Eva/Natalia #2: History Aside, She's Making a Good One!

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I would kind of like to see something more interpersonal between Calleigh and Natalia. For instance, recall the scene in "If Looks Could Kill", the epi where Nick shows up,-Calleigh has a brief but concerned conversation with Nat about the whole situation. The key there was that Calleigh showed concern as a friend.
I would like to see something similar but in a reverse direction.
For instance:
With Stetler prowling around looking for some way to undermine Horatio and the team, Natalia expresses concern for Calleigh given the fact that Natalia knows that Calleigh and Jake are still seeing each other despite the department policy. Nat reveals that she spotted the two together on a night out. Although Nat has not told anyone else she expresses here concern for Calleigh and the possible damage it could do to her career, and his as well. It becomes their secret.

Fun to play with scenarios and stuff.
I agree this Tally board seems childish, but hey, it's drama right! Usually Stetler is all over Horatio, but this time around he has already started lashing out against the other team members....Ryan/gambling...Calleigh/Jake/Job..... I don't know where Nat would fall into all this but I can definitely see that TPTB are playing on her career this season. She has trouble shooting, obviously that is something that has been kept a secret between members of t he team (deep freeze) she made the comment of "them" finding ou t . Then theres the issue from 'Inside Out' & the DA chick's comment. I just get the feeling that Stetler will do some digging of his own on the personal issues & try his hardest to cause tension between everyone..somewhere I can see Natalia getting her own rash of heat from him about something!

That's a good idea DHELIX. Calleigh & Natalia's on screen friendsip is something I really enjoy seeing. I'd love to see Natalia have her "back" in a situation.
I would love to see when Natalia becomes an official CSI for them to all go out & have a drink together. Horatio pops a bottle of champaigne, & gives a toast. We never get to see anything like that, it would be a nice touch.
Then they could have one of those famous "sappy" endings where Horatio stands back & watches them all together w/ the sappy music playing in the background!!
:DI love those endings!! :D
Hello hello!!!
Thought i'd bring over some Eva news.

On the message boards on Eva's website, Eva posted yesterday that on MARCH 17th, the show "EXTRA" will air all 5 Paris Fashion week segments & she said that we will get a peek at her new beau!!!

Im marking my calender!!

She also said she is happy to be back at work & did lots of vacationing during the strike. She is so sweet, I absolutely love her to death!!
Anyway, another poster asked if she has anything on Natalia's story. If Eva replies w/ anything, i'll be sure to bring it over to share. ;)

YEEE...can't wait for the Natalia arc!! :D
I thought they were going to air Eva's trip to Paris for at the beginning of February. If you go to certain sites like
Viewimages.com or Gettyimages.com. There are a number of photographs of Eva at the events in Paris. There's even a video on YouTube of her arriving at two of these shows. In both instances however she arrives alone.

There is one photo of her holding the arm of some man. At first I thought this might be the new guy. The only thing that makes me doubt it now is that Eva, who is about 5' 7" add three inches for high heels, actually looked taller than this guy. If this guy was a pro football player, he would quite likely be taller and larger than the man Eva was with.
More than likely I think it was an escort/translator of some sort. Pictures of Eva and the new guy together are proving to be quite elusive. I'm sure they have there reasons though. :confused: :cool:
This was the post from Eva yesterday on her message boards.
Eva:Sorry for being MIA! I've been trying to put this strike to good use! Took a trip to Turks & Caicos with my sister,went to Paris fashion week with "Extra", and hit Disney World with my family for 5 days (and now need a vacation after my vacation!). Oh, and yes... I fell in LOVE!! Yep, it's been a hell of a 3 months! We started back to work this week(YEEAAYY!!), and we will finish 7 episodes by May 1st, then we'll be back on hiatus. I believe our first new episode aires March 24. And the week of March 17th, "Extra" will be airing all 5 Paris fashion week segments (and you'll get a peek at the new beau!). Hope all are well, happy and healthy! Tons of love~ Eva
end quote!

Im not sure about that other guy, I do remember seeing one w/ her & another man, but then I also thought someone said it was her brother.
Then again, I heard Eva in an interview state that her brother was killed in a drunk driving accident when she was 11. :confused:
I believe Eva has two brothers. One, was killed by a drunk driver when she was ten or eleven years old, so that brother has been gone for some time.

