4, she says to Ryan when he lets her onto a scene that "Its her first scene by choice"

Perhaps Nick's violence was not always aimed at her? This is just complete speculation on my part, but I wonder if any of you have considered it? Or perhaps have other ideas what her secrect could be? Do share! ;D
RE: Fallen

I don't see any significance but I noticed it too. :p Either she found a more comfortable way to lay down, the direction she was told, or maybe she was waking up? Her head was moving too. Lol, this was how detailed I saw. :lol:

Aww, yes it will be a good scene for Natalia!

Don't worry, I've watched it a dozen times & I'm noticing all the pointless details myself. :lol: Noticed her head moving as well.

You're probably right that it doesn't hold any significance. Theories got the best of me though, & I wondered if maybe Jesse's murder took place close by the area Natalia was laying (since she seemingly spots him first) - that's where the killer rolling her over came into mind.
Then I thought: wow, that would really suck for her if she'd learn that his death happened right before her yet she was "sleeping" through it. Then I thought of all the other stuff that's supposed to happen to her later ...the whole 'Sleepless in Miami' thing...is she having trouble sleeping because of Jesse's death (& everything else - Nick, the explosion, hearing loss)? Does her hearing have something to do with it? Does she feel guilty that she didn't hear his murder, or wake up sooner? So much running through my head right now..... I should just go write my own story. I'm sure I'm over-thinking this wayyyy too much. :lol:

I forgot to say this but you should totally put that into a story, FanFiction.Net!!!! I really want to read it now, lol ;)

And "Fallen"....what an episode! Nat was brill during the opener, I was near tears, and with the hyrogliphics, she took charge! I loved how Eric and H just watched in awe, and then the basketball scene!

Did anyone notice the closeness between Ryan and Natalia? Between this and what I've heard happening in 9.06, it's gonna be a hell of a RaiNy season!
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