Eva/Natalia #2: History Aside, She's Making a Good One!

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If you go to Google or Yahoo, type in EXTRA or EXTRA TV, then navigate your way to the TV show's website, then the segment with Eva and her new beau should accessible on streaming media. Like we said he's a big dude.
i cant find it!! i keep searching on the extra website but its not on it.

I looked around Extra (it took quite a bit of digging, lol) and found Meet Me on Rue La Rue! "CSI: Miami" star Eva La Rue takes "Extra" with her on a trip to Paris. C'est bon!"

The video features her new beau. I'm not sure if this was the video you're looking for, but it was posted March 18 2008, so I have a feeling it might be. :)
they are so cute together and i cant believe all the chocolate she had in her room! Lucky girl!! Joe is cute and he kinda have a bodyguard shape!!!
How fun was that! She looks like she'd be such fun on a trip. We need to con CBS into giving away a trip to Europe with EP and ELR for one lucky fan and his/her companion of choice. ;)
hey guys. i'm kinda a new Eva fan here. i've been watching CSI:Miami on and off for the past couple of years but really just started watching it more b/c i love Eva as Natalia. she's the only character/actor i really like besides Emily Procter/Calleigh.

the video of Eva in Paris was adorable i really liked it, she's totally adorable.
Welcome to the Eva/Nat thread, MAKETRACKSCOWBOY...:)

@HORATIOSTALKER...I would do anything to hang out w/ EP & ELR even for an hour, they would be so much fun!!!

I thought it was a little funny in the first segment she interviewed that model, who's name was Natalia.:p

Eva's trip to Paris reminded me of a little girl on her first trip to Disneyworld, :lol:she was so cute.
That's something about Eva that comes off as appealing to me, most celebrities are all about the glamour everywhere they go & she seems so down to earth...love her.

Thanks for digging up the link SPEEDCOCHRANE.:)
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Speaking from a male perspective, it's quite obvious why I would like Eva. The woman is stunning!:drool:

What adds to her appeal is that she seems to be genuinely nice, not full of herself, approachable and personable. Definitely NOT a diva. Such qualities are a surprising breath of fresh air considering the sort of reckless, deviant, and tasteless behavior that we see so often in younger actresses these days. What's even worse is that so many of these younger stars really aren't that talented, their image is driven by marketing and exposure, usually BAD exposure. She seems to have a pretty good idea of what the pitfalls are to a career such as hers. I have also read of her honest work ethic which add to that down-to-earth quality that we see.:)

Let's hope she sticks around.:angel:
According to Wikipedia, Natalia's birthday is June 17th, 1972. I can't confirm if that's 100% true as Wikipedia is known for their er, not so credible information sometimes. CBS doesn't have her date of birth and neither does IMDB so if anyone else can confirm her birthdate, be my guest. :)

^^^ And you're very welcome re the link. :)
When her profile was pulled up in 'Internal Affairs', did anyone happen to see if it said it on there?
I don't recall. I don't see the point in giving any of them birthdays, they never say how old they really are or acknowledge when thier birthday is.
Except for Speed.
has anyone ever see Eva in Third Watch, i cant remember which episode of third watch it was but she was a cop. she looked alot younger too. she played a good part, well she always does :D. just thought i let ya know. i looked for a clip of it on youtube but i didnt have n e luck sry. l8er
A&E always show repeats of Third Watch & I still haven't seen it, but to anyone who wants to try & catch it, if you click on Eva's bio on the CBS Miami webpage, they list her credits & I believe they list the title of the episode also.

This is rather far away but YIPPEE, im so excited!!
Apparently Natalia finally has her gun in this epi. Who knows what they have in store for her but im all too psyched to see what happens w/ her & Rich the shooting instructor....
Just to recap,
Rich is training her for free.
Rich was a little too interested in her leaving evidence in her vehicle in 'inside out'.
He asked her out obviously a few times, she shows no interest.
Nat makes comment about "it being scary & wanting to buy a gun" in SYG.
Nat has a strange reaction to the dead body in "Permanent Vacation".
Eva's interview qoute: "Natalia will get into an embroiled situation, despite her best efforts, it doesn't end well"
& from another tid bit was that there will be a big plot twist w/ her character that even the producers haven't clued her in on.
You do the math...:p TPTB better not let us down w/ this one!
^^ I remember seeing Eva on 'Third Watch'. :) It's a shame that show ended. I believe it was one of the repeats on A&E too, so I doubt I saw it when it was new. I remember thinking "Hey I know her!"

I didn't realize that much has surfaced about her! I'd heard something about a twist but I wasn't holding my breath as TPTB rarely finish what they start. I think they have wonderful potential with Natalia this season (I absolutely LOVED Miami Confidential) so I hope they continue to develop her.

And I wonder what the 'embroiled situation' will be. I'm thinking maybe she makes a mistake and someone dies. Since Eva said 'despite her best efforts'. *shrugs*

By the way, I was watching that ET clip again. She looks so happy. :D And I can't believe their driver was stopped by the police and didn't have a valid liscence. :lol: That's hilarious.
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