I have seen photos of her with a man who is identified as her brother Luis. It is possible that this Luis fellow could be a half-brother. Eva's parents are divorced, and she has a half-sister, Lara, as well. I know her sister Nikka is the one closest to her.

I'm just sort of putting out that there is a picture of Eva with some fellow. It could be the new guy, but he seems kind of small to be a former pro football player. If you ask me the guy pictured would get CREAMED against even a field against even average-sized pro football players. So it's just my guess this fellow in the photo is NOT the new beau.

:cool: :cool: :cool:
Just had a look on imdb and I couldn't believe it has her year of birth of 1966. Is this correct? She looks amazing. I would have said she was in her late 20's.
Yep! She turned 41 this last December? Can you believe it?
Factors that contribute? First, I am sure she takes care of herself with diet and exercise. Given that she is in show business, part of her job is to look good. Second, and one thing she admits herself, are some really good genes which she credits to her father's side of the family.
I don't know why but i'd love to see a picture of her parents. Her sister Nika i've seen (she also had a cameo appearance in Darkroom epi), but I can't get a good idea of what her mom or dad look like. I think I read that her Aunts all have blonde hair & blue eyes :D Most likely from her Mother's side.

I still can't find any pictures w/ a new guy, however a "little birdie" posted on Eva's website a few pics from the Paris show; I clicked on them to enlarge them & in almost everyone there is a very NIIIICE lookin' man about 2 steps behind her!!

He may just be some guy but damn he's cute, im like "ooh Eva, turn around" :D :D

The "little birdie" also said she saw her on set & that she is loooking EXTRA FABULOUS!!
How much more gorgeous could she get?
I can't wait to see though.
She must be wearing that "im in love" glow!! ;)
Well since Eva is taken care of we absolutely must work on Natalia ;) ;)*cough* *cough*
If you look around hard enough I do believe you can find a photo of Eva with her father, not sure where though.

If I remember reading correctly the new guy was with her for at least part of her adventure over in Paris. I think she was quoted that he was with her at the Valentino show. I guess he was there and supportive even though he didn't totally understand what it was all about.

I think I know at least one of the pictures MJ is referring to. The one I saw shows a guy, two steps behind her on a cellphone or something. I'm not sure he's the guy either, given that he looks really young. Maybe Eva has decided to go in the other direction this time around, instead of older men, maybe she's trying someone younger. I just get the impression from what little she said about him that "Joe" is a more mature individual.

We'll find out in two weeks or so anyway. :D :confused: :D :confused:
Yeah, that's the one^^^, the guy does look really young, most likely not him, but he is awfully cute :D

I imagine the new man to be a little older than her, seems like that is what she is attracted to, considering both her ex's are at least 12 or 13 years older than her.

I don't know if anyone else noticed this, but I did. On the Chelsea Lately show, Eva's hair looked darker to me.
I asked the little birdie over at Eva's site if her hair looked darker in person. She replied today & said, yes it did.
Now im even more excited to see her hair in the new epi!!! :D :rolleyes:

Question...should Natalia gradually go back to her darker roots or keep it highlighted? just curious..
Ooooh! Tough one! I have seen Eva with both her natural color, a very dark brown and I have seen her with the highlights.

Damn! I really can't decide yet. I,m going to have to stew on this one. :D :D
Back to converstaion....

I kinda hope she stays w/ her hair darker for awhile....if we'll even be able to tell w/ all that Miami lighting!!

She's gorgeous either way, but I like the darker Latino look!

1 more week....Paris show on Extra...Eva's new man.
2 weeks....NEW EPIS!!! YAY!

I'll be watching the old rerun tomorrow night just hoping we'll get some previews!!
I think I favor her with the highlighted look but only by a narrow margin. I think it brightens her face somewhat and lets those eyes of hers stand out.

I think if we see the new guy it's only going to be a brief peak. Eva has been photographed a number of times during the writer's strike and the new guy is nowhere to be seen. He's maintained a low profile and I believe that's the way he/they want it.
hey Guys & Gals, just a reminder....
Tomorrow, Monday night on EXTRA will be Eva in the Paris Fashion Week segments....watch for the new man:p..& Eva of course!;)

Found a new interview w/ Eva
Very funny..Eva looked great...nothing "spoilish" though!

Theres a part in it when the guy asks if she has ever seen the show in Spanish w/ a dubbed voice. Eva says "No" & asks if her voice is high or low. Then they show a clip & it's completely dubbed w/ a man's voice, it is so hilarious, I was cracking up!!
